Well, I had to go see what all the buzz was about!

I'm pretty anti-Michael Bay, but I will say this is his best movie by far.
Honestly, I probably wouldn't have checked this out if my buddy didn't drag me to it, but I did really enjoy myself. (the theater was PACKED and everyone was going wild...that surprised me) For me, someone who isn't versed in Transformers lore, it was just 'good'. I did very much like some of the action sequences, but for me, the more interesting thing was seeing giant robots just chilling and chatting with each other.

I think that was effective and cheesy-cool!
Shia LaBeouf was the best part of the film for me....and that's probably because I know he's a key player in Indy 4! hahah. I was surprised he was so good. natural, funny...under Speilberg's direction, he oughta play out fine in the new Indy film. He definitely has similar features to a young Ford too. back to this movie, though.

I thought he did a really good job. he's the only character I had any connection with, (other than the ogling I did when Megan Fox showed up

whew... )
it's definitely thrilling audiences... the crowd went wild and even applauded the movie. (which is always fun to witness) For me, it was a fun movie, but just as forgettable as any other Bay movie. but I'm not versed in the Transformers cartoons
I think Ratatouille beats these robots though..am I alone in that? I know they're two entierely different films...but I loved that flick