Best advice in this thread. Why respond to random morons who have been writing the same crap repeatedly for weeks about how they can't stand this movie, yet they have to keep coming back to this thread.![]()
Hey, have at it. If you think ignoring me will make this film's problems magically disappear, please do! Unfortunately placing me on ignore will not achieve the following:
*Make this film the box-office smash it was set to become, instead of the rather middling "success" it is now.
*Make plot-holes and inconsistencies go *poof.*
*Make fuzzy logic become something straight out of the brain of Mr Spock AND Stephen Hawking, both at the same time.
*Make 'meh" characters become characters we like and care what happens to.
*Stop all negative reviews, both now and for all time because the good Lord knows, negative discussion is BAD discussion. Having to think about other people's points of view is just BAD!
Some of you people remind me of the die-hards who just insisted that Catwoman-In-Name-Only was the greatest film ever. LOL! In sad fact of the matter, CINO actually had more of a coherent plot than Prometheus does. A more damning condemnation of a cinematic work would be hard to find.
Put me on Ignore, I double-dog dare ya. Maybe that'll make the sequel a smash hit; good luck tryin.'
p.s. I am a she, thanks. Please get it straight.