Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Re: NECA T-1000

If you have any of the other NECA T-800s, the articulation is the same, it's the same parts, all the T-800s share parts except for what has to be unique to the specific look.
I have them. You should know that, lol. The reason I ask is the articulation should be different on the Steel Mill compared to the rest as the Mcfarlane style pose can't be achieved if it's the same. have the Liquid Metal T-1000 up for pre-order
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Re: NECA T-1000

I have them. You should know that, lol. The reason I ask is the articulation should be different on the Steel Mill compared to the rest as the Mcfarlane style pose can't be achieved if it's the same. have the Liquid Metal T-1000 up for pre-order

I hear ya, but NECA's all about recycling, they've put out a T-800 Steel Mill without new parts and engineering and they're happy with that. Anytime they can reuse parts, they do unfortunately. I'm glad we've got so many T-800 representations from them, but it would be nice if they all didn't look so alike.
Re: NECA T-1000

I'm happy as larry with the McFarlane figure itself for that pose. With Neca's head its an excellent piece, essentially a statue but since we have the Neca figures that no longer goes against as much as it used to.

To get the Neca figure into that pose it wouldn't be so much changing the articulation as increasing its range. The only way to do that would be to cut notches into the right upper arm so the lower arm can pull up tighter. Just not worthwhile.
Re: NECA T-1000

In my opinion, the ball joints at the elbows of the T-1000 are very ugly.
They are not as hidden as the T-800.

This destroys the overall impression.

The face Sulpt is very nice.

I hope for a 18 "T-1000 and another 7" figures.
Re: NECA T-1000

Hi guys! i'm new around here, so first of all hello to everybody! and secondly please excuse my awful english because it's not my lenguage and well, i'm still working on it.

I have the 4 previous Arnies and i'm really looking forward to the new wave. By the way, did you notice the cool effect on the T-1000's right foot, like liquid metal melting with the floor as he walks? it's not really accurate from either galleria or pescadero scenes but in my opinion it's cool and probably helps a lot with the stability
Re: NECA T-1000

Welcome, awful english?? Not at all! I saw just one spelling mistake and even that was probably just a typo! Your english is totally fine.

Yeah that effect on the T-1000's foot is interesting. As you say not really accurate but its probably for the stability and also maybe NECA wanted to put in a discreet little reminder for people of the T-1000's liquid metal nature where otherwise some might say its just a figure of a policeman. I think its cool, it doesn't detract from the figure in any way.
Re: NECA T-1000

I think it's there mainly to allow for the in motion stance of the figure, because that's a feature that happens in the movie, it gives them something to add to the foot to help it stand up without just adding excess boot heel or something distracting, it's part of his character so even if you notice it, it looks like it should be there, but on a 7" figure you'd hardly notice it.
Re: NECA T-1000

I'm so looking forward to the T-1000 figures arriving at some comic shops this week!
I'm also really digging the split head T-1000 more than I would have expected.
Re: NECA T-1000

In my opinion, the ball joints at the elbows of the T-1000 are very ugly.
They are not as hidden as the T-800.

This destroys the overall impression.

The face Sulpt is very nice.

I hope for a 18 "T-1000 and another 7" figures.

I think NECA is starting to move away from 18"ers and doing 12" figures instead. Costs on these figures have just kept going up, I don't its as profitable as it once was to make 18" figures. Plus 12" is my prefered scale so there is cross-over options with SS/HT figures. Like a liquid metal T-1000 :pray:
Re: NECA T-1000

Like a liquid metal T-1000 :pray:

You better stop doing that to yourself Buttmunch. Maulfan too. You guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment.

I'd love a 12" Liquid Metal T-1000 for the same reason you guys want one, to go with my Hot Toys figures. Well, that and it would be pretty damn cool. But I think the chances of that happening are VERY slim. It would be nice, but I wouldn't count on it.

We know NECA isn't thinking "how about we put out a liquid metal 12" figure since Hot Toys probably won't do one". We don't even know if they have a 12" T-1000 on their mind. If they do, we know damn well it would be a regular one before the silver version. They'd probably make it as a companion piece for the 12" Pescadero Terminator.

I have my fingers crossed but I don't expect it to happen. Our best bet would be for them to make a regular 12" one and then customizing it with silver paint (thought personally, I wouldn't do that since I'm against customizing my things).
Re: NECA T-1000

I think NECA's sticking 90% with the 7" scale, at least in America, I'd wager most collectors interested in the 18" scale aren't content enough with NECA quality, even if it's only $50, and won't buy them, and it's pretty big and pricey for the teenagers going to the mall with their friends spending a little spare change.
Re: NECA T-1000

You better stop doing that to yourself Buttmunch. Maulfan too. You guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment.

I'd love a 12" Liquid Metal T-1000 for the same reason you guys want one, to go with my Hot Toys figures. Well, that and it would be pretty damn cool. But I think the chances of that happening are VERY slim. It would be nice, but I wouldn't count on it.

We know NECA isn't thinking "how about we put out a liquid metal 12" figure since Hot Toys probably won't do one". We don't even know if they have a 12" T-1000 on their mind. If they do, we know damn well it would be a regular one before the silver version and the reason for them making it would be to go with the 12" NECA Pescadero Terminator.

I have my fingers cross but I don't expect it to happen. Our best bet would be for them to make a regular 12" one and then customizing it with silver paint.

Actually I wouldn't put it past them thinking that. They made the HUGE Balrog for LotR that was in scale with the Toybiz figures. So they've done it before, but I do know what you mean. If the liquid metal was such a huge seller, it wouldn't be a SDCC for the 7". But I suppose a full-color 12" Galleria Mall version would be just fine as it could be chromed (by someone more talented that me).
Re: NECA T-1000

I don't think sales so much dictates the chrome one being SDCC as much as probably complexity of the paint application and producing less of them.
Re: NECA T-1000

Actually I wouldn't put it past them thinking that. They made the HUGE Balrog for LotR that was in scale with the Toybiz figures. So they've done it before, but I do know what you mean. If the liquid metal was such a huge seller, it wouldn't be a SDCC for the 7". But I suppose a full-color 12" Galleria Mall version would be just fine as it could be chromed (by someone more talented that me).

That's true. They did make that Barlog after Toy Biz canceled theirs. I don't think their intention making it was to give collectors a Balrog for their 6" Lord of the Rings figures though. Maybe it was, who knows.

If NECA makes a 12" T-1000, I hope it's the liquid metal cop version. I doubt it because of the above reasons, but I want it regardless. If that's impossible then atleast a regular Galleria cop 12" figure. That way collectors could throw on some chrome for the desired effect and I'd atleast have a 12" T-1000 to go with the other two 12" figures they made.
Re: NECA T-1000

What do you have to do to paint figures in chrome? I've tried it before but the stuff never dries, it comes off on anything it touches, attracts dust and micro-hairs forevermore.

Spraying a Galleria T-1000 chrome would be easy if not for this.
Re: NECA T-1000

I bet you could actually get it chrome plated at one of the places that do it. I live near one. They chrome plate anything. From car bumpers to ipod covers. Things a lot smaller than a 12" figure, that's for sure. Probabaly dear though.
Re: NECA T-1000

I hate this vac metallized finish NECA uses with some of their accesories.If you have some Kill Bill figures (with katanas) you probably know why i say this. The paint stick out of the object and you find yourself with your fingers covered with tiny pieces of that thing..and let's not talk about the awful effect it causes of a figure to wield a sword that has half of his paint missing.. I mean, if they paint the T1000 this way, they better do it well, because a t1000 with paint issues would be a disaster
Re: NECA T-1000

I don't know if SWH posts here on sideshow but he posted the run down on the new T-1000 figures with some nice comparison pics on thefwoosh.

Scroll down a bit, you can't miss them.

Well, I'm excited. I always thought the Movie Maniacs one was fantastic, but as you can see from his pics the new NECA version blows it away. I'm not surprised. I'm not going to get rid of the original though, it still fits with the 2 in one feature and it's unique parts (pretzel man and doughnut head). I'm not into the whole "obsolete", sell/trade thing.

Can't wait to get a few of both T-1000 figures in the next couple of weeks. I plan on atleast 2-3 of each to make every possible combination. I was thinking of passing on the 3D Across Time and Steel Mill T-800 but I'll probably cave and buy them too. I have a soft spot for T2 3D merch because I had those special edition Kenner figures with the correct movie paint applications as a kid.

Then it's on to the Liquid Metal SDCC exclusive and hopefully a teaser or official pics of the Hot Toys T-1000.
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Re: NECA T-1000

Going by the photo, the McFarlane one looks about equal to the NECA, NECA's does look a bit better but not hugely. Given a decent price, I'd still pick up the McFarlane. The NECAs are going to require a little heat application to straighten the stabbing finger and the hook arms though, can't leave them all limp looking.