official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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i wanna see some updated pics of the figure as well. the body looks kinda skinny or the head looks kinda big in some pictures. not trying to pick, but the figure has such awesome potential especially with this sweet packaging
Sideshow GI Joes: check
Masters of the Universe Classics: check
Masterpiece Transformers: check

it's like i traveled back in time to my childhood, but with much better toys.
Sideshow GI Joes: check
Masters of the Universe Classics: check
Masterpiece Transformers: check

it's like i traveled back in time to my childhood, but with much better toys.

Don't forget the new Robotech and Ninja Turtles toys:


Man, this line is just getting cooler and cooler! I was hoping the packaging would look cool and they far exceeded my expectations :rock
Great looking packaging once again! I'm glad the design dept. at Sideshow now has the opportunity to stretch their creative talents without LFL suffocating the package design. I bet Hasbro didn't put any influence on the package design at all. :D
Can't wait to see that Cobra Trooper!

yeh but does anyone else think the proportions are a little off or hes too skinny or is it just me???
The issue is with the width of the shoulders on the Prometheus, they're just a tad too narrow.
Don't forget the new Robotech and Ninja Turtles toys:


What line is this from, and where can I get one?
It looks great.

Was considering giving SE the elbow until I saw the box, it's got me excited for him again, can't wait for Q1

Cyclone is $176 at
I use them for all my comic book preorders and even have the Bank Robber Joker on order with them for only $113! Shipping is always a flat $5.95 too. Oh, but you do have to preorder during this month!

yea, i have BR Joker, Dent and Tumbler on order from them.

176 isnt a bad price for that figure, I would get it is it was 1/6th.