Official "The Dark Knight" SPOILER Thread

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TDK catching TITANIC was pretty much out of the picture a couple of weeks ago. The way movies are front-loaded these days and the rate at which they start dropping screens after their 4th or 5th week means it's still going to be some time before the boat is sunk. But it will happen one day. Rising ticket prices alone makes that highly probable at some point.
Its already claimed the number 2 spot....that is enough. The thing is this film got so much hype and is so revered right now that if Nolan and Company (I'm assuming Nolan is onboard since the president of WB is ready to fully announce a third Batman film within the month) they can continously hype the next one and out do this one.....TDK created a whole new league of Batfans and if they can get a main actor or actress to give as serious a performance as'll be outstanding.
I'd feel pretty farkin proud of this movie if I were Nolan and Crew. Im sure Ledger....well....if there is a heaven or whatever, im sure he's proud as well.
TDK catching TITANIC was pretty much out of the picture a couple of weeks ago. The way movies are front-loaded these days and the rate at which they start dropping screens after their 4th or 5th week means it's still going to be some time before the boat is sunk. But it will happen one day. Rising ticket prices alone makes that highly probable at some point.

Well I dont know how they calculate that but he made 500 Mio (?) in the first weeks without beeing aired in Europe. He started here on August 21, so there will be quite alot of money they will make here too. Will this have to be added?
I bet TDK would beat Titanic easily if the economy weren't where it's at in the U.S. I was at a party this weekend talking to folks about it and a fair number wants to but hasn't seen it yet, and a big factor in that is making choices about spending money. For a couple to go out and see it, it costs more than the DVD/Blu-Ray later, lots of people will pass for the cheaper route because they need the money for gas and costs of living more now than the older days. If a trip to the movies were a cheaper thing and life less hard in this country, I bet more folks would be flocking to the theaters.
I bet TDK would beat Titanic easily if the economy weren't where it's at in the U.S.

I've actually heard the opposite. Not to disregard your friends' decisions, because the tight financial situation for many people is making them reconsider uneccessary spending. However, movies are still a cheap form of entertainment when compared to vacation, amusement parks, water parks, plays/theatre, and shopping.
I bet TDK would beat Titanic easily if the economy weren't where it's at in the U.S.

Cinema attendance usually rises in a weak economy as more expensive excursions become impossible.

Someone will beat Titanic but it probably won't be The Dark Knight. Titanic had a very weird box office trajectory behind it and for all its power TDK has a very contemporary box office trajectory. As IrishJedi points out, the film is going to play out in a predictable pattern that already shows a miss.

To be honest I find this sort of speculation a waste of time anyway as adujusted for inflation The Dark Knight still has a considerable way to go. It looks impressive because nominal ticket prices are high and it opened on 9200 screens (and to be fair it is an impressive performance). But it's only number two nominally, and frankly nominal races are for morons.
I'm a moron! :banana

I can safely say that I've done my part, though..even though the tickets were free. I drove from Nashville to ATL to see this thing, and I'll never forget it! :)
I bet TDK would beat Titanic easily if the economy weren't where it's at in the U.S. I was at a party this weekend talking to folks about it and a fair number wants to but hasn't seen it yet, and a big factor in that is making choices about spending money. For a couple to go out and see it, it costs more than the DVD/Blu-Ray later, lots of people will pass for the cheaper route because they need the money for gas and costs of living more now than the older days. If a trip to the movies were a cheaper thing and life less hard in this country, I bet more folks would be flocking to the theaters.

Jeez, how much are movie tickets in your area? I pay 7.50 per ticket, so at two that's only 15 bucks. Aren't Blue Ray DVDs like 30 or something? Of course that 15 dollars is without any refreshments and going to the afternoon showtime so maybe that is the difference?

Also I hate that they compare movies by the amount they make without factoring in the rise of ticket prices. I think it should go by number of tickets sold. If I recall at one time Gone With the Wind had that prize, anyone know if it still does?
Going by ticket sales the top movies are:

1. Gone with the Wind

2. Star Wars

3. The Sound of Music

4. E.T. The Extra Terrestrial

5. The Ten Commandments

6. Titanic

7. Jaws

8. Dr. Zhivago

9. The Exorcist

10. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

35. The Dark Knight

I'm guessing that TDK will crack the top 25 but it definitely won't come close to the top 10.
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Jeez, how much are movie tickets in your area? I pay 7.50 per ticket, so at two that's only 15 bucks. Aren't Blue Ray DVDs like 30 or something? Of course that 15 dollars is without any refreshments and going to the afternoon showtime so maybe that is the difference?

Shows before 6pm are around $7.50 where I am, after 6pm it's like $10-$11 per ticket. I wasn't basing things on tickets alone though. Figure for some folks, it might eat up 1/4 tank of gas for the night out, plus dinner or snacks. You're talking like a $50-$60 night just to see a movie, which for some doesn't fit into the budget. I go to movies alone and just to see a movie and have popcorn and a drink runs me $20 at the theater. I don't care about paying it, but with prices like that, I can see why some feel it's not worth it.
True, didn't factor in gas either.

I'll be honest though, I've never understood people who have to have a snack when going to the movie. Sodas just make you have to pee, then you miss parts, or you do the potty dance in your seat while wishing the movie will hurry up and get over. And I hate when people are noisy with the food, opening wrappers, digging around in the popcorn. When I went to see TPM there was a guy who smuggled in some cans of soda and candy in the theater. Throughout the movie he was unwrapping candy and opening the cans then making a slurping sound as he drank. I'm a misanthrope when it comes to going to the movies. :lol

Oh and GWTW FTW! :woo
Shows before 6pm are around $7.50 where I am, after 6pm it's like $10-$11 per ticket. I wasn't basing things on tickets alone though. Figure for some folks, it might eat up 1/4 tank of gas for the night out, plus dinner or snacks. You're talking like a $50-$60 night just to see a movie, which for some doesn't fit into the budget. I go to movies alone and just to see a movie and have popcorn and a drink runs me $20 at the theater. I don't care about paying it, but with prices like that, I can see why some feel it's not worth it.

Wow! $7.50 is the evening price here! $5.50 for matinees, which I always do since they are still matinees before 6PM.
Wow! $7.50 is the evening price here! $5.50 for matinees, which I always do since they are still matinees before 6PM.

Ya, I had an ex out of state and first time I went to the movies with her, I got more food for far less money, and the tickets were like under half what I pay up here, I shook my head. Unfortunately, around here movies are only cheap if you catch them at bargain theaters like 3-4 months after release or you have to drive way out of the way to remote places where they take any money they can get. I once went to a Walmart near the local bargain theater and they had the 3rd LOTR movie just playing as I could walk into Walmart and buy the DVD, that's how late they get them sometimes.
Concession stand prices are as always, insane.

Theaters rely on concessions to pay the bills. Studios take most of the actual ticket price. I usually skip out on concessions but if I'm at an independent theater I always grab something because that's how those folks survive.