Like I commented to DA earlier, the body of Batman films starting in '89 has offered something for everyone. I don't know who Schumacher's stuff appeals to, but it's nothing like Burton or Nolan's, so it offers something for some group. Burton's films offer something for people. I think at this point, there's not one type of film buff into comic book based films that doesn't have at least one Batman movie that caters to their tastes, there's such a variety. As an adult, I find relatable things and more draw to Nolan's story telling, but my inner child will always cling to Burton's movies, they consumed my childhood, I was all about Batman, running around the house dressed like him, mimicking Keaton's maneurisms, I won't forget where I came from as a Batman fan, and I like where things are going.
Yeah those robo peguins with candy rockets on their backs is the height of maturity.
I agree with you that Begin's isn't the peak of intellectualism, but Batman Returns is just straight up goofy in spots and I don't care for the plot. I think Burton did a good job with a fairy tale version of Batman, and it did pave the way for modern superhero flicks, but Nolan's take on Batman is much closer to the version of Batman I've always wanted to see in a movie.
It doesn't even matter if there were robo Teddybears instead of penguins (this is just part of the burtonistic landscape), it's about how you handle your characters.
Like I commented to DA earlier, the body of Batman films starting in '89 has offered something for everyone. I don't know who Schumacher's stuff appeals to, but it's nothing like Burton or Nolan's, so it offers something for some group. Burton's films offer something for people. I think at this point, there's not one type of film buff into comic book based films that doesn't have at least one Batman movie that caters to their tastes, there's such a variety. As an adult, I find relatable things and more draw to Nolan's story telling, but my inner child will always cling to Burton's movies, they consumed my childhood, I was all about Batman, running around the house dressed like him, mimicking Keaton's maneurisms, I won't forget where I came from as a Batman fan, and I like where things are going.
Would it be so hard to accept that Burtons Batman paved the way for the type of comic movies (and it definetly did) we see today? Can we all agree that BB is more of a realistic look at the character Batman in a more real life environment? I see it this way and i'm sure most members here feel the same way.
Hell i'm watching Batman (1989) as we speak, I use to say that I prefer BB over Batman but the truth is I love them both and won't compare them anymore!
Burton and Nolan both have an awesome eye when it comes to Batman, just different styles.
Burton's version was to me sort of like an Elseworld's tale: Tim Burton's Batman. It for me was detached from anything the comics or even the TV show destroyed (I'm sorry other than a vague fondness for what it was I really dislike the West vehicle) Nolan is giving me so far what I wanted in the film adaptations and I'm sure fans of Burton's world or even West's world will not have the same relation.
Would it be so hard to accept that Burtons Batman paved the way for the type of comic movies (and it definetly did) we see today? Can we all agree that BB is more of a realistic look at the character Batman in a more real life environment? I see it this way and i'm sure most members here feel the same way.
Hell i'm watching Batman (1989) as we speak, I use to say that I prefer BB over Batman but the truth is I love them both and won't compare them anymore!
Burton and Nolan both have an awesome eye when it comes to Batman, just different styles.
Would it be so hard to accept that Burtons Batman paved the way for the type of comic movies (and it definetly did) we see today? Can we all agree that BB is more of a realistic look at the character Batman in a more real life environment? I see it this way and i'm sure most members here feel the same way.
Hell i'm watching Batman (1989) as we speak, I use to say that I prefer BB over Batman but the truth is I love them both and won't compare them anymore!
Burton and Nolan both have an awesome eye when it comes to Batman, just different styles.
im getting a chance to see this in imax tommorow and i got to im excited and il have a mini review of a freaks opinion ripe and ready in the spoiler section of course, but with not to many spoilers.
Alright, I think we've beaten the horse on this one.
C'mon gang, just a few more days, cept for the lucky bastards around here , and we'll finally see our highly anticipated movie
Though, all the premiere hyping and such is killing me knowing I have to delay seeing it a bit, it's like seeing the top of the mountain but knowing you're not allowed to climb up there for a time no matter how much you want or try. Why can't my brother just get married without a last hoorah
Alright, I think we've beaten the horse on this one.
C'mon gang, just a few more days, cept for the lucky bastards around here , and we'll finally see our highly anticipated movie
Though, all the premiere hyping and such is killing me knowing I have to delay seeing it a bit, it's like seeing the top of the mountain but knowing you're not allowed to climb up there for a time no matter how much you want or try. Why can't my brother just get married without a last hoorah
I know how you feel man. Buttmunch better not be gloating later tonight/tomorrow.
Ah what the hell, let him gloat. He got to see it before any of us!!! (Well except for Irishjedi)
How funny would it be if the Joker ticket giveaway showings all had HAHAHA graphics and laugh audio thrown over the movie the whole time just to screw with people in Joker fashion
How funny would it be if the Joker ticket giveaway showings all had HAHAHA graphics and laugh audio thrown over the movie the whole time just to screw with people in Joker fashion
Boy I tell ya there are some good times ahead, TDK this Friday, Saturday i'm off to Orlando for a week and should have shipping notice soon after I get back for my BB and Joker!!!!
I just got back from an IMAX screening. No, I didn't bust a nut, and it isn't the greatest film EVER made, but it was pretty damn good. As a film, it gets high points on almost every level: The actors were great; the locations were spectacular; as was the cinematography; and Howard and Zimmer do it again with a top-notch score.
I liked BATMAN BEGINS, don't get me wrong; but I always tended to prefer the original Burton film. Its probably safe to say TDK is the finest of Batman movies, and even though the title hints at it, I was surprised by how surprisingly dark and emotional it was.
Yes, yes, Ledger was fantastic, and very natural in the role. It was a damn shame he died, as this movie could have taken his career to a whole new level. Better than Nicholson? It's subjective. Both were excellent Jokers; both were true to the comics in their own way; and both were extremely charismatic, which is a MUST for anybody playing the character. And yes, Ledger was funny, like the Joker SHOULD be. And honestly, despite being creepier looking, and doing a lot of ^^^^ed up ^^^^ in this movie, I think Nicholson's Joker got away with more stuff in the original film.
Anyway, I was even more impressed with Aaron Eckhart. His Harvey was EXTREMELY likeable and noble, and turned out to be the DEFINITIVE Two-Face. I actually liked this character more than the Joker, which was surprising as Mr. J is my favorite Bat-character. The special effects used to create him were incredibly realistic. And yes,
he DIES, but I felt the character was done justice, and there wasn't much more they could do with him in a sequel.
I applaud Nolan's decision. Tommy Lee who?
And of course, Freeman, Oldman and co. give it their all. Maggie Gyllenhall was cute, and seemed more sympathetic than Holmes.
Whatever you do, don't expect BATMAN BEGINS 2. Unlike the three Spider-Man films which are all pretty interchangable, this is a VERY different Batfilm. The tone is MUCH darker, the action is ALOT better, and the entire visual feel is almost completely different. This is an epic; both visually and in length. Unlike BEGINS which had a pretty straight-foward story, there are many subplots and stories going on, which form this massive comic book-like story-arc.
While dark and well-made, it's still a commercial film used to sell shirts and toys. It's like Nolan watched HEAT, GOODFELLAS, and some James Bond flicks, and knew how popular they are, so he decides to make a Batman film like that to attract audiences. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's obvious Warner Bros. knows what's hot. It's louder, and MUCH more high-tech than BEGINS, and fit the tone of the modern comics perfectly.
The new bat-suit was incredibly unnecessary, aside from some minor improvements like the head-turning, and shooting gauntlets. There was no reason to go all Shumacher on it, other than to give Hot Toys our money. Christian Bale gives us more of the same, except his voice REALLY annoyed me the second time around, and sounded even more forced and phony than in BEGINS. If his Battitude annoyed you the first time around, it might really get to you the second time. However, his Bruce Wayne was cool, as always.
Overall, a solid 4/5 and probably the BEST bat-film yet. This could be Nolan's last Batman, and I would be satisfied. There are only so many times you can rehash the same character, and basic plot; however, when he does make a third, I hope he does it differently; as different as TDK was to BB,
and maybe takes it into a slightly lighter direction, without going into Shumacher territory. Bring on a traditional batmobile, use some completely new villains who haven't been done before, and do something new.
If he makes it the same way he made TDK, it will be hard to top it, so the only way he should do it, is if he can TRULY make it original, and still respectful to the first two.
As good as IRON MAN, but with me, it's apples and oranges. Here is how I rank the series:
1. THE DARK KNIGHT: The modern, hi-tech Batman comics of the 90's and 00's. A modern crime drama.
2. BATMAN: The classic Batman of the 30's and 40's as Kane and Finger created him. Gothic horror meets Warner gangster.
3. BATMAN BEGINS: A pretty faithful adaptation of YEAR ONE, mixed with the O'NEIL stories of the 70's. Origin Story.
4. BATMAN RETURNS: An original Tim Burton film. German Expressionism.
5. BATMAN FOREVER: The campy comics of the 50's and 60's updated for the 90's. Typical Summer blockbuster.
Lived up to the hype. Best movie I've seen in years. Of course, Joker steals the show.
Heath deserves not only to be nominated for best supporting actor, but also win it too. He steals every scene he is in. Played perfectly.
His make-up is all over the place. It is clean, then messy, then clean, then messy. He clearly is reapplying it more than once. I'd say it is almost 50/50 between the messy and "clean" looks. Hard to describe.
Without a doubt, my favorite scene in the entire film is Joker's Magic Trick. I won't say anything more about it though.
Pretty much all of the scenes the Joker is in, are shown in the trailers save for the final battle, which I felt is good. Not going to say any more about that either.
Two-Face looks nearly identical to the concept art leaked. He is clearly CGI, but it looks great. Once again, not going to say anymore.
Batman was a beast. If you thought he was tough in BB, he is even meanier in this one. I liked it. The weird accessory the Hot Toys figure (original suit) is used briefly only in the begining. Speaking of, a second Hot Toys Joker could be done with a few new accessories and different make-up. There is also one outfit that would be totally sick that would make an amazing figure.
Again, I won't say much more.
Any questions? Want me to go into more details? Just let me know.
I just got back from the viral ticket screenings and I must say Ledger's performance will give you chills. (Expect even more Oscar buzz for Mr. Ledger after opening weekend.) Eckhart's performance as Dent was phenomenal in its own right as well. I can right a full review etc. etc., but honestly the movie speaks for itself. Hands down, this summer's best. (Yes, in my opinion, it even out-performs Iron Man .) It was a thrill ride from start to finish, and PLEASE make sure you see this in IMAX. You won't regret it......
I just got back from the viral ticket screenings and I must say Ledger's performance will give you chills. (Expect even more Oscar buzz for Mr. Ledger after opening weekend.) Eckhart's performance as Dent was phenomenal in its own right as well. I can right a full review etc. etc., but honestly the movie speaks for itself. Hands down, this summer's best. (Yes, in my opinion, it even out-performs Iron Man .) It was a thrill ride from start to finish, and PLEASE make sure you see this in IMAX. You won't regret it......
I second everything you said. IMAX was amazing and the switch between regular and IMAX footage was nearly seamless. Not jerky or really noticable like I thought it might have been.