Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

No no no. Apparently it was known since people call it a Xenomorph. It was Gorman who showed us all the light. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:yess:

Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Didn't even have to see the trailer to know I have to see this movie.

Clever way to name the movie alien prequel...hmmm..
Prometheus = Xenomorph " backwards".

Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Prometheus now has its own official YouTube channel -- and they've uploaded the trailer in 1080p.

Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

The trailer has my mind blown. It looks awesome!!

It has a classic feel like Alien but has rich visuals, its gonna be epic.

This may be a rant or a conspiracy theory but i think this movie is gonna have a huge twist, Ridley says the real key is the story, and the movie obv has epic visuals and suspense but i think whatever they find or explore is gonna Somehow culminate some of the sci fi movies Fox has created. think about it, they own or have produced the entire Alien Franchise, Predator, Avatar, Terra Nova, even AVPR!! :thud:

It seems that it is a Alien prequel, but i think theres somthing bigger than that, perhaps its a prequel to somthing much bigger, They say there looking for the origins of humanity? hmmmm, idk, im interested to find out what company is financing this mission, is it Weyland Yutani? or another fox company that wants resouces like RDA or somthing. Idk, just a though, Really looking foward to this, cant wait for Hot Toys :)
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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

i think whatever they find or explore is gonna Somehow culminate all of the sci fi epics Fox has created, think about it, they own or have produced the entire Alien Franchise, Predator, Avatar, Terra Nova, even AVPR!! :thud:

Huh wha..? :cuckoo:
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I'm wondering if we'll have some sort of time travel in this...
After all, Dallas (or Kane) said the Space Jockey looked fossilized, like it'd been there for thousands or years (should be millions of years if it was fossilized, but that's beside the point).
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I'm wondering if we'll have some sort of time travel in this...
After all, Dallas (or Kane) said the Space Jockey looked fossilized, like it'd been there for thousands or years (should be millions of years if it was fossilized, but that's beside the point).

There's too much to think about with all the possibilities.:panic: When is it June.:gah:

Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

No No LOL, trust me AVPR was an epic flop, no doubt about that, i was just refering to it being a FOX production and a spinoff of the Alien franchise.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

i think whatever they find or explore is gonna Somehow culminate all of the sci fi epics Fox has created, think about it, they own or have produced the entire Alien Franchise, Predator, Avatar, Terra Nova, even AVPR!! :thud:

AvP-R is not a Sci-Fi epic.

Neither is Terra Nova, really...

Why is there a "maybe" in this comment? :slap


I'm with KneelBeforrSmallville with his main point, though. It's definitely going to be a hell of a movie and the merchandising... well, if they end up making Jockeys and whatever other creatures we may see (Jockey-born Aliens? :pray:), that'll be a blast too. Really excited for this movie (more than the rest of 2012's releases), albeit not enough to refer to AVP-R and Terra Nova as sci-fi epics in light of its trailer. 'Twas a bit much.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

This may be a rant or a conspiracy theory but i think this movie is gonna have a huge twist, Ridley says the real key is the story, and the movie obv has epic visuals and suspense but i think whatever they find or explore is gonna Somehow culminate all of the sci fi epics Fox has created, think about it, they own or have produced the entire Alien Franchise, Predator, Avatar, Terra Nova, even AVPR!! :thud:

:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

OH NOES!!!! I hope they don't leave out Forbidden Planet and The Day the Earth Stood Still and Star Wars and Planet of the Apes and and Avatar and ....

:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Looking at that pic makes me think that maybe we are not seeing the Jockey as he is supposed to be... Because to me it looks like there is foriegn stuff attched to his face and torso? Now, after watching Alien the directors cut the other day, and seeing that there was a scene cut that contained Dallas and two other crew members that has them cacooned.. I look at that scene with the Jockey literally strapped to that chair by way of cacoon.

Anyone else seeing this?
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I certainly see something that is not supposed to be there. :horror
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread


Thats awesome Devil.

I know my theory sounds :cuckoo::cuckoo:, i never ment to say AVPR was a sci fi epic, i just ment in its own little sick way its apart of the universe, and within that universe mabey its possible Promethius is more than just an Alien prequel, perhaps somthing bigger.

Is Weyland Yutani the company incharge of the Promethius expediton? Has Ridley ever commented in the past what exactly the space jockey was? :dunno
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