Insufferable S.O.B.
If TDK HAS to be beat, i'd rather it get beaten by Thunder.
Doesn't have to beat anything. It has proven itself already.
If TDK HAS to be beat, i'd rather it get beaten by Thunder.
I'm pretty confident they won't but I think they can see that a PG-13 film that can attract teenagers has a bigger potential for profit.
Rated PG-13
Dark Knight: 440m+
Pirates 2: 420m+
Spider-Man: 400m+
Episode III: 380m+
LOTR: ROTK: 380m+
Spidey 2: 370m+
Jurassic Park: 357m+
Transformers: 319m+
Iron Man: 316m+
Indy IV: 314m+
Rated R
Matrix 2: 281m+
300: 210m+
Matrix: 171m+
There's no comparison when it comes to box office potential for films that have ratings that allow families and teens to buy tickets. Do they want to turn away teenagers all summer, or have them come back for their fifth and sixth viewing? Movies like these make the money over time in part due to repeat business from adolescents, which can't happen when it receives an R rating.
I should make it clear that I don't want to see a PG-13 Watchmen, but there's got to be some accountants at WB who are dreaming of it.
Television has been so hammered by what George Carlin called the "professional Christians" in the past 8 years that the only place to see anything fresh and edgy is the multiplex. When they've tried to do anything like that on TV all these groups get involved and suddely the only advocates in this country seem to be pro-censorship ones.
For example?
The lack of blood gave the film a greater impact. IMO.
Wow.... That's awesome. Maybe Tropic Thunder will dethrone it.
I went and saw this for the 4th time last week and it was amazing that the theater was still packed with people to see it, even in my small town. I was really shocked. And I have to say that even after viewing number 4, I am not tired of it. I leave wanting more, it's just crazy how much I love this movie. I seriously could go and see it yet again...
Mike that's pretty cool, where'd you get it?
That coin is very cool.
A Dog Chasing Cars isn't at all from when Bruce is following Reese with Gordon's men, that whole moment is covered in "And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad", I think Dog Chasing is music not used in the movie after the first few minutes capture the tension building on the boats and the rooftop dialogue between Batman and Gordon before he leaps over to the Joker's building. I can't figure it out, but there's some music bridging Dog Chasing and Introduce a Little Anarchy which covers the entire SWAT fight and Joker beating Batman with the pipe and dogs.
These early pre-Heath Ledger Joker conceptual designs can be found in The Art of The Dark Knight. I was shocked to discover that the Joker design they eventually settled on, actually seems a lot tamer than some of the early concepts. I recommend picking up the book, as it also features the entire shooting script.
It's just a movie poster to get your attention. Tons of posters are made the same way.