The Incredible Hulk Deleted Scenes Rundown!
By comparing a viewing of The Incredible Hulk to a reading of its Peter David-penned novelization, the fine folks at 4thletter have created an in-depth list of the omissions that would add up to those 70 minutes of deleted scenery.
The list of cuts includes:
* many scenes with Major Sparr, the female military character
* the Asian college student was Amadeus Cho, the Hulk comic book supporting cast member
* several bits for the fanboys: Banner's dog being named Rick, an 'It's Clobbering Time' joke
* Banner tells Betty about a dream he's had, which is essentially the classic Hulk - The End one-shot
* a lot, a lot, a lot of Hulk vs Abomination fight footage
* a much-expanded role for Betty's boyfriend, who oddly goes unnamed in the film: Leonard "Doc" Samson
and the big one:
"The opening scene, which appears to be the kind of thing to take place before the credits, has a truck driving through the arctic. Bruce Banner asks the driver to stop when they’re in the middle of nowhere. Then he gets out and walks away. The driver is confused, but drives off anyway. Banner walks through the blizzard, pulls out a pistol and tries to off himself. His arm won’t let him and he unwillingly pulls the gun away from his head and fires it empty. Then he falls to the ground, hoping to die from the cold, but transforms into the Hulk instead. As the Hulk, he smashes the ground and breaks it into icebergs.
"This was probably going to be where the hyped Captain America appearance was going to take place. I suppose that without Namor in the cards, they would just have Hulk be the one to smash up the arctic and release his frozen body into the water. From what I understand, a version of this scene is in the videogame.
Whoever decided to cut this scene is a total ^^^^^."
Very much agreed, there. If they're trying to build up to an Avengers movie, shouldn't they make the most of opportunities like this?
Incredible Hulk should be on DVD in time for the holidays and they've promised the deleted footage will be included.
The full deleted scene rundown is here. It's good work.