official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Ha!! I love the inclusion of the file card on back. I'd have preferred the standard explosion artwork on front, but that's a personal preference.
It looks good. A look more like the early RAH line would have been better IMHO.

Look at all that stuff!!

Is that a Trooper is shows on back under CC?

It says Cobra Trooper, so yup.

Looks like this update was being saved for Thursday.

I really hope his body doesn't turn out loose, but I'm not holding my breath. If it does, hopefully it's an easy swap to a TrueType.
The mechanics of the package are the same as the Star Wars and Indiana Jones figures with the magnetic flap enclosure. The Joe and COBRA packaging will be similar in the sense of layout, but they will have different colors, where the Joe olive drab will be replaced by the COBRA rank and file blue. For the most part, the weapons included with the figures are based off tangible, existing weapons. Many of these figures will be loaded with weapons.

"Many" figures? Awesome!
Just happened upon these on SSC's site only a minute ago!

Explosion back art: Check
File card: Check
Previews of additional figure art on back: Check
"Commando" listing for SE: Check


Yup, none of that ninja bs.

Wonder if SS made up the filecard info or just copy and paste from a previous card.
The file card is the same text as the one from his orginal 82' figure



Yep. I wish they had gone with his '85 bio but I can't really complain about Larry Hama's original 1982 write-up appearing with the upcoming figure! I just assumed SSC wouldn't be allowed to use those. AWESOME! Give us a Snake Eyes with stiff joints SS and this could kick off possibly the greatest 12 inch line EVER.
Looks sick, bring on more. With the troper on the back of this we are sure to see it announced in teh coming weeks. Maybe even before the new year.

I would honestly sell my SW stuff is SS made a ton more of these Joe figs, and I grew up loving SW first Joe second.
Well, that pretty much seals the deal for which figure will be next. The Cobra Trooper! And if they continue to have two previews on the back of each new package, we will always have a heads up on which figure is two releases out!

Nice job!

Yep. I wish they had gone with his '85 bio

I take it back. His 1985 filecard references Storm Shadow and his pet wolf, which wouldn't make much sense for this figure since he doesn't come with Timber and SS hasn't even been announced yet. 82 write-up was definitely the way to go.

It looks like right above "Code Name: Snake-Eyes" it says:

"Wherever there is trouble, GI Joe is there. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE." :rock :flag

Yup, none of that ninja bs.

On the write-up on the package interior you can see that it says, "Ninja. Commando. Force of nature." He's officially a military Commando but I'm glad they still referenced his ninja training. He has to fall back on *something* when he runs out of bullets and grenades. :D
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