Here's a concept for a poster image I came up with while making some with the Hot Toys figures.

Link please?just downloaded the dvd screener. freakin awesome.![]()
Sucks that Harvey isn't comming back. I suppose it is still possible that Nolan could change his mind since Heath was supposed to go on and Aaron wasn't. He could still flip that. Sounds like Aaron would still want to play Two-face if they asked him to.
Aaron was on Kimmel last night and said he even asked Nolan during his contract renogotiations if Harvey was dead and he quoted Nolan telling him
"Harvey is dead" Case closed...
Question now is who does Goyer/Nolan have in mind for the next Villain.
I don't think there is any question now that a third film is coming. The only question is will Nolan stick with it or will he pull a Burton on us? Please don't let Michael Bay or anyone else get ahold of this franchise, it could end worse than Shumacher!![]()
I'd say Nolan's on a roll, 3 great movies in a row, Begins, Prestige and now TDK. Man's one of the better directors working right now.
Indeed. The biggest hurdle will be his Confidence in any story they may come up with. He will not rush a Story that doesn't rise to the level of the other 2, and this takes time. The good news is David is also involved...
I don't think there was any ambuguity in Dent's death. His neck was broken and last time we saw him, he was laying lifeless.
And why would Gotham fake his funeral and honor him if he was later to turn up alive? This makes no sense to me...
Dent is dead, make no mistake about it.
And make no mistake that the franchise is firmly in Nolan's hands. He and Goyer have already discussed the theme and Villain for the next Film.
Chris needs time off, then do a few other Films as Aaron said last night. After that WB will expect an answer from him -- after they park a truck loaded with cash in his driveway. I doubt Nolan will turn down the money, knowing that will be enough to secure his Future projects.
I think he may want more from WB as well, some kind of Overall deal beyond Batman. He has the leverage right now and he knows it.
The problem was Batman was stopping the Joker from winning, but if Dent is really dead, the Joker DID win in the end. Batman BROKE his one rule! He killed Dent. Sure it was to save Gordon's son, but he could have saved Dent too. But that isn't the point. Batman's one rule is to not kill and he did. The Joker won. Plain and simple.
I viewed the funeral as a memorial to Dent. He is dead to the public, but secretly locked up in Arkham or somewhere to save his reputation as Gotham's White Knight. When he escapes in part three, he would ruin Harvey's reputation and thus allowing Batman to become the hero Gotham needs.
So really, Two-Face really needs to be alive or else how will Batman's reputation ever be cleared?
Maybe I should change my title to say :I Believe Harvey Dent is alive![]()
Harvey is dead. Harvey died as a result of the fall. Batman had to save the kid. It's very simple. I don't understand why people are having trouble grasping it...
The whole "Harvey died, but Two-Face LIVES!" is bull^^^^. Having Harvey dead, but Two-Face live is departing from the "realistic" core of Nolan's films. He doesn't have two lives, and he's not an amoeba. He's a man.
Harvey is dead. Harvey died as a result of the fall. Batman had to save the kid. It's very simple. I don't understand why people are having trouble grasping it...
The whole "Harvey died, but Two-Face LIVES!" is bull^^^^. Having Harvey dead, but Two-Face live is departing from the "realistic" core of Nolan's films. He doesn't have two lives, and he's not an amoeba. He's a man.
Batman did NOT break his one rule. Dent's death was accidental, Batman did not intend to kill him.
I could be wrong, but I don't really remember that drop being that much higher than the one Batman dropped Sal Moroni from so he could live. Plus him surviving for me wouldn't be a departure from realism anymore than having half your face severely burned, but being able to get out of bed and kill people the next day.
It sounds to me like Dent is dead and won't be coming back, but I stand by saying that what we see in the movie is ambiguous enough that he could be alive.
That doesn't matter. His role is don't kill, and he did. And it wasn't accidental, he tackled him on the edge of a building! What do you think he thought would happen? He would land on a pile of pillows? He broke his one rule, period. Joker won.
That is my biggest reason why Two-Face shouldn't be dead, athough I won't deny he isn't. I think Nolan made that clear to Eckhart.![]()