official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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The problem is you shouldn't have to do this with a $120 figure.

True, I understand were you and many others are coming from, but for me the body swap option is something I'm willing to do for my definative version of SE if I deem it needed.

I actually don't own a Pro body, the closet I have is Obi in Clone armor. I've learned when it comes to Sideshow it's wise to reserve judment until I have the actual product in hand, and get a chance to play around with it a bit. More often than not, the product looks a lot better in person.

To be honest, I will probably leave SE as is body wise. I'm confident the end product will not be as bad as we have seen in the pics.
Thanks for the link Phorpus. I imagine there will be a lot of people who feel the swap in necessary.
the true type is definitely an improvement...

but something still seems really off... and the visor still looks freakin terrible...

but at least now he almost looks like a grown up....
just by looking at the shoulders you see an improvement...

the visor dont bother last thing to modify for the figure to be perfect would be the skinny arms..probably some padding.
Ugh. I go back and forth everyday about this figure. Today is a down day. And whatever happened to the Arashikage Tattoo that was heralded on the Backstage Pass? I really want SE to be a homerun but it seems to be headed for a disappointment.
He looks pretty damn good on the TT. It also look like the TT was not used for the prototype shown. Maybe a prototype Pro?


I think the Pro will be fine with some of the other characters like CC and Trooper who have thicker/loose clothes, but a tight suit like SE has, no.
The figure can benifit from the HT body, though it makes the head look kinda small.

I put the modern Kroenen on an HT body and it looks PERFECT! The body suit fits the HT body perfectly. But the Kroenen mask is rather large so it looks right with the wider shoulders.

It looks like the wider shoulders make Snake Eyes head look small.

Hard to tell from the photos though.

Either body,Pro or TT, will work I think, both with their own problems.
The shoulders look better, but I agree with shocktrooper. The arms are still weak. Legs look kinda funny too. They look better on the Pro.
After looking at the pics, I'm surprised to find myself liking the bulkier Pro better. The long, skinny arms of the TT in addition to the unnaturally broad shoulders make him look lankier and IMO even worse (I didn't know snake was Ethiopian?!). :lol This image in particular looks like a woman dressed as Snake Eyes :rotfl:


Any other body suggestions? :huh :lol
I agree...have not been a fan of the TT in super-tight clothes. I'll likely stick with the Pro and futz him, possibly trim the visor. My money's on it being glued at the ears.