official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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Who's wearing a flack vest?! :huh

This guy.

Uh, actually I spent it making money.

And uh...they serve the same practical purpose and are both bulky, which in my opinion diludes the point of Snake Eyes. Which was my initial point calling it a flackvest.

Sorry I'm not a miltary garb expert. Didn't realize that was a requisite for the RAH forum. Nor did I think my incorrectly (apparently) calling it a flackvest for the above reason would negate any possible reading comprehension you may or may not have.

Your next posts addressing me better be devoid of insults or I'm reporting you to a mod. I'm tired of your crap.
Your next posts addressing me better be devoid of insults or I'm reporting you to a mod. I'm tired of your crap.

WTF is wrong with you?! Clearly you don't even know what you're talking about. Show me where I insulted you. You won't find it because I didn't insult you and the only crap that's being started is your BS comments about my posts. I didn't insult you anywhere in my responses to you. So quit trying to pick fights and there won't be any issues. :rolleyes:
Maybe I'm overly sensitive, but I figure there are plenty of other people that maybe aren't that you can respond to. Just skip my posts if you can't avoid making these type of remarks:

"Spent that time between your last post and this one trying to prove me wrong, didn't ya?"
Maybe I'm overly sensitive, but I figure there are plenty of other people that maybe aren't that you can respond to. Just skip my posts if you can't avoid making these type of remarks:

"Spent that time between your last post and this one trying to prove me wrong, didn't ya?"

Bub....:lol :rotfl :lol :rotfl :lol Tell you what. If you're THAT sensitive, don't ever quote me or respond/comment to/about any of my posts and you'll be fine.
So anyway, in my opinion, none of these figures should be TOO realistic or practical. RAH never had that in mind and they shouldn't now.
I thought Sideshow had that covered. :lol

Ouch!:lol Me thinks we are all going to have fun when we get SE in hand. I am anxious to see some of the mods myself. All in all, I like what I've seen in SE despite some concerns. I do not think he has to be ultra realistic as that would take some of the fun and imagination out. If I think my SE needs a kevlar vest, I'll get him one. That's the fun of it. Just my $.02
Being unhappy with the figure is one thing, but trying to turn him Snake Eyes into an ultra realistic army figure make no sense to me :dunno

I mean he was a childhood toy/cartoon/comic character.

This thread reminds me of the Star Wars threads where fanboys are arguing the technology of light sabers :duh
I agree we are treading in Star Wars territory. This is a fantasy/cartoon/comic book character. There is no such thing as a ninja commando (in real life, Snake Eyes would have been discharged for his injuries). If you like the figure/character, great. He's an iconis character to people who grew up in my generation. If you don't like him or think he's priced too high, don't buy him. Kitbash your own that meets whatever your standards are for an imaginary ninja commando. I am having fun with this figure already and he hasn't even shipped yet. I'm hanging in there with this figure because I know action figure photography (barring a few notable exceptions from some talented gentleman on this forum) never do the figure any justice. I'm just glad there's this much interest in ole Snake Eyes!:banana
I must say, I wish I could get into this line (budget/space etc etc), My only experience with GI Joe is from the old computer game from the late eighties Or maybe nineties.
So far the line up looks good I like the trooper most & look forward to seeing your in hand photo's after futzing
Military terms for the above are:

velcro, twist ties, and socks. :D

I thought the term for socks were LPC liners :lol

Guys, I'd just like to point out that we are, in fact trying to debate real world physics in a fantasy setting? I do believe that in order to do that, you're required to wear a poorly fitting original star trek uniform, or have Vulcan or Klingon make up on.