I won't argue taste. If you didn't like it, then we will respect that. But, lets be honest. You went into the movie already hating it - whether it was due to watching the first half on bootleg, or your dislike of this kind of film. Add to that the fact that you admit you don't like Bay movies, and well, what made you even think there was a chance you would like Transformers?
The one area that confuses me is the "If I was a die-hard Transformers fan", then 90% of your complaints are due to changes made from the cartoon. If you like the cartoon as a child, just admit it ... you won't loose any "indie" cred. Most of the whining (and I mean on AICN since you brought it up) has come from people who wanted a live-action replica of the cartoon - much like the Battlestar Galactica people moaned and gripped after that remake. I have asked a few other people, but I welcome your explanation - How does the color of a robot destroy your enjoyment of the film? Were you also upset that they didn't come to Earth in a giant spaceship (The Ark) like the cartoon? How about Starscream being a more modern style plane?
What about the fact that .... well, why bother. Point being, all the whining about minor details is silly. If people want the original, rent the movie. This movie was a re-imagining and I feel like they did a good job. I realize that Bay is a polarizing director, but I enjoy his work. He's never going to win an Oscar. But his films are enjoyable "popcorn" flicks. They aren't suppose to be over analyzed. They aren't suppose to answer profound questions. They are designed to entertain. Since you mentioned a review in your original post, let me do the same. A reviewer for Bad Boys 2 wrote, "loud and bombastic, the reviewer in me kept telling me that I shouldn't be enjoying this flick. However, say what you will about Bay, he's a master at blowing sh#t up ... and sometimes that what I want from a film ... good mindless fun." That same quote sums up Transformers for me. Not going to replace Godfather 2 or Schindler's List at the top of my "serious" movie top ten. Not going to replace Aliens and Die Hard at the top of my action top ten. But it was still a great flick and I will be there to buy the DVD day one.