official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Snake Eyes was a cartoon character, comic character and a 3/4 toy.

Not a Ninja or an "elite commando" :lol

You guys are crazy :rolleyes:, this thread is getting Star Wars level ridiculous:duh


That is awesome. :lol Dave must add it to the SSF library! :rock
Soldiers (especially elite commandos) are not built like 12 year olds.

Not necessarily true.

I once met a US Navy Seal officer that was little over 5 1/2' and was very slender. He could have passed for a Japanese tourist without a second glance.

Using a Joe body for a figure of him would not work. Even a Hasbro Joe would be too big!

Never judge a book by its cover.
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Really, he is fictional character with NO definitive image,everyone will have their personal idea of what he should look like,no one more right than the other.

This is just one more interpretation of a 25 year old character who has hand MANY different looks and styles.

I still think he looks great :moon
haha this thread is getting outlandish.. i agree body or not 100+ fig shouldnt have to trade out a important aspect like the body. Also im sure the shoulders wont be the concern when they do release it. I'm sure it will be the fact poor Snake eyes arms wont be able to support the weight of a pistol (like in the pics shown) and also the fact he cant stand properly.
Not necessarily true.

I once met a US Navy Seal officer that was little over 5 1/2' and was very slender. He could have passed for a Japanese tourist without a second glance.

Never judge a book by its cover.

but Snake Eyes is NOT Asian....

He's a nordic/germanic blond of rather imposing physique
What does that have to do with my response about size and elite soldiers??


But since you mentioned it...Nordic Ninja??!

well since you mentioned that the guy you were talking about looked like a japanese tourist, i assumed that meant he was asian.

statistically asians tend toward smaller sleighter builds...

snake eyes, however, was a US soldier serving in southeast asia before he was ever a ninja...

he studied ninjitsu after returning home from the war.

he is invariably portrayed as a fairly tall broad shouldered blond haired, blue eyed man with western European


i don't disagree that small asian men can often be serious badasses...

the thing is that snakeeyes is not a small asian man.

now stormshadow is a different story....
so i guess there is only 3 of us who like this figure. me, EVILFACE, and KD. might as well make the next releases have an edition size of 3.:dunno

I like it just fine. But I would count myself among those who don't like how it looks in the latest production pics. That's probably more due to non-futzing and bad posing/photography, however. No Chicken Little from me.
so i guess there is only 3 of us who like this figure. me, EVILFACE, and KD. might as well make the next releases have an edition size of 3.:dunno

I like this figure and like I've said before if he looks like he needs more defined shoulders just pop some cotton or something under his shirt and he'll look perfect.
As far as the shoulders go I've seen customizers add to them with Sculpey or Aves Apoxie sculpt without losing any articulation.If it's just the shoulders no big deal.Somebody mentioned Quick Kick too. IIRC he was only half Asian and the figures and the comic both had him built pretty solid.Ever heard of Bolo Yeung.He's Asian and built pretty big and tall.Snake Eyes was taller and bigger built than most of the other Joes with a few exceptions like Rock & Roll and Roadblock to name a couple.
so i guess there is only 3 of us who like this figure. me, EVILFACE, and KD. might as well make the next releases have an edition size of 3.:dunno

I don't think anyone's saying they don't lke this figure. Especially when we don't have him in hand yet. I think people are just voicing their concerns. $120 makes thsi ther most expensive 1/6 to date and propels SS to HT like expectations. You don't have to go out and buy parts to trick out a HT piece because something so basic as the way its body looks in the uniform was overlooked. I already said I am reserving judgement. Believe me, this piece is my grail and I am stoked for it but I also expect a knock out fgure. There is a place in between being someone who trashes SS at every turn and a complete SS apologist.
yah, i'm not bailing on the figure. any nits i have are minor b/c i do think a lot of it is due to the photography. i'm too much of a fanboy when it comes to gi joe and especially snake eyes. i mean i have the new hasbro 12'' version. how could i not have this one?
Look, even my three year old knows the RAH theme song. I'm jazzed and can't wait. Of course, I am a fanboy and therefor entitled to be opinionated about everything.:naughty
As much as I want this figure and still have it ordered...this is not worth $120...seems alot of people agree.The figure does not look as good as the 1st photos and it just seems Sideshow just cannot make their prototypes look like the production pieces...its called false advertising!

Whoever thinks Sideshow is so wonderful, is delusional! Hot Toys replicates their shown prototypes to almost a tee! Why cant Sideshow? Not too mention the pro body flaws that, we dont even know if they will be fixed.Then we get the excuse that the figures body will improve over time...bull**** Fix it now or dont produce it!!

when this Joe line was announced...I was hooked line and sinker! Now I am starting to think twice and I didnt even flinch when I saw the 1st Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander prototypes.....Hey Sideshow, just give the license to Hot Toys and let them put out kick ass 1/6 scale joes and cobras
When did questions about the content of the production photographs and a concern for him not being able to hold up a gun, based on the photos, turn into "I HATE THIS FIGURE!" ?! :huh If there's a chicken little, it's a reverse chicken little. :lol The only reason I'd cancel this is if the 4th figure is a turd (like Chuckles or Serpentor - great for later releases, but not prelims) or if the release schedule starts to stagger (hints of being put "on hold").

As much as I want this figure and still have it ordered...this is not worth $120...seems alot of people agree.The figure does not look as good as the 1st photos and it just seems Sideshow just cannot make their prototypes look like the production pieces...its called false advertising!

Whoever thinks Sideshow is so wonderful, is delusional! Hot Toys replicates their shown prototypes to almost a tee! Why cant Sideshow? Not too mention the pro body flaws that, we dont even know if they will be fixed.Then we get the excuse that the figures will improve over time...bull**** Fix it now or dont produce it!!

when this Joe line was announced...I was hooked line and sinker! Now I am starting to think twice and I didnt even flinch when I saw the 1st Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander prototypes.....Hey Sideshow, just give the license to Hot Toys and let them put out kick ass 1/6 scale joes and cobras

1) I haven't seen anyone saying he isn't worth the price as a result of the production pics. Well, except for you and that's hardly a "lot of people" agreeing unless your talking about MPD. Additionally, it's not "false advertising." That is actually illegal and a prosecutable offense. Sideshow is delivering everything they've stated they would for Snake Eyes in the item description (he just looks underwhelming compared to the prototype which is more common than not and certainly not illegal). False advertising would be to send you the Hasbro version in it's stead.

2) You really don't have a right to comment about the Prometheus. You started a thread condemning it and you don't even own one. Additionally, if you take the body out of the equation, I seriously doubt HotToys would do a better job, let alone, at less than 2/3 their regular price.

3) If it WAS given to HotToys, you can bet we'd only get about 5-6 figures from them (realistically probably 4). Hardly worth the investment for such a small run even if it is G.I. Joe.
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