Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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That's the #1 reason I anticipate seeing this movie. Not in any direct way like Carl had, but in some capacity, I sense that Bruce's state of mind and emotion in this movie is going to connect with some things I've dealt with and I think it'll be a therapeutically entertaining time to see this movie.

I know what you mean man... It's the main reason that Batman always resonated with me as a kid. I understood his pain to a point, my Mother dying when I was a kid... the downward slope that drugs had on her. So Batman became my favorite hero.
I know what you mean man... It's the main reason that Batman always resonated with me as a kid. I understood his pain to a point, my Mother dying when I was a kid... the downward slope that drugs had on her. So Batman became my favorite hero.

I'm finding allure in the perseverance of the character, similar to that line from Rocky Balboa you and I both really like. His parents are murdered in front of him, and still he keeps doing what he has to. The city hates him but still he keeps doing what he has to. He's overpowered and still he keeps doing what he has to. The love of his life and his strongest tie to a normal, rational life is taken from him and still he perseveres. It's so encouraging and inspiring, even though it's a fictional story, to see that sort of determination.
I'm finding allure in the perseverance of the character, similar to that line from Rocky Balboa you and I both really like. His parents are murdered in front of him, and still he keeps doing what he has to. The city hates him but still he keeps doing what he has to. He's overpowered and still he keeps doing what he has to. The love of his life and his strongest tie to a normal, rational life is taken from him and still he perseveres. It's so encouraging and inspiring, even though it's a fictional story, to see that sort of determination.

I have always loved that about Batman, his neverending struggle. He wants to let go, but knows he never will be able to. Even in the face of overwhelming odds and uncompromising men like the Joker, Batman still does his job. :rock
I have always loved that about Batman, his neverending struggle. He wants to let go, but knows he never will be able to. Even in the face of overwhelming odds and uncompromising men like the Joker, Batman still does his job. :rock

That's why I love the Alfred dialogue telling Bruce to endure and how if Batman can't hold up during such tough times no one can because that's what Batman stands for and exists for, to persevere and make things right when everyone else rolls over. As much as I love the visual films Burton gave us, his portrayal of Batman never touched on the emotion and drama of Wayne's life, it was more a sophisticated telling of the Adam West style Batman, but Nolan's really touched upon something that elevates Batman on film to a whole new level. It's nice to have sort of a generational thing. We were kids when BATMAN debuted in 1989 and it was everything a kid could want. Now that we've matured as adults, we're getting the quality of Batman film an adult can enjoy. It really works our great.
All I know is that people better start getting with the Spoils soon.
That's why I love the Alfred dialogue telling Bruce to endure and how if Batman can't hold up during such tough times no one can because that's what Batman stands for and exists for, to persevere and make things right when everyone else rolls over. As much as I love the visual films Burton gave us, his portrayal of Batman never touched on the emotion and drama of Wayne's life, it was more a sophisticated telling of the Adam West style Batman, but Nolan's really touched upon something that elevates Batman on film to a whole new level. It's nice to have sort of a generational thing. We were kids when BATMAN debuted in 1989 and it was everything a kid could want. Now that we've matured as adults, we're getting the quality of Batman film an adult can enjoy. It really works our great.

Burton told us about Wayne's emotion very well. Especially trough his encounters with Selina Kyle wich is sort of his female alter ego and shows him where he went wrong and what should be his limits. The guy has no life. He just sits and waits, he is a near schizo hermit living in his own fantasy of justice and revenge. He doesn't enjoy life and becoming batman is his private form of therapy. It has got nothing to do with adam West batman:lol. It has much more to do with being an outcast like all of Burton's characters (Edward Scissorhands for example). If you think this has anything to do with Adam West you haven't understood anything about the character. Batman Returns was made for adults. The sado-masochistic sexuality of Bruce and Selina's relationship, the psychological defects of all the characters are not for any young kid to understand. Not to mention the violence, wich contains stuff we will never see in a Nolan bat-film. It is much more on the level of a full-blown fantasy film but it is in that world where Burton's characters come to life. It is just his way of telling things. batman returns is still the darkest and most mature of all the batman films.

I watched Batman Begins last night and for the first time actually liked allot of parts of it but it isn't the movie you are all pretending it to be. It's not some peak of intellectualism. It's a fun comic-book movie that pretty much stays on the surface of things. Just because it contains some corny drama (wich is sometimes poorly acted) doesn't mean it is a study of the wounded human soul (The same drama can be found in any tv show or soap opera). It is much to shallow for that. And i would seriously hesitate in calling this a movie for adults. I think the more matured adult will find this way of storytelling way to simplistic and fragmented.

I would like this movie much more if you people would just take it for what it is. I can understand you are thrilled by this vision of batman but please lets keep things in perspective here. It is a fun (and faulty) comic-book movie.

Yes i'm starting to like it in some ways and i really want to see TDK. It becomes harder when Begins fans keep attacking Burton's batman (wich they clearly don't understand) in favor of a far les artistic film: Batman Begins. It makes me want to oppose the Nolan bat and then all it's flaws become visible. Let's just enjoy what was then and what is now. We don't need these vs battles.
Burton told us about Wayne's emotion very well. Especially trough his encounters with Selina Kyle wich is sort of his female alter ego and shows him where he went wrong and what should be his limits. The guy has no life. He just sits and waits, he is a near schizo hermit living in his own fantasy of justice and revenge. He doesn't enjoy life and becoming batman is his private form of therapy. It has got nothing to do with adam West batman:lol. It has much more to do with being an outcast like all of Burton's characters (Edward Scissorhands for example). If you think this has anything to do with Adam West you haven't understood anything about the character. Batman Returns was made for adults. The sado-masochistic sexuality of Bruce and Selina's relationship, the psychological defects of all the characters are not for any young kid to understand. Not to mention the violence, wich contains stuff we will never see in a Nolan bat-film. It is much more on the level of a full-blown fantasy film but it is in that world where Burton's characters come to life. It is just his way of telling things. batman returns is still the darkest and most mature of all the batman films.

I watched Batman Begins last night and for the first time actually liked allot of parts of it but it isn't the movie you are all pretending it to be. It's not some peak of intellectualism. It's a fun comic-book movie that pretty much stays on the surface of things. Just because it contains some corny drama (wich is sometimes poorly acted) doesn't mean it is a study of the wounded human soul (The same drama can be found in any tv show or soap opera). It is much to shallow for that. And i would seriously hesitate in calling this a movie for adults. I think the more matured adult will find this way of storytelling way to simplistic and fragmented.

I would like this movie much more if you people would just take it for what it is. I can understand you are thrilled by this vision of batman but please lets keep things in perspective here. It is a fun (and faulty) comic-book movie.

Yes i'm starting to like it in some ways and i really want to see TDK. It becomes harder when Begins fans keep attacking Burton's batman (wich they clearly don't understand) in favor of a far les artistic film: Batman Begins. It makes me want to oppose the Nolan bat and then all it's flaws become visible. Let's just enjoy what was then and what is now. We don't need these vs battles.

We've been down this road so there's not sense going there again. You clearly have a love for Burton's films, which is fine, but you're coming around talking down to us for how we perceive the Nolan's films at the height of our excitement for it and that's not cool.

WE PEOPLE see it for what we see it as, a great film series to which we're eager to see the next installment of.
I respect your ideas here bro, but I still think that it's unfair to say that Begins is an "unartistic" Batman film. It still has artistic elements, just not based in fantasy.

And it really depends on where your original Batman fandom lies. Whether it is with the 89 film, the comics of whatever era... it really can vary. Some like Batman like he was in the 60's... some like the Batman of the 80's, some like him realistic and some like him fantastic...

Nobody is right or wrong, we all just have different tastes.
We've been down this road so there's not sense going there again. You clearly have a love for Burton's films, which is fine, but you're coming around talking down to us for how we perceive the Nolan's films at the height of our excitement for it and that's not cool.

WE PEOPLE see it for what we see it as, a great film series to which we're eager to see the next installment of.

I would say:

We've been down this road so there's not sense going there again. You clearly have a love for Nolans films, which is fine, but you're coming around talking down to me for how i perceive the Burton films at the height of my excitement for it and that's not cool.

I and many like me see it for what we see it as, 2 great films.

What's the difference?
I would say:

We've been down this road so there's not sense going there again. You clearly have a love for Nolans films, which is fine, but you're coming around talking down to me for how i perceive the Burton films at the height of my excitement for it and that's not cool.

I and many like me see it for what we see it as, 2 great films.

What's the difference?

How have I talked down to you for likeing Burton's films. I don't care what you like and I never commented on your liking the films, I've merely given my thoughts when the comparisons come up.
Sure:rolleyes: and i bet you think Begins is an ensemble of all human emotions. ^^^^ Tolstoj whe have Groyer:lol.

No, I wouldn't say that either. BEGINS has issues of its own.

TDK, however, fixes most of those and is indeed the deepest Batflick yet, though.

Anxious to know how close this is or isn't, the screen caps that were posted and removed on one of those photobucket type sites weren't too sharp on detail, but he certainly looks to be pretty ugly.
=DarkArtist81;1015916]I respect your ideas here bro, but I still think that it's unfair to say that Begins is an "unartistic" Batman film. It still has artistic elements, just not based in fantasy

True but it's nothing we haven't seen befor. Burton practically invented the modern superhero movie. They all have relied heavily on Burton's first vision.

And it really depends on where your original Batman fandom lies. Whether it is with the 89 film, the comics of whatever era... it really can vary. Some like Batman like he was in the 60's... some like the Batman of the 80's, some like him realistic and some like him fantastic...

True, Keaton's bat is my favorite but i like batman in general and i would like to add Nolans bat to that liking but the blind worship of his followers isn't helping

Nobody is right or wrong, we all just have different tastes.

True and i like the fact that you always seem to appreciate the Burton bat and show that batmen can live in perfect harmony.
How have I talked down to you for likeing Burton's films. I don't care what you like and I never commented on your liking the films, I've merely given my thoughts when the comparisons come up.

It was more about Begins fanatics in general not you perse.
batman returns is still the darkest and most mature of all the batman films.

Yeah those robo peguins with candy rockets on their backs is the height of maturity. :rolleyes:

I agree with you that Begin's isn't the peak of intellectualism, but Batman Returns is just straight up goofy in spots and I don't care for the plot. I think Burton did a good job with a fairy tale version of Batman, and it did pave the way for modern superhero flicks, but Nolan's take on Batman is much closer to the version of Batman I've always wanted to see in a movie.