official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Oh well, it does looks a little less impressive than prototype and honestly this being sideshow, I am not really surprised.

It is very expensive for a SS figure especially with HT just slightly more expensive (we get HT stuff much cheaper than you guys because we have a local dealer) but the amount of accessories and the fact that is Snake Eyes made me pony up the money for one.

I just hope the body ain't as floppy as my Indy. That thing has a floppy neck and legs that can't hold a pose. Trying to change it to a HT TT ain't helping either cause the shirt is too small and short (pants fit perfectly though) and the jacket also too small and short for the TT.

I guess if it indeed falls short at the end of the day, I will just sell it. Parting it out will probably make me some decent money from the accessories alone.
When did questions about the content of the production photographs and a concern for him not being able to hold up a gun, based on the photos, turn into "I HATE THIS FIGURE!" ?! :huh If there's a chicken little, it's a reverse chicken little. :lol The only reason I'd cancel this is if the 4th figure is a turd (like Chuckles or Serpentor - great for later releases, but not prelims) or if the release schedule starts to stagger (hints of being put "on hold").

1) I haven't seen anyone saying he isn't worth the price as a result of the production pics. Well, except for you and that's hardly a "lot of people" agreeing unless your talking about MPD. Additionally, it's not "false advertising." That is actually illegal and a prosecutable offense. Sideshow is delivering everything they've stated they would for Snake Eyes in the item description (he just looks underwhelming compared to the prototype which is more common than not and certainly not illegal). False advertising would be to send you the Hasbro version in it's stead.

2) You really don't have a right to comment about the Prometheus. You started a thread condemning it and you don't even own one. Additionally, if you take the body out of the equation, I seriously doubt HotToys would do a better job, let alone, at less than 2/3 their regular price.

3) If it WAS given to HotToys, you can bet we'd only get about 5-6 figures from them (realistically probably 4). Hardly worth the investment for such a small run even if it is G.I. Joe.

um this is a free countryto still voice opinion and if people see it as false advertising (which it appears to be because the production piece does not look like the the prototype)....which there are way more people voicing that than you pal....Sideshow is just a second-hand step up to Hasbro....Do you really think were gonna get more than 6-8 joes the way its going so far??? loose bodies, prototypes changed and dont look as need a pair of glasses dude..seriously
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As much as I want this figure and still have it ordered...this is not worth $120...seems alot of people agree.The figure does not look as good as the 1st photos and it just seems Sideshow just cannot make their prototypes look like the production pieces...its called false advertising!

Whoever thinks Sideshow is so wonderful, is delusional! Hot Toys replicates their shown prototypes to almost a tee! Why cant Sideshow? Not too mention the pro body flaws that, we dont even know if they will be fixed.Then we get the excuse that the figures body will improve over time...bull**** Fix it now or dont produce it!!

when this Joe line was announced...I was hooked line and sinker! Now I am starting to think twice and I didnt even flinch when I saw the 1st Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander prototypes.....Hey Sideshow, just give the license to Hot Toys and let them put out kick ass 1/6 scale joes and cobras


1. go to
2. click on the login and go to your account.
3. find your Snake Eyes order from the list and select cancel.

1. go to
2. click on the login and go to your account.
3. find your Snake Eyes order from the list and select cancel.

done! another customer lost! another sale lost!....I am like the 50th person that cancelled after seeing the new production photos...
done! another customer lost! another sale lost!....I am like the 50th person that cancelled after seeing the new production photos...

Good for you, out of interest how do you know that 50 people have cancelled him?
done! another customer lost! another sale lost!...

And another wait list reservation fulfilled. And please quit with the lewd insults. Everyone doesn't have to agree. SSC has always been great about their no questions asked preorder policy. And you can't really call something "false advertising" when you haven't even received it or paid for it. The production pics have been posted, for better or for worse, with more than enough time for anyone to cancel.
Unfortunately lost in all of his histrionics, teemu actually makes a good point here:

Hot Toys replicates their shown prototypes to almost a tee! Why cant Sideshow? Not too mention the pro body flaws that, we dont even know if they will be fixed.Then we get the excuse that the figures body will improve over time...bull**** Fix it now or dont produce it!!
yeah......i agree with a lot that this figure is way too thin, defn for my tastes....i think i will hold on to my order cause i am expecting the life size snake eyes sword, but if i dont get that sword, then i might cancel this one. i am on the thin side, but i donnt have girly shoulders like snake eyes :lol
Good for you, out of interest how do you know that 50 people have cancelled him?

With him cancelling one, in his mind that's 50 if you count all his personalities, hence my MPD remark. :lol

As for the whole HotToys thing, if the Pro is loose again, I'll likely do what I did with Indy. Picking up a spare TrueType for $17 and planting him on that is still cheaper than what HotToys would've charged anyway. Though, that might just be trading one problem with another. The TrueType shoulders look extremely wide bare. When they're covered up in layers of clothing, as was the case with Indy, it's more tolerable. But in the top Snake Eyes comes with, they might very well be more pronounced.
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why dont you go to other chat boards who have said they cancelled theirs after seeing the production piece ( for one).....I only tell truth....and while some of you are ignorant to issues being brought up here....I know some here stand behind some things thats are spoken about....I think some people here dont like that I speak my mind and cant take it when their precious Sideshow is given a bad review when its truth
And another wait list reservation fulfilled. And please quit with the lewd insults. Everyone doesn't have to agree. SSC has always been great about their no questions asked preorder policy. And you can't really call something "false advertising" when you haven't even received it or paid for it. The production pics have been posted, for better or for worse, with more than enough time for anyone to cancel.

As I see it, I am being insulted first because of my opinions on the Snake Eyes Figure...because some of you Sideshow Worshippers cant take criticism...It seems I can be insulted, but I cant say anything back. If I dont like something, I speak out, unlike some of you who will accept and take anything this 2nd hand, wanna be, 1/6 scale company produces.
As I see it, I am being insulted first because of my opinions on the Snake Eyes Figure...because some of you Sideshow Worshippers cant take criticism...It seems I can be insulted, but I cant say anything back. If I dont like something, I speak out, unlike some of you who will accept and take anything this 2nd hand, wanna be, 1/6 scale company produces.

If that is how you feel go hang out at with the other chicken littles who also seem to think that the sun shines from Hot Toys' arse. Not everyone can afford to buy hotoys figures and for the price they go for in the UK compared to Sideshows i would rather buy sideshow anyday. You may not agree with that and to be honest i couldn't care less what you think.
If that is how you feel go hang out at with the other chicken littles who also seem to think that the sun shines from Hot Toys' arse. Not everyone can afford to buy hotoys figures and for the price they go for in the UK compared to Sideshows i would rather buy sideshow anyday. You may not agree with that and to be honest i couldn't care less what you think.

hmmm $120 for a snake eyes figure is close to a HotToys price tag...the figure is overpriced by $60 and after seeing the production shots...its only worth $60 to me! I dont hang out at onesixthscalewarriors....I was checking out what others had to say about the piece at their site and they were all Valid points! and majority of them cancelled their order! you all need glasses as the figure does not look the same as the prototype figure...the 1st one was awesome...but typical Sideshow,who cant match their production pieces with their prototypes, has lowered the grade. But you fools will pay it!
I will put my devalued currency into something that storable food
If that is how you feel go hang out at with the other chicken littles who also seem to think that the sun shines from Hot Toys' arse.

There are plenty of people HERE who'd say that Hot Toys wipes the floor with Sideshow when it comes to 1:6 figures.
