Super Freak
dekadentdave said:Give it up Douglas. Independence Day is a piece of crap brought to you by one of the biggest f'n hacks on the planet: Roland Emmerich. He is a plagiarist who has ripped off more successful films than any other director: Universal Soldier: Terminator, Stargate: Raiders of the Lost Ark/Star Wars, Independence Day: Star Wars/Close Enounters/War of the Worlds/E.T./Top Gun, Godzilla: Jurassic Park, Moon 44: Alien
How this guy AND Michael Bay AND Brett Ratner continue to make films is astonishing.
Lotta movie anger there
Glad I just go to a movie, enjoy my time, buy it on DVD if I like it and thats it.
its entertainment, I think thats what does it for me and for the record I liked Stargate, ID4 and Transformers.