official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Eh. I love Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander so no matter what I'd be getting those. Although I will admit if SE is really as bad as people are running around claiming it will be then those will be the only two that I buy.
this is getting more than a little ridiculous.

Real fast, Everyone who's already got this figure and has loose joints with him, which joints on snake eyes are giving you trouble? The hips? the neck? the knees? which is it?
those of you with ammo pouches in the back instead of the front, are they sewn in, or can they simply be moved forward like real ones? same questions on cobra commander. Also, since he seems so bad, how are the feet on the commander designed?

I haven't gotten mine yet, so I'm not sure what to think. I'll Hope for the best when he gets here. And if not, sideshow's got a great return policy :)

Nobody has this figure yet, it doesn't release until March. People who are saying he will have loose limbs are basing it off of the Indiana Jones release even though SideShow said in the New Year's Q&A that the prometheus body is being worked on.
Because you know that the body is floppy, huh genius? Yeah, it's criminal. It's a sin, in fact. It's a travesty. And an abomination. Have you ever auditioned for a soap opera?

Someone could make a killing if they opened a tinfoil hat stand on the sidewalk in front of OSW. I bet they could sell a lot of tiaras too.

:horror Oh, no! thenam has a doppleganger! :monkey3 ;)

Seriously, though, only on the internet can we find ourselves deriding hyperbole with... hyperbole. :lol

Yeah, the OSW folks are indeed pretty hard to please when it comes to 1:6 (just as the Statue Forum guys are with that medium). But you might want to hedge the sanctimony just a tad. They're just much more hardcore about 1:6 figures, and to each his own. The Snake-Eyes hate on there is a bit overboard, though (especially since these could very well just be bad pics). But then Sideshow has never fared well among that crowd.

The truth is, if there were not people like that out there the push for high-end, museum-quality figures would not have happened as fast and furiously as it has the past few years.
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Nobody has this figure yet, it doesn't release until March. People who are saying he will have loose limbs are basing it off of the Indiana Jones release even though SideShow said in the New Year's Q&A that the prometheus body is being worked on.

And that right there was my point. all this excessive whining is pointless until we get the figure in hand. The, if it's crappy, complain all we want, but untill then, I'm considering bringing a cheese trat to this thread.
:horror Oh, no! thenam has a doppleganger! :monkey3 ;)

You're treading a very thin line there Irish. :gun

IrishJedi said:
Seriously, though, only on the internet can we find ourselves deriding hyperbole with... hyperbole. :lol

That's kinda the point.

There are no in hand figures and the pictures are virtually identical. I would venture to bet that the visor only looks as glossy as it does because the shirt material is no longer glossy itself. The shoulders were just as sloped in the proto pics. What else is there?

There's nothing sanctimonious in pointing out histrionics.
You guys are sure getting your HT stuff very expensive. Here, typical HT stuff is only like around 130USD give or take and based on the early prototype shots, I thought SE is worth that much but with the latest production shots, I think SE should be priced more like around the 90USD range.
You guys are sure getting your HT stuff very expensive. Here, typical HT stuff is only like around 130USD give or take and based on the early prototype shots, I thought SE is worth that much but with the latest production shots, I think SE should be priced more like around the 90USD range.

From what I've been told, it's import taxes. Apparently it's cheaper to import a model kit than a complete action figure. Although this never made sense to me considering HT's Predator and RoboCop figs are among the most expensive 1:6 on the market.
And I just keep waiting around for an exclusive conversion for SE...

Been on the waitlist since I saw SE and CC at Comic Con, and my waitlist for CC converted very quickly. Keep cancelling folks, I want my exclusive!

And I just keep waiting around for an exclusive conversion for SE...

Been on the waitlist since I saw SE and CC at Comic Con, and my waitlist for CC converted very quickly. Keep cancelling folks, I want my exclusive!


Well with hundreds of these being cancelled every minute, it won't be to long for that to convert. :rolleyes:
So far, who's "said" that they've canceled (although I suspect quite a few of those claims, like teemu, never had the product on order in the first place)?
i had to cancel like 2 months ago due to over spending on figs, but thanks to the newer pictures i found myself preordering snakeyes again.........this time from alterego.
**namecalling, sexual referencess deleted by Khev**

Go away...

You cannot even spell...

And you obviously hate the figure, and Sideshow for that matter. We are all clear on your position already. Please stop throwing insults.

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Look, I personally agree with those who say these new Snake Eyes pics suck nuts compared to the proto pics. But that's just it: they are PHOTOS. Have we learned nothing from the Chicken Little Syndrome™ of the past? With Sideshow, you have to wait until in-hand pics show up before you should start either worrying or exalting.

That said, whether the production figure turns out to be a disappointment or a huge win, I know they could have futzed, posed and photographed it much better than THAT. I mean... WTH?

I agree. But the thing is, they actually posed and shot the prototype pics of this figure very well. Whether it's the futzing/pics or a drop in quality it does look MUCH better in the proto pics, imho.

But I tend to agree with you. It's probably just their lackluster 1:6 futzing/posing/photographing skills. :monkey1
I agree. Upon further inspection, these photos look like the straps on his gear were not tightened or adjusted in any way. SS does take very bad production photos so I still have faith in Snake Eyes