official Sideshow 1:6 Snake Eyes discussion thread (with full photo)

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I think most like CC and the Trooper look fine on the pro.

That's because their wimpy physique is obscured by the bulk of their clothing. Even Stormshadow looks okay on the Pro with the loose ninja gui. Snakes on the other hand requires a bigger physique. You can try to hide it by loading him up with all of his gear but then it doesn't look like Snake Eyes, just some tactical SDU dude. I built my Snakes on a TT with minimalist gear, the only thing on his upper torso is the sword strap across his chest with grenades. That is how Snake Eyes SHOULD look.
No, it's the Pro that [doesn't make] him look like a crack whore. [The TrueType] arms are as skinny as an Ethiopian. A TT has more definition, [longer primate] forearms, biceps, broader [shrugging shoulders] and torso that fills out the loose nylon shirt and makes him look more like a [tall, lanky dude from Nairobi].

Fixed for accuracy. :lol
I tried swapping snake with a true type numerous times, I think it overall looks to weird imao, as far as the how the outfit fits, it seems more natural with the pro, I tightened my pro using the glueing technique really well, I believe the pro has a better range of poseability than the true type, especially in how you can extend the shoulders more than a true type, to me, it does appear more skinny in some places, but the pro makes up for it in a broader range of poses.

I even tried a black bodysuit underneath the shirt, but it didn't look balanced in some areas of the body.
That's because their wimpy physique is obscured by the bulk of their clothing. Even Stormshadow looks okay on the Pro with the loose ninja gui. Snakes on the other hand requires a bigger physique. You can try to hide it by loading him up with all of his gear but then it doesn't look like Snake Eyes, just some tactical SDU dude. I built my Snakes on a TT with minimalist gear, the only thing on his upper torso is the sword strap across his chest with grenades. That is how Snake Eyes SHOULD look.

But what are you going to do about the height? The TT is alot taller than the pro.
Not really. If anything it isn't "a lot"

Well, would you consider, Han solo figure alot taller than Luke? Because that is what th ecomparison would be. On SE is is not as bad (comparing to other SS figure) because the boots have no joint its just a peg, so boots actually give a little lift to the body, but CC's boot look like Han Solos boots. So he would look a lot shorter, pecially next to the TT. Unless ofcouse they use the "modular" option on the rest of the figures.
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Nah, he's a certified ******. And WTF is Charlie?! :huh :lol

And you call yourself thenammagazine? :huh


And you call yourself thenammagazine? :huh



Did you actually LOOK at what our acronym stands for? It has absolutely nothing to do with Vietnam, let alone the slang term "Victor Charlie" derived from the military's acronym for Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. I'm not VC and definitely not Vietnamese. :huh
The thing with Snake Eyes' physique is...he's not meant to be a big, bulky dude. He's a ninja, a svelt, silent killer. Do you expect him to look like Dolph Lundgren or something? I think his physique is perfect and the outfit fits the physique perfectly. Think about someone who's at the peak of their martial arts training and at the peak of their physical condition.

The biceps on the Prometheus are just shy of a full 1/4 inch smaller than the biceps on a True Type. Yes, I measured them. Take from that what you will. Personally it doesn't matter to me one way or the other cause I'm not a fan of the Pro's torso.

For those of you not wanting to switch bodies but still not happy with the arms on the Pro. you have another option. Pouches on the biceps. Something I think SSC shoulda done in the first place similar to those of the '85 Snake Eyes. Adding a pouch to the side of each bicep will give the optical allusion that the arms are in fact wider.
The thing with Snake Eyes' physique is...he's not meant to be a big, bulky dude. He's a ninja, a svelt, silent killer. Do you expect him to look like Dolph Lundgren or something? I think his physique is perfect and the outfit fits the physique perfectly. Think about someone who's at the peak of their martial arts training and at the peak of their physical condition.


we went over this a dozen times already... snakeyes isn't supposed to be small or slim... in fact he's generally portrayed as a tall, very muscularly built caucasian/nordic/germanic man who used to be an M60 gunner before he was ever a ninja...

the ninjas you are talking about are japanese men who tend to be of smaller slimmer builds...
we went over this a dozen times already... snakeyes isn't supposed to be small or slim... in fact he's generally portrayed as a tall, very muscularly built caucasian/nordic/germanic man who used to be an M60 gunner before he was ever a ninja...

the ninjas you are talking about are japanese men who tend to be of smaller slimmer builds...

I'm talking about people who train in martial arts and get themselves into peak condition, which he's supposed to be in. See, someone's body changes depending on what they're doing or training in, generally.

If you're an M60 gunner, you're going to have a lot of weight on you. You're going to be a big guy. Noone's saying Snake Eyes isn't tall. But if you're training in the ways of the ninja, there's a good chance you're going to end up similar in build to them...especially if you eat what they eat, do their exercises, and emulate their training exactly, which I'd guess is what he'd be doing. There's a giant difference in what your body has to do when you're an M60 gunner as opposed to a ninja.

I really don't care what artists have drawn him as...he looks different every time a new artists sketches him. The point of Sideshow's line is to present a "realistic" take on the property, not emulate everyone that's done it before. I don't really care if you've gone over it a dozen times or none, it's going to keep coming up so long as people keep being stupid about it.
The thing with Snake Eyes' physique is...he's not meant to be a big, bulky dude. He's a ninja, a svelt, silent killer. Do you expect him to look like Dolph Lundgren or something? I think his physique is perfect and the outfit fits the physique perfectly. Think about someone who's at the peak of their martial arts training and at the peak of their physical condition.


Then why don't you get yourself an Enterbay Bruce Lee body? It would be a hell of a lot better than the bunk Pro.