official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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why dont you go to other chat boards who have said they cancelled theirs after seeing the production piece ( for one).....I only tell truth....and while some of you are ignorant to issues being brought up here....I know some here stand behind some things thats are spoken about....I think some people here dont like that I speak my mind and cant take it when their precious Sideshow is given a bad review when its truth

I think it's quite the contrary. I think there are a great many here, myself included, who've expressed their concern about the potential of the looseness of the pro and whatnot. Clearly, you're ignorant as to the content of those posts.

hmmm $120 for a snake eyes figure is close to a HotToys price tag...the figure is overpriced by $60 and after seeing the production shots...its only worth $60 to me! I dont hang out at onesixthscalewarriors....I was checking out what others had to say about the piece at their site and they were all Valid points! and majority of them cancelled their order! you all need glasses as the figure does not look the same as the prototype figure...the 1st one was awesome...but typical Sideshow,who cant match their production pieces with their prototypes, has lowered the grade. But you fools will pay it!
I will put my devalued currency into something that storable food

$120 isn't really that close to $169 Teemu, which is likely what HT would've charged (MSRP). There's a nice $49 gap there (If you count all your fingers and toes twice and fingers again minus 1, that's $49). Additionally, see my previous comment. I don't think any of us were oblivious to the fact that the production pics fell short when compared to the prototype's.

As for the nonperishable food, next time you swing by the store to refresh your rations (cans of Dinki-Di dog food), don't forget about the Reynold's Wrap. You might need more to patch your Radio Emitting Terestrial Antimatter Repelling Dome (foil hat) and protect yourself from the mindreading psychics of the NWO:


BTW, about that.... I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...:

There are plenty of people HERE who'd say that Hot Toys wipes the floor with Sideshow when it comes to 1:6 figures.


:lecture - albeit at $50 more, but agreed. Sadly, if the Pro was better, that margin would be considerably narrower.
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2) You really don't have a right to comment about the Prometheus. You started a thread condemning it and you don't even own one. Additionally, if you take the body out of the equation, I seriously doubt HotToys would do a better job, let alone, at less than 2/3 their regular price.

3) If it WAS given to HotToys, you can bet we'd only get about 5-6 figures from them (realistically probably 4). Hardly worth the investment for such a small run even if it is G.I. Joe.

I doubt this line will make it past five or six figures. This line is going more like the Lord of the Rings than Star Wars or even the James Bond line. The overall buzz on this figure is very mixed which not good considering Snake Eyes is the most popular character. I am glad I didn't buy into this line. I wanted a version one or two Snake Eyes instead of the Bradstreet version. The same goes for the Cobra Commander. 2/3 of the the Hot Toys price? More like 3/4 for most but I bought my Bank Robber Joker for 135. So let me correct that to 8/9 of the price. Still not good for old Snake Eyes.
I doubt this line will make it past five or six figures. This line is going more like the Lord of the Rings than Star Wars or even the James Bond line. The overall buzz on this figure is very mixed which not good considering Snake Eyes is the most popular character. I am glad I didn't buy into this line. I wanted a version one or two Snake Eyes instead of the Bradstreet version. The same goes for the Cobra Commander. 2/3 of the the Hot Toys price? More like 3/4 for most but I bought my Bank Robber Joker for 135. So let me correct that to 8/9 of the price. Still not good for old Snake Eyes.

I intentionally didn't take discounted sales into account as doing so, I could probably take off another $20 on Snake Eyes as well (which wouldn't change the pricing difference anyway). Even going by what the MSRP of Dutch is, that's still $149 vs. $120 which is only a difference of $10 but I still think they would've put G.I. Joe in the higher end of their pricing bracket.

As for the buzz, the same thing happened with Indy. While there will always be the heavy-handed knitpickers, most of the people who were nitpicking Indy to death before his release actually love the figure now and there was considerably more "critique" going on in his discussion thread. From what I've seen here, there only seem to be two major concerns, the speculation about the looseness of the Pro based on the production photos and the narrowness of it's shoulders, though the latter hasn't changed from the prototype images. Should the Pro turn out to be tighter than it's previous host, I think, entirely, this figure overall will be a non-issue... for most of us anyway.
As for the buzz, the same thing happened with Indy. While there will always be the heavy-handed knitpickers, most of the people who were nitpicking Indy to death before his release actually love the figure now and there was considerably more "critique" going on in his discussion thread. From what I've seen here, there only seem to be two major concerns, the speculation about the looseness of the Pro based on the production photos and the narrowness of it's shoulders, though the latter hasn't changed from the prototype images. Should the Pro turn out to be tighter than it's previous host, I think, entirely, this figure overall will be a non-issue... for most of us anyway.

The problems I have with Indy before are the same problems afterwards. The sad thing is that I have more issues now. I don't like the shirt at all. The cut in the shirt should have been hemmed especially at that price point. There are more problems with the Snake Eyes than the body and the shoulders. The ammo pouches are on the back. For those that bought it, I hope that it is a dressing problem rather than having to re-stitch the harness. Do I think he is worth the money? No, but that is the reason why I didn't buy him. I hope they come out with Joes that are closer to the original ARAH designs. I really like the Cobra Soldier. So far I think he is the best one of the three. Yo Joe!
I hope he has a zip-up suit...I might end up switching him to a TrueType.

I know it has been one figure thus far, but Sideshow should've ironed out all the problems with the Prometheus in the first go...but as we can see, this is mostly about the money overweighing the quality of a product. Thus, why do you think we get such huge differences when we see prototype and final product with Sideshow? I can go on and on.

I just hope the problems with the Pro are fixed by Snake-Eyes...I do not need my ninja floppin' all isn't very stealthy.
the conclusion is...floppy body, loose joints, production pieces not matching their prototypes and not looking as good....deluted into must having plastic statues and conditioned to consume.....most of you will buy it anyways!
Where is your proof that snake eyes has a "floppy body, loose joints"? And they would be the same thing, so why type them both?

Seeing as you cancelled, why not leave the thread?
Where is your proof that snake eyes has a "floppy body, loose joints"? And they would be the same thing, so why type them both?

Seeing as you cancelled, why not leave the thread?[/QUOTE]

Cause it would be far to easy for him and where else would he get his kicks!
dont worry, moving on to another thread.....enjoy your pro-flop snake eyes :)
Not canceling this one. In fact, I preordered three. Although I have concerns, Snake Eyes is just too much of a beloved character to me for me to pass him up .
Man, preeny, you were right. This figure is absolutely getting decimated on the other boards. :google

If I'm Sideshow, I'd seriously consider taking better pics with a properly futzed figure (if that is indeed the problem).
So glad I cancelled mine as well as Cobra Commander. For $120 this thing should have been Hot Toys quality. Paying that much for a production piece that is roughly 50% the quality of an advertised prototype is criminal. We shouldn't have to keep throwing money away to improve upon Sideshow's notorious production flaws. Why should we have to spend another $30+ just to switch out a floppy inferior-to-the-inferior-Buck Prometheus with a perfect Truetype body? Now you gotta replace that cheap looking leotard with a good lycra body suit like the one on Batman. And the visor... well, I won't even go there. This line has Lord of the Rings written all over it.

I give this line 8 figures tops and then it's done.

I'll save Sideshow the trouble of letting me down later by dropping this line before it even begins.
Because you know that the body is floppy, huh genius? Yeah, it's criminal. It's a sin, in fact. It's a travesty. And an abomination. Have you ever auditioned for a soap opera?

Someone could make a killing if they opened a tinfoil hat stand on the sidewalk in front of OSW. I bet they could sell a lot of tiaras too.
this is getting more than a little ridiculous.

Real fast, Everyone who's already got this figure and has loose joints with him, which joints on snake eyes are giving you trouble? The hips? the neck? the knees? which is it?
those of you with ammo pouches in the back instead of the front, are they sewn in, or can they simply be moved forward like real ones? same questions on cobra commander. Also, since he seems so bad, how are the feet on the commander designed?

I haven't gotten mine yet, so I'm not sure what to think. I'll Hope for the best when he gets here. And if not, sideshow's got a great return policy :)