I don't know about you Devo but I hate it when other collectors are like "Meh, the NECA one is crap, the Hot Toys one is better." From a general collectible stand point, that may be true. I think what people forget to take into account though is that, on one hand you have a somewhat limited $150 + collectible and on the other a mass produced $12 figure. They're the best of both worlds. Does one have to be deemed superior while the other, inferior?
I agree. It disappoints me when I see people saying 'now I can get rid of that Neca figure'. It sounds ungrateful for Neca after they became the first company to end almost 20 years with no decent poseable T2 figures that definitely looked like what they were supposed to be straight from box.. Yes there were statues, busts and PFs but nothing really for the action figure enthusiast.
So I do feel an attachment to Neca's line. It derives from my love and nostalgia for the McFarlane 7" T2 figures (which were more like statues in figure form). They were the first Terminator figures I owned since the Kenner ones, there was finally an attempt to make them look like what they were supposed to look like (lack of arnie likeness excepted)..and in turn Neca came along, bettered and improved upon those in all the important ways - useful articulation thats still well hidden and of course by actually having the likeness rights. Despite having moved up to high end 1/6th Neca's T2 line made me jump right back into the classic 7" sized figures.
No one
has to say that one is better than the other (HT versus Neca). However when you've got two figures based on the same subject matter coming out at the same time it kind of inevitably comes into play. "Which one will I get?" Well me I buy both because I'm a T2 nut and I have zero self discipline with my money.

But for others its kind of called upon to decide which is more worth having.
If we
do get into making a decision on which is better I admit that it would be foolish to actually say that the lower end Neca is
better than the higher end HT. But then even in the great debate I had with Nam I was never saying such a thing. I was only saying that objectively there were some things right about Tankman's headsculpt that aren't quite right about Yulli's sculpt and this I still believe is true. Equally objectively I think I see beautifully realistic subtleties in Yulli's sculpt that, if they are present on Tankman's one, may be unfortunately muted by the paint or the sandpaper skin texture.
I really, really like NECAs Arnold headsculpt. I know people would never agree with me but I think its better sculpt wise going by these pics and owning one. I think if you sent a plain old NECA head to Hot Toys and they somehow casted it in their plastic and hand painted it we'd have the definitive sunglasses look.
I would
love to see Tankman's sculpt given a HT finish and paintjob. I agree, with the more accurate vertical dimensions of Neca T-800s face, the sunglasses look better on it. With the sunglasses on the HT things look a bit too squashed in the centre of his face if you compare it to a film still. Is the Neca actually a better sculpt? Well its got the dimensions in its favour, its hair is equally well done and it doesn't have the annoying neck joint at the base of the skull. But the Hot Toys has the high-end finish and eyes that really look like they were plucked from Arnie's head and reduced to 1/6th scale. Also I think it has the mouth area better than the Neca one. Neca's figure, I dunno, the jaw is too puffed out or something - it looks like a permanent 'concentration' face such as he would make while firing the shotgun - now this may have been deliberate in which case this is exactly what Arnie looks like while discharging the shotgun in the mall corridor...but something more neutral might have been preferred.
Maybe Tankman's sculpt would definitively be better if it had a high-end finish, I am certainly capable of entertaining that notion. Right now though the HT one both looks enough like Arnie in its raw sculpt
and has the high end finish so its hard not to go with HT if you have to choose.
With that said though, I don't even own the Hot Toys one, so how can I talk? I'm on the fence with it. I REALLY REALLY wanted it when I saw the specs but then all these in hand pics flooded in and it just looks off. Small head, dark features around the eyes, a noticeable gap between the neck and head (why didn't they just use a neck post). Basically all the gripes you had Devo.
Since it appears we have (or had since you now have one) the same issues with the HT headsculpt do you suggest I buy one? I know things are better in person (I HATED how HT Two-Face and Cop Joker looked until I owned them) but there is something about that head that really throws everything off. My plan was to wait and see if they make a new clean V2 head and just buy the necessary parts for the pre-pescadero look. I'm taking a gamble, but so are the people that are buying with a possible update.
My feelings are thus: I was looking at a
lot of pics of the Hot Toys T-800 figure and considering starting a thread in the General Collectibles forum entitled "Afraid to speak your mind in the midst of rabid HT fanboyism?" Because I thought it looked very underwhelming in a few pics.
Excellent in some properly taken, properly futzed and posed pics but fairly
meh in the pics of a few other people who were perhaps impatient in taking photos (like me) or who just don't seem to have an eye for when something looks stupid in a photograph! Those same criticisms you mention were all going through my head and I just didn't want to risk saying them in the MMS117 thread.
Now I have the figure and I believe anyone who says 'pics don't do it justice'. My nitpicks are just out the window. I suppose I can't say for sure yet that this isn't just 'new toy boner' talking. Furthermore as a T2 fanatic and completist RE: poseable figures from said film its not a purchase I would ever regret anyway even if my nitpicks did come to the fore again. All I know is a few bad photos don't matter with this figure in my hand.