Official NECA Terminator Thread

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Well, that's your opinion and i don't think the same way. I wonder how is an action figure "boring"? i can say 18" are boring because they usually stay alone on a shelf, while 7" you can pose them together, make a dioramana or recreate scenes from a movie.
Well, that's your opinion and i don't think the same way. I wonder how is an action figure "boring"? i can say 18" are boring because they usually stay alone on a shelf, while 7" you can pose them together, make a dioramana or recreate scenes from a movie.

Well, thats your opinion, in my eyes 12" und spacially 7" are for children.
Necas figures from Movies should be 18" and not 7inch like :

or 12" like :
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Well, that's your opinion and i don't think the same way. I wonder how is an action figure "boring"? i can say 18" are boring because they usually stay alone on a shelf, while 7" you can pose them together, make a dioramana or recreate scenes from a movie.

Exactamundo! :clap

I don't begrudge anyone their 18", but 7" and 12" will always get a greater range of figures and thus greater interraction between figures.

Selektiv you may just have to bite the bullet and start buying the smaller scales if you want to continue collecting. Not saying its right but 18" may be on the way out. If they now won't make Arnold Schwarzenegger in 18" I'd say that makes the chances of anything else fairly slim.
I think NECA's size selections are probably based on figure prices, their customer base and what other companies make.

I think they committed to the T2 12" T-800s before knowing HT was stepping up and may not have if they'd known, they probably figured, their competition at the time was the Sideshow figures, their 12" T-800s would have some appeal, and they were right, I got the Pescadero 12" figuring it was the best chance to have a nice looking T-800 at the scale, but I probably wouldn't have gotten it if I'd known about the HT line, not that for what it is, the NECA 12" is no good, just no sense spending the redundant money, and I would still have all the 7" NECA figures. Likewise, they probably didn't explore 18" T2 because, whether you like it or not, Sideshow already tackled that with the PF, so there was a competitive product. Their 7 inch scale only has old McFarlane figures to compete with and by having likeness for Arnie, they already have an edge of McFarlane, plus doing multiple figures.

The 7 inch line is very affordable for the younger consumers that frequent shops in the U.S. where NECA is primarily sold, their size allows consumers to buy more and take up less space and it's easier and more cost effective to build a whole line. NECA's larger stuff has always been a figure here or there, but there's never been a line of them, 7 inch is the only scale to get numerous figures from a property.
Maybe NECA wanna end like Mcfarlane :

2001 (18inch) ;



2010 (7inch)



Neca are on the same way.
I have to diagree with everything you say. Saying (and excuse me for this,but it's just as i feel it) "Well, thats your opinion, in my eyes 12" und spacially 7" are for children." is just a huge proof of ignorance. Also, saying today that NECA is going down,and compare it to McFarlane(nowadays,not years ago) makes me think (honestly) that you don't know what you're talking about. You seem to be a fairly dissapointed customer because companies dont' work on the scale you like to collect anymore. Ok,it's fair you complain, but get over it and don't look down on other people that are getting what they want from these companies,and are happy with it,man.
Exactamundo! :clap

I don't begrudge anyone their 18", but 7" and 12" will always get a greater range of figures and thus greater interraction between figures.

Selektiv you may just have to bite the bullet and start buying the smaller scales if you want to continue collecting.
Not saying its right but 18" may be on the way out. If they now won't make Arnold Schwarzenegger in 18" I'd say that makes the chances of anything else fairly slim.

You kidding me, never !! The only one i have in 12" is;


....because billy 12" fits nicely with my 18" figures, 1/4 would be too big for the little puppet.
Maybe NECA wanna end like Mcfarlane :

I don't get this comment, both these companies gained a lot of attention for their highly detailed smaller scaled figures, its not like they started out selling 12 and 18inch figures.

I have no room/desire for 18inch figures/staction figures but, plenty for some well detailed 12inch ones to blend in with my many other 1/6th figures. Select 6-7inch Neca figures do interest me though as well,especially their Terminator line.
@ Maulfan's post-

Yes I agree, I too suspect Neca would not have chosen 12" if they had known Hot Toys were jumping on the bandwagon so soon after. For this reason, and the possible reason of slow/reduced sales, I can't see them releasing the 12" T-1000. I just think it would have been announced by now. The 12" T-800s were announced at the first outset of the 7" line IIRC.

@ Selektiv -

Well yes we all know how much McFarlane has gone downhill and particularly so if those Prince of Persia figures are anything to go by. They look no better than a Hasbro figure. But if you're suggesting that thats what Neca's 7" figures are akin to then I disagree. I see much better quality in what Neca is doing lately...probably because McFarlanes best sculptors jumped ship when they saw how mystifying TMPs decisions and license choices were becoming.
The sculpt and paint on the PoP figures look a lot better than a Hasbro figure.

Well, except for the faces. :eek:

Also, selektiv. You're still collecting toys. ;)

But whatever makes you sleep at night. :cool:
I dunno, to me it looks like a step-down from what they used to do. Either that or it shows that Hasbro have upped their game.
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I wanna 18" Predator like the million people from europe !

Neca made 18" Alien so now we want 18" Predator, logical or ?

Here on the board we have few NECA people maybe 20x, but i speak for the million People outthere and they wanna 18"
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This figure is just outstanding,
so many great details.

Rating: 10/10
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Part 2 (Pescadero 12")
Click on Picture to make it bigger







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100% movie accurate figures...
Battle Damaged 12" rulez but Pescadero ist great too.

I hate Neca so much, both look so great, a shame to detroy this figures with a Kiddie-size (12")