official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Oh yeah...well....does your precious food come with all those accessories?

Huh?.....Yeah....I didnt think so.


Ha! thats about all Sideshow can do right...the accessories are fantastic..but it be nice to have a kick ass figure to look good holding them
the figures can't be that bad. the chicks dig em:
This debate is getting ridiculous. I think that Sideshow does need to do a better job of replicating thier protos but I don't think this Snake Eyes figure will be as disapponting as the production pics would suggest.
As I see it, I am being insulted first because of my opinions on the Snake Eyes Figure...because some of you Sideshow Worshippers cant take criticism...It seems I can be insulted, but I cant say anything back. If I dont like something, I speak out, unlike some of you who will accept and take anything this 2nd hand, wanna be, 1/6 scale company produces.

Its the oral sex references that are crossing the line. No one is directing comments like that toward you. If you and thenammagazine are fine going back and forth without the vulgarity then you guys can knock yourselves out. You make sweeping generalities that everyone who likes SE is some sort of SSC worshipper while ignoring the fact that most of us, thenammagazine included, recognize that there are things SSC could have done better, whether it be the production poses, photography, or base body itself.

Is Snake Eyes as pitch perfect as Bank Robber Joker? No. Is it the best SE figure EVER and an all around awesome looking figure? A lot of us seem to think so.
Post 4,000 dedicated to Snakes!

I think stripped down, 1985-style with just an uzi in one hand and his sword bandolier across his chest will greatly reduce the "bottom heavy" look that contributes to his shoulders looking thin.

Post 4,000 dedicated to Snakes!

I think stripped down, 1985-style with just an uzi in one hand and his sword bandolier across his chest will greatly reduce the "bottom heavy" look that contributes to his shoulders looking thin.


thats an awesome picture of the figure, but its not what we are getting....see new pics
futz your figures people and he will look fine.:lecture
personally i've never liked any SS final photo. they all suffer from poorly rushed poses and bad lighting. the only thing that will make me not like this figure is if it has floppy joints. that's the only thing im worried about right now.
His shoulders definitely looked filled out in this picture. I think it is just a combination of bad posing and weird angles that give it the illusion of poor shoulders.

Even in most of the proto pics, the shoulders are less than full. There really is no difference. In the shot you posted his arms are bent up. In any shot that his arms are hanging by his side, the shoulders look just like the production pics. If anything is contributing to the shoulders looking smaller it is the fact that the new shirt does not appear to be as tight. At the same time, the proto shirt wasn't all that tight either.

95% of the difference between proto and production is photography. The 5% left over being the glossier visor and the rearranged accessories.
The production shots were defnitely of poor quality. SO many reviews on SS's site say "photos do not this justice." I'm guessing that is the case here, as well.
The production shots were defnitely of poor quality. SO many reviews on SS's site say "photos do not this justice." I'm guessing that is the case here, as well.

That is definitely the case with Indy. Indy has the pro problems, but I can easily get him to hold a gun the correct way. Even if they didn't fix the pro for SE (Which I'm sure they did at least somewhat) than he'll be able to aim an uzi.

He looks badass in this production pic :rock