official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Yea, I think all the gear throws it off a bit. I don't plan on mine being loaded down. Something similar to his 85 look.
I think I'll be gearing Snake Eyes up but with a discriminating eye so he can look more proportioned especially since SS went with cargo pants and a body glove shirt.
Also a regular BDU black shirt could help with those weird looking shoulders and torso.

I think I'll try with the one that comes with the Soldier Story SAD CIA.
Bitter irony. Hasbro used the sweater sculpt torso for their 12" Snake Eyes :lol :

The only issues I think are the Pro body, it's shoulders are just a bit too narrow, the same thing we saw on Indy. I think with a little futzing it'll look better, but Sideshow needs to modify the Pro's shoulder pieces to make them broader on future releases.
The Visor has a different finish, I think that and the lighting are throwing it off more. It's got to look better in hand then this. I'm not canceling my order.
never thought the bodyglove was neoprene. it's allways looked like spandex to me. anyways, provided his suit is removeable, and i'm sure it will be, just get a skintight sirt from somewhere like Triad tos, and put it on him to bulk him up a bit. medicom did this with the legs on comic wolverine, and it works just fine.
However, that said, dear lord I certainly hope that "pistol-aiming" pose is Sideshow's photographer not knowing how to aim a gun properly and not an issue of weak-assed pro shoulders unable to support the weight of a pistol at full extend. If that's the case we won't even be able to pull off any cool sword poses, let alone have him holding his UZI the way he should. Who the hell aims like that anyway?! :huh Christ, he looks like Danny DeVito's Martin aiming the Desert Eagle at the end of Get Shorty. :lol That said, I really don't see much of a difference between the two other than that the production shots seem to be hastily prepped vs. the proto shots which look like they took a lot of tender loving care to pose.

My Indy can hold his whip up over his head - which is a pretty awkward accessory to get posed just right. I'm sure ol'Snake Eyes won't have any problem with swords and guns.
Its all great except for those shoulders, which make him look like a kid. Just pop some cotton under there and that should be an easy fix.
looking at some of those pics, i'd like to point out that it looks like the head, while cloth covered, is separate from the torso. in other words, it looks like the head has a cloth covering, and that covering is NOT part of the shirt. if you look at the pics taken of his backside you can see theis much more clearly.
Have everybody forgeting that Snake Eyes is a ninja. A commando ninja. He's suppose to be skinny. Snake Eyes have a small build. Everybody complaining about his shoulders well show me a ninja with huge muscles and broad shoulders. There is nothing wrong with the suit. The visor have a different color.
Have everybody forgeting that Snake Eyes is a ninja. A commando ninja. He's suppose to be skinny. Snake Eyes have a small build. Everybody complaining about his shoulders well show me a ninja with huge muscles and broad shoulders. There is nothing wrong with the suit. The visor have a different color.

Got it, ninja commando even.

