Just watched it again today. It's still an amazing movie.
Wouldn't it be awesome if Spielberg took over for the next one?
Wouldn't it be awesome if Spielberg took over for the next one?
That's actually true to the character; Jazz in the original G1 cartoon had the same sort of personality.And what was with the break-dancing,"ghetto"-talking robot?
I like Jazz being killed off... (and Megatron ripping him in two while standing on top of a building a la King Kong was my favourite image from the film) It gives the right sense of possible danger that makes the storyline work.
Now, who cares about the no name Decepticons being whiped out (Did you even get that Barricade the police car was destroyed? It happened so fast.) as there's no way that Megatron is gone... And it was nice that Starscream used hit and run tactics never getting directly into the action (the only time he transformed out before Ironhide or Ratchet could really retaliate)-- and being the only Decepticon to survive.
Barricade didn't get destroyed. I sure as heck don't remember seeing that and I saw the movie twice last week. Not that I had plans to, but it was well worth it. As it is this movie is a homage to my all-time favorite toy.
Lets see who bit the bullet... or so we get the idea they did, but you know some badies will be brought back for the sequel. Megatron, Frenzy, Bonecrusher, Devestator, and Blackout are the only Decepticons I know of that died. Scorponok we didn't see out right die. He just went back into the ground damaged. Bumble Bee pumbled Barricade earlier, as we see sparks shooting out of him, giving him an almost damaged look. However, 3 quarters into the film we see him back as though nothing had happened when all the Decepticons were gathering.
Barricade didn't get destroyed. I sure as heck don't remember seeing that and I saw the movie twice last week. Not that I had plans to, but it was well worth it. As it is this movie is a homage to my all-time favorite toy.
Lets see who bit the bullet... or so we get the idea they did, but you know some badies will be brought back for the sequel. Megatron, Frenzy, Bonecrusher, Devestator, and Blackout are the only Decepticons I know of that died. Scorponok we didn't see out right die. He just went back into the ground damaged. Bumble Bee pumbled Barricade earlier, as we see sparks shooting out of him, giving him an almost damaged look. However, 3 quarters into the film we see him back as though nothing had happened when all the Decepticons were gathering.
Hate to correct you but watch the movie again--- I've seen it three times (and the final thirty minute battle scene about four more--in fact I'm watching it right now)... When Sam starts running with the cube and Ratchet and Ironhide are protecting him Barricade comes in full force with lights glowing and Ironhide grabs him and rips him apart--- you see one of his wheels bounce away... It happens just as Blackout transforms into his helicopter mode and takes off overhead. Sorry to school you-- but add Barricade to the list of dead Deceps-- although it happened so fast that the first time I saw it in the theatre I pretty much missed it as well.
ive seen it 4 times! and ive missed this 4 times! i suck
In fact--just watched that scene again and Ironhide even says watch out as Barricade comes at Sam--- Ironhide grabs him while he's still in his car mode...
RIP Barricade. Ironhide makes a wish----snap.
In fact--just watched that scene again and Ironhide even says watch out as Barricade comes at Sam--- Ironhide grabs him while he's still in his car mode...
RIP Barricade. Ironhide makes a wish----snap.
Hate to correct you but watch the movie again--- I've seen it three times (and the final thirty minute battle scene about four more--in fact I'm watching it right now)... When Sam starts running with the cube and Ratchet and Ironhide are protecting him Barricade comes in full force with lights glowing and Ironhide grabs him and rips him apart--- you see one of his wheels bounce away... It happens just as Blackout transforms into his helicopter mode and takes off overhead. Sorry to school you-- but add Barricade to the list of dead Deceps-- although it happened so fast that the first time I saw it in the theatre I pretty much missed it as well.
I wouldn't say you necessarily schooled me, in fact that isn't even the right word in my opinion. But if I had a pirated copy in front of me I could examine fully and not a big theatre screen where there is so much stuff happening, and you sit so bloody close that your eyes can only fixate on so much.. you get what I mean.. so yes, it is easy to see how Barricade's demise went unnoticed by so many. I know a lot of people outside of P!tu and myself who asked that question, whatever did happen to Barricade? Thankfully we have our go-to-guy that has all the answers to our questions.
Gotta love how you can pause, stop, and slow motion a movie. Don't have those luxuries in a theatre.![]()
I saw it in the theatre as well... (but having a one year old negates the chances of multiple viewings in a theatre as I used to enjoy oh so long ago)
And--- yes, it is the appropriate word. You've been schooled. Especially since you came at me with Barricade didn't get destroyed. I sure as heck don't remember seeing that .
Pirates? What are those? Like Johnny Depp?
This is indeed true! Saw it 3 times and caught it on the 2nd time, as said before it happens super quick.
Ironhide is indeed the ****eeee![]()
Again, you said you just saw it now. So you must have it on your computer. My point is how can I be schooled when you have that at your deposal?
Anyway, it's good to know that we have some closure on what happened to Barricade.
Dammit, how did I miss it? Must have been admiring the girlfriend each time. Cause I saw it twice with her, and two different friends.
Dammit, how did I miss it?
If you could take your eyes of [SIZE=-1]Shia LaBeouf for a couple seconds you would have seen it Eli.
Sometimes I just dont understand you.