
So post all of the comedy images you like. It doesn't change the facts.
You do realise that that 'comedy image' was not directed at you, right?.

That's a fact

Be aware that the mere utterance/typing of those words will unleash a firestorm of.... well, crap. Saying that Prometheus is "crap" is not an allowed opinion. [Cue the menstruation insults in 3....2....1....] Being female and having an opinion? It'll get you in trouble in these parts.
As far as Carrot there implying that Prometheus will end up with a bigger fan-base than Aliens... well...... this says it best
In your dreams, pal.
I dont even regard it as Alien-universe canon. Its just very expensive, well-lit ....er, crap.
Nah, they don't scare me

I am female and I have an opinion - they can deal with it, or not, I don't care
I've been round these parts for a long time and no-ones gonna tell me I'm wrong, just for my opinion not being the same as theirs. ...and anyone starts those insults (or any insults for that matter) will get a nice infraction from me for their effort
That's what I love about films/ Art/ Collecting...everything, it's all subjective and a personal preference, just because someones taste may differ from another persons, don't make it wrong or any less valid.
Someone may say that my opinion is a minority well all I can say is don't judge me like that and who cares anyway

. I like what I likes, just like they do.
I'm glad that people are so enthusiastic about the film, that they enjoyed it so much, all I can say is I did not have the same experience.
I love the Alien franchise but Prometheus for me was not very entertaining but I really wanted it to be, I was looking forward to seeing it. I've only seen it the once though, so I may view it again when it comes on TV to see if I like it anymore the second time round.
As I say each to their own
So with that, I'm done in this thread until I see it again (maybe) but for the moment my opinion stands as it was that I didn't like it.