Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Re: NECA T-1000

I don't really buy this scale anymore...but the T-1000 look to good to pass up...still one of the best on-screen villains ever!

Re: NECA T-1000

You got any more pics of the new T-800 pics Difab? Looks like there's no bandolier afterall.


"Trust me." The asian sellers for some reason don't include it. I'm guessing because they swipe it off the assembly line.

All the packaged shots and most of the figures on ebay have the bandolier. Not to worry.
Re: NECA T-1000

Oh, Devo this one is for you. No exit wounds.

NNNNOOOooooooooo!! There should be exit wounds, they were most definitely there in the film.....but easy to miss I guess. They didn't film him from behind in any shots but if you study the scene carefully you can see he has exit wounds on his back just barely visible.

Apart from that omission these T-1000s look fantastic. Good paintjobs on all those examples by the looks of it.
Re: NECA T-1000

The exit wounds were a strange thing, if you watch the very end where Sarah unloads the shotgun on him, at one view he's taking hits with no exit wounds, then they cut to a different angle of him and they're there.

There's really no blatant shots of them in the movie though, unless someone brings it to your attention and you go looking for them, you can easily not notice them there, plus, because they were a practical effect, there was never a hole showing to indicate the bullet went through, it looks like a mini crater instead of blast through like his eye was. I've spent the whole time since T2 came out up until the past year or so never realizing he had exit wounds in countless viewings of the movie.
Re: NECA T-1000

I possibly would never have noticed only for the fact that the McFarlane figure had them. You never got that one if I recall correctly?

Just thinking, I have an expendable McFarlane torso that I messed up back in the day by trying to spray it chrome. I might try to transplant some of his exit wounds onto the NECA.
Re: NECA T-1000

The T-1000 (Gallaria slighly over Pescadero ) is definitely my most antcipated figures of 2010. Followed shortly thereafter by the NECA's Predator & Predator 2 figures in July and Play Arts' Big Boss due out in sometime in June/ July.
It's going to be a great Summer of figures!
Re: NECA T-1000

I possibly would never have noticed only for the fact that the McFarlane figure had them. You never got that one if I recall correctly?

Just thinking, I have an expendable McFarlane torso that I messed up back in the day by trying to spray it chrome. I might try to transplant some of his exit wounds onto the NECA.

No, I never had any of the McFarlane T2 figures, the T-800 looked so bad and I wouldn't have gotten the T-1000 without it so once hte T-800 sucked I stopped paying attention.
Re: NECA T-1000

With the Neca head the McFarlane T-800 is excellent. You won't get that pose out of the Neca Steel mill figure. You probably still aren't feeling a need to go back and get him but if you did I still see him available on BBTS...$22.99 though. No T-1000 however.
Re: NECA T-1000

T-1000 I do want to go back and get but that's like $50 on eBay so I've been in no rush, and while yeah, you can update the McF now, that didn't factor in years ago when it came out, it was either accept it as a crappy portrait or don't, I chose don't.
Re: NECA T-1000

T-1000 I do want to go back and get but that's like $50 on eBay so I've been in no rush, and while yeah, you can update the McF now, that didn't factor in years ago when it came out, it was either accept it as a crappy portrait or don't, I chose don't.

Oh definitely try to get the T-1000. For the exploded torso if nothing else. I don't think NECA will be doing that, certainly can't see HT doing it. So McFarlane's will likely be the only option if you want that represented in your collection.
Re: NECA T-1000

Thanks for the eBay link, and I actually like the McF for the donut head more than the split torso.
Re: NECA T-1000

Thanks for the eBay link, and I actually like the McF for the donut head more than the split torso.

No problemo. I really recommend it. You might want to think fast though, it looks like someone just put in an offer for it (June 2nd, just a few minutes ago. Probably a freak :lol).

Good luck.
Re: NECA T-1000

Even if I miss this one, I'm sure there'll be others. I've been searching for McFarlane T-1000 but that auction doesn't even say that, so I should add different words. I wish eBay could be standardized with listing words, but everyone lists as different things, sometimes not even knowing the proper name of what they're selling, and you can miss auctions because you didn't type the right words.
Re: NECA T-1000

Yeah, there will be. They always come up. You shouldn't have any problems getting this guy for less than 20 dollars shipped.
Re: NECA T-1000

It's all about timing sometimes with eBay. There was a Godzilla model kit I've wanted for years, and everytime it came up, it'd go for hundreds, I got it a while back for like $60, just got to be willing to wait for a bargain.
Re: NECA T-1000

Hey guys, for all of you that don't like the new steel mill version of the T-800 because he can't be posed with the right arm bended in the right angle, there's a solution, but i'm afraid you have to get your hands dirty...the fact is that it's not an articulation issue,but a sculpting one. If you cut a little piece of plastic from the upper arm (just in the articulation) you can make the arm reach any angle you want..however it won't look too good when the arm isn't bended, unless you re-sculpt it. If you don't mind keeping him in that position,it's a great solution
Re: NECA T-1000

Even if I miss this one, I'm sure there'll be others. I've been searching for McFarlane T-1000 but that auction doesn't even say that, so I should add different words. I wish eBay could be standardized with listing words, but everyone lists as different things, sometimes not even knowing the proper name of what they're selling, and you can miss auctions because you didn't type the right words.

I have the mcfarlane t-1000 one mint on card,i will sale $21 delivered.