Super Freak
Eh. The Extended TDK will work until the high-def audio tracks from the blu-ray come out.
It's a noble effort, for what it is.
It's a noble effort, for what it is.
Well, I'm glad you found and shared these with us, VERY much appreciated. Have you ever come accross extended scores for Pirates of the Caribbean? That's another score series where much of my favorite stuff is absent from the CDs.
I have some POTC, except an AWE extended. There are two different extended editions of both POTC and DMC (4 total). One with SFX and one without. Pretty cool to hear swords clashing out of nowhere
They are pretty easy to find, if you google. I think they are still out there. It's been awhile since I got them.
I have some POTC, except an AWE extended. There are two different extended editions of both POTC and DMC (4 total). One with SFX and one without. Pretty cool to hear swords clashing out of nowhere
They are pretty easy to find, if you google. I think they are still out there. It's been awhile since I got them.
A couple people have asked about the BB Expanded Score.
Here it is -
And another, slightly different version can be found here, along with a TDK Remix -
Could I maybe get a little help on how to download these? For some reason they don't want to work for me.![]()
Well, I'm glad you found and shared these with us, VERY much appreciated. Have you ever come accross extended scores for Pirates of the Caribbean? That's another score series where much of my favorite stuff is absent from the CDs.
I think Depp as The Riddler would be a fantastic choice... Depp can play insane rather well, and as long as he went full out into the role and gave us something chilling... could be revolutionary. Hoffman as Penguin would be perfect too, I can see both of them in my mind pretty damn clearly...
Jack Sparrow doesn't belong in Nolan's franchise. If WB wanted to top TDK, simply in terms of Box Office (not movie quality), then they'll cast him. No doubt that movie would put butts in seats
What's wrong with Depp? And weren't you one of those who doubted the casting of Ledger initially?
Thanks, Curse is the one I want most, the end fight music from the Pirates cave is my favorite piece of music in the whole series.
I love film scores, I just wish more complete ones were out there.
If you do the MEGAUPLOAD one, here's what you do.
1) Click the link.
2) At the top, there's a text field with an orange DOWNLOAD button, enter the text that says please enter _ _ _ here into the text field and click the download button.
3) On the next page, you'll see a column labelled FREE and at the bottom it'll say Please Wait _ _ Seconds To Download, once that time's up, a download button appears and you just click it and it starts the download to your PC.
4) Use an unzipping program to extract the files.