So, Frenzy was in the movie for Michael Bay, 8 years olds and you 3 guys.
Someone's asking for trouble guys! And to think I supported you through your hard times months ago bro. For shame! FOR SHAME!
It probably has a lot to do with the source material, but I liked this movie and all of its quirky characters. What I found the most annoying of all the characters and everyone seems to ignore, was Jon Voight's character, who was the Secretary of Defence. His character went from being serious and real to over-the-top silly when he ended up in the Sector 7 headquarters.
Interestingly enough I absolutely detested and loathed Indepedence Day, and Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars flicks, yet I absolutely loved Transformers and Frenzy's character. I brought up the aforementioned because a lot of people have made connections with both parties.
I am not one to usually fall for the big "Hollywood Hype Machine" movies. I am more-or-so a fan of movies like the Shawshank Redemption, Taxi Driver, Frequency, the Fastest Indian, The Whale Rider, Shaun of the Dead, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Gangs of New York, and City of God. A lot of those movies are only well known to movie purists. They are all well written and pieced together movies. It's usually substance over flash for me, but in this case, I am LOVING the flashy packaging of Transformers. You just need to set your brain to The Goonies Sloth's brain waves and enjoy a movie that is reminiscent of those old silly yet very entertaining Generation 1 cartoons.
While the IrishJedi did mention he enjoyed this film, a lot of us here are hardcore Transformer fans. For that reason we're a bit more lenient than the average critic/movie goer is when it comes to the more silly and ridiculous areas of the film. Much like you Star Wars fans are lenient and forgiving to the horrendous writing and acting in the Star Wars franchise.
I think it would be a far different story (well for myself anyway) had we not grown up with this kind of stuff. Sometimes the inner child within us all rules our final decision on whether or not we like something. Had I not grown up with Transformers and been so in love with the cartoons and toylines as a child to my adolescent years, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed this movie as much as I did.
Nuff' said!