Yeah, see it in IMAX again! Much better visually and helps add a few more $$ to the box office take-in
I've seen it twice in IMAX and twice in a standard theater, and there is just no comparison. IMAX is the way to see this film at its best!
I hate Titanic and was pissed when it bumped Star Wars. Since Star Wars can't get it back, at least let the Bat take it!
You know I used to think Titanic was good. But, the more I thought about it over time, I really can't stand it. They took the tragedy and turned it into a love story. It's so over-rated, bloated, and annoying...and if I hear Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" one more time I'm gonna put a gun to my head.

On a brighter note. I am gonna def. try for one more IMAX viewing of TDK. Maybe I can talk the wife into it. She hasn't seen it yet.