official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Looks pretty bad. Its just the scrawnyness of figures in tight outfits. If SE wasn't such an important character, I would pass, but I'm willing to get him and attempt some custom improvements to bulk the arms out. I'm thinking of making "arm socks" from t-shirt material.

I agree that the TT seems to make the figure look even scrawnier.
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I've been flip flopping in my mind whether I want to cancel this or not. He won't be out until March, so I still have over a month to decide.
The muscled body would've sucked. Not even remotely poseable and I think the awkward joints, when flexed, would've been even more distorted by the shirt itself. Besides, it would've been a pain in the ass to get that shirt over the body anyway. I actually think Evil's idea of a Commando sweater is a great idea:


Finding one in 1:6 and a black one at that, will be a pain in the ass though.

Not only is it not worth paying an extra $150 nor ripping apart a perfectly good Dutch figure for Snake Eyes, again, you'll run into the problem of getting that shirt over the rubber body.

No thank you. Medicom's body isn't all that much less awkward in spandex, the proportions are too "comicy" and I don't want to have to worry about the high breakability factor that's notorious with Medi's cheap plastic bodies. Again, I think EvilFace was on to something when he mentioned the sweater. The OG Snake Eyes wore one and it'd fix both the Pro and the TT with decent padding.

you're welcome.
My old man has a SWAT fig from BBI (I think, if not them then one of those companies that did a lot of sixth-scale military stuff in the late nineties, early 2000s) and I'm hoping his shirt is something I can steal for SE. If not, that woolly pully will be perfect.
Well I canceled. SE just doesn't fit in with my collection right now and I could use the money for the IM Mark II. Maybe someday I can come back to this one, but for now I'm going to pass. I hope he does come out alright, because I would like to own him some day.
That wooly pully is really nice and I can't wait to see what you guys do. Tell me you're gonna add goggles! I'm probably going to cancel this and just cherry pick the parts I need. I don't much care for the Pro. body, and I really want something closer to the '85 version to go with my other Joes.
Every once in a while Monkey Depot has black or grey (which could be dyed) sweaters, usually with the German figures. Not a terrible idea if Wooly doesn't pan out.
I never understood the logic behind making a Commando a ninjitsufied mute.
Then my advice is to read the old marvel comics :) :lol

Oh I have them all. I just thought it was silly they took some Commando and made him a ninja. I got the SE figure before the comics and never thought of him as a ninja.
A commando running around in a wooly pully or tights may have worked in the 80's comics but the SS idea behind these figures is supposed to be "what if". In modern the modern military, even the most battle hardened vet wears body armor. I'm not talking about a suit of armor. I don't know if I'd have my troops running into the heat of battle in wooly pullys.