Re: Prometheus SUPER Spoilers!
Let me answer some of your "issues".
1) The space jockey with busted chest in Alien was NEVER recreated, i kept hoping for at least THAT MUCH but no.
Well, it was never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to be in the film. The story wasn't going to end up there. So I don't know why you thought that. Ridley may have been vague, but he was never vague about what the ending would not have.
2) None of the monster in the movie looked like an alien, when the medical unit pulled that thing out of the girl's belly, i thought finally but no that turned into some octopus crap. Then the final version has the alien head but it is so different than any alien...
Well, no ____. Because it's NOT a Xenomorph. It's an offshot, or a proto form of the creature. Plus, Ridley said the Xeno would never be in this movie. At all.
3) The origin of alien, or prometheus own story - origin of human etc..none were ever explained, not even a tiny scrap of it. Or why they want to kill us, or who they are, or what they are doing here with those things, or what are those things. Nothing nada
Yes it was. Did you miss the beginning? The Space Jockey's used the goo to die, and create life. In order to create life, you must destroy. They wanted to use us to create these creatures. Or use us as incubators. It's up to you to decide. But there was enough evidence to allow you to make up your mind.
4) The whole thing with the old man was again completely retarded, there was no conspiracy or any twist, just him trying to ask for longevity. And the finale when they finally meet a live one turned into another ___show, no explanation nothing...just kills them...oooookkkie
He was going to die very soon. As someone so close to death, and with enough money, and the idea that you could "meet your maker" is all Weyland wanted. He wanted to know why he is here, what comes next. But the thing didn't give a ____. It wanted to kill the humans. For what reason? Yeah, not explained. Hence...sequels.
It's expanding the universe. It's making you THINK..isn't it?
5) And the guy turn into a zombie, wtf is that...
Eh. I mean, he didn't become a zombie. He was mutated. But it could've been better.
6) Also why did the android pour that black ____ into the guy's drink and made him sick(with alien inside?), i thought it was for his master's plan but that wasnt it. So again wtf?
How do you know? You can look at it from different ways.
David was curious. He wanted to see what happened.
Weyland was curious, wanted to see if it could help him, or just curious.
Or he wanted to give Holloway what he wanted. Answers. "How far would you be willing to go, to get your answers? What would you be willing to do?"
"Anything and everything. "
Well, to a non human, that would probably be a good moment to show you what you wanted to know. Here's some mutagen. Enjoy.
7) Not a single thing was explained, i walked out feel like just watched a really bad horror movie...[/QUOTE]
Also didnt the predator create the aliens as explained in those guys finally turn into predators then?
No. Hell no. Why even bring that crap up.