Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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I hope this hasn’t been posted already... But I’ve seen the bank heist (prologue) scene, it’s not a knock your socks off sort of thing but it is the first reveal of the Joker. The fact that it’s a mob bank and the only people the Joker kills is one of his own men and the (corrupt shotgun wielding) bank manager it doesn’t really put him in the psycho class just yet. he does stuff hand grenades in all the pedestrians hands but.... Here is the first bunch of caps from the scene I’ll post more pictures later, and I’m going to try to make a short video of the Joker reveal.

Rachel does die. She is the reason why Harvey goes ape-^^^^ as Two-Face.

The Mob with the Joker's help (using corrupt police officers under Gordon's unit) captures Harvey and Rachel after the Joker is arrested. The interrogation thing is to get the Joker to reveal where they are. Joker after a huge talk and beating gives two locations: Gordon goes after Harvey while Batman goes after Rachel.

Dent and Rachel are tied up with drums of gasoline everywhere and wired to bombs. They have a two way radio and a web chat-thingy so they can see and speak to each other. Dent when trying to escape accidentally knocks one of the gas barrels over and lands in it sideways, soaking up his left side.

Batman shows up to save Rachel, but he finds Harvey. Turns out Joker gave the opposite locations. When Gorden gets to "Harvey's" building it explodes and Harvey hears her last words and death screams/gargles (yes, gargles) as she is blown to bits. He catches on fire and gets scarred. The death shakes everyone. Alfred uncovers a note to Bruce saying that she was going to marry Harvey and they would be best friends forever (this is Alfred's best kept secret that he refers to). Joker escapes by using his last phone call to detonate a bomb in the police station. Gordon realizes the Mob and Joker planned this whole thing from the beginning.
That must be the warehouse-esque building that Gordon looks super shocked to see go up in flames from the trailer.

I have to say, I like hearing this, makes me feel better about Batman going ape^^^^ on Joker in the police station, instead of being a revenge bent maniac, he's just driven to help and does what he has to for the information he needs.

Though it's a bit sad because it means that where I thought Joker throws Rachel off a roof and Batman fails to saver, means when he throws her, if that's in the movie, Batman does save her.

I think this new turn of events makes it less personal on Bruce, ya his love dies, but he wasn't there and failed to do anything.
Bruce (not yet in Batman suit) KO's Harvey prior to the rooftop confrontation with Joker/Rachel/Bat. He gets Rachel to hide with Harvey's KO'ed body, but Rachel doesn't listen to him and ends up confronting Joker (hence the knife scene/dance with Joker). As we know, Batman does save her from smacking the ground, but he gets some pretty serious injuries as a result of it.

IDK why Joker goes after Harvey, though. I'm thinking it has something to do with the mob wanting Harvey's head.

This movie sounds very dark and extremely emotional. The ending (with Batman on the run) is going to kill me. Don't know how Nolan can make a third that comes anywhere near TDK and Heath's performance.
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Well, Harvey is the unmasked Batman of Gotham city, taking him down makes as much a statement as taking out Batman.
Gotta try and decide something. I got my Batman Begins BR this past week and it comes with some movie money. I've already got my tickets to see DK Friday but I was thinking about using this to go see it at Midnight.
It's 1999 all over again for me :lol A movie introduces a cool, visually intriguing character I'd love to see in action, and they kill him off before I get enough, WTF Hollywood, WTF! haha.

I don't remember how it was like for Darth Maul back then. Was the character a total mystery ie. no screenshots of what he looked like etc?

It just makes me think so much effort to hide Two-Face's actual looks in the movie etc, only to have him killed off in the end.

I guess Nolan and gang were probably going for the shock factor and the impact of seeing what Two-Face looks like for the first time on the big screen.

Bruce (not yet in Batman suit) KO's Harvey prior to the rooftop confrontation with Joker/Rachel/Bat. He gets Rachel to hide with Harvey's KO'ed body, but Rachel doesn't listen to him and ends up confronting Joker (hence the knife scene/dance with Joker). As we know, Batman does save her from smacking the ground, but he gets some pretty serious injuries as a result of it.

IDK why Joker goes after Harvey, though. I'm thinking it has something to do with the mob wanting Harvey's head.

This movie sounds very dark and extremely emotional. The ending (with Batman on the run) is going to kill me. Don't know how Nolan can make a third that comes anywhere near TDK and Heath's performance.

There are 12 clips posted in One of them, show Bruce and Alfred (the "People are dying Alfred. What would you have me do?".

The basement is completely cleared out of all the gear and gadgets, both of them walking towards the elevator, the lights going out.

Alfred: I suppose they're going to lock me up as well now, as your accomplice
Bruce: Accomplice? I'm going to tell them the whole thing was all your idea

I'm thinking this is one of the final scenes, after Batman goes on the run.
I'm thinking this is one of the final scenes, after Batman goes on the run.

I think TDK would mesh well with Begins if this was the 2nd to last scene, like when Wayne's walking around the burnt manor with Alfred, once again the 2 looking back on things, looking ahead to the future, perhaps even another closing shot with Gordon setting up a 3rd film.
I don't remember how it was like for Darth Maul back then. Was the character a total mystery ie. no screenshots of what he looked like etc?

We fully knew his look from trailers and magazines and it was well known he'd be the first Jedi or Sith to wield a 2-bladed lightsaber. Anticipation for him was huge, his delivery lived up to his hype, I felt, the only negative was that he was bumped off before you really got a chance to explore the character. Sounds the same for Two-Face, just as we start to unwrap the complexity of his duality, it'll be cut off.
I think TDK would mesh well with Begins if this was the 2nd to last scene, like when Wayne's walking around the burnt manor with Alfred, once again the 2 looking back on things, looking ahead to the future, perhaps even another closing shot with Gordon setting up a 3rd film.

I didn't think about that, Sean. That would be perfect.
I was just watching the clip again, I downloaded it before they were pulled, it's got a nice somber music to it too, and I swear at the close of the last second, I hear the start up of that duh-duh-duh-duh in the music like the closing of Begins. Maybe he won't be with Gordon, but my prediction is the dialogue scene between Alfred and Bruce is the second to last scene of the movie with something powerful following it.

I'm thinking, now that the details of Rachel's death are out, this shot is Batman at the site where she bites it.

I find it hard to believe that Two Face dies in this film especially when David Goyer has been saying all along that in the three part Batman Trilogy it was supposed to be Ras, Joker then Two-Face. We know that all the main players including Nolan are signed for has to wonder if they did decide to take out Two-Face where is there to go for a third and what a wasted character especially considering the build up.
I think TDK would mesh well with Begins if this was the 2nd to last scene, like when Wayne's walking around the burnt manor with Alfred, once again the 2 looking back on things, looking ahead to the future, perhaps even another closing shot with Gordon setting up a 3rd film.

I'm thinking we've already seen the last shot of the film, and it's the Bat Signal being shattered.
I find it hard to believe that Two Face dies in this film especially when David Goyer has been saying all along that in the three part Batman Trilogy it was supposed to be Ras, Joker then Two-Face. We know that all the main players including Nolan are signed for has to wonder if they did decide to take out Two-Face where is there to go for a third and what a wasted character especially considering the build up.

Maybe it's a vague death where we don't know for sure and he makes a surprise return in a 3rd movie.
I'm thinking we've already seen the last shot of the film, and it's the Bat Signal being shattered.

That's definitely one of the last shots, but I don't know about THE last shot. The shot of Batman looking through the "binoculars" goes with that scene. He watches the shattering of the signal, I believe.
I find it hard to believe that Two Face dies in this film especially when David Goyer has been saying all along that in the three part Batman Trilogy it was supposed to be Ras, Joker then Two-Face. We know that all the main players including Nolan are signed for has to wonder if they did decide to take out Two-Face where is there to go for a third and what a wasted character especially considering the build up.

Seriously, with the way they wasted Scarecrow as a villian, I highly doubt that they will waste Two-Face as a villian. Hell, he is the next one, just like the way they did the part at the end of Begins of Joker.
Wouldn't get your hopes up, guys. I, too, would love to see Two-Face fleshed out for longer than 30 minutes. His death would make sense, though. Kind of a grim, emotional close to a very dark film.