Pseudo WWE? The fight scenes in AvP? That's a big load of bull____.
If there is one thing in that movie that is near perfect, it is the fighting/action scenes. They were just so well done, so appealing. You didn't want to look away.
Michael Bay doing the AvP films would not be awesome.
The first one already has great fight/action scenes..that doesn't need improving. And from what we see in Transformers, that's the only good thing he can do. But so can almost anyone who knows how to make a movie.
No, I don't buy the whole "he's a genius and just chooses to make piles of garbage" crap. And if that's true though, then he obviously doesn't care for quality films and once again, would NOT be a good choice for the AvP franchise.
Whether you like AvP or not, it was a good movie. It could have been so much better, but it wasn't bad.
Now AvP:R, that was bad. Just an overall horrible movie.