The People the made this happen!!
Visual Effects by
Dan Akers .... digital compositor
Brad Alexander .... pre-visualization lead
Charles Alleneck .... animator
Ted Andre .... senior compositor: Digital Domain
Louise Baker .... pre-visualization modeler: Proof Inc.
Michael Balog .... creature technical director: ILM
Mike Beaulieu .... character animator
Judith Bell .... digital effects artist
Scott Benza .... animation supervisor: ILM
Duncan Blackman .... location matchmover
Richard Bluff .... digital matte supervisor: ILM
Jeremy Bolan .... character animator: ILM
Andrew Bradbury .... digital artist
Timothy Brakensiek .... creature technical director
Jason Brown .... digital artist
Chrysta Marie Burton .... visual effects coordinator
Dorian Bustamante .... previsualization artist
Howard Cabalfin .... digital artist
Colin Campbell .... digital compositor
Kathryn Capri .... modeler
Derrick Carlin .... animator: ILM
Damien Carr .... associate production manager: ILM
Joe Ceballos .... matte painter
Charmaine Chan .... digital resource assistant: ILM
Kai Chang .... digital artist: ILM
Chris Chappell .... compositor
Kathy Chasen-Hay .... visual effects producer: Asylum
Peter Chesloff .... digital artist
Raymond Chou .... technical assistant
Ian Chriss .... visual effects grip/electrician: Kerner Optical
Ian Christie .... digital artist
Tim Coleman .... character setup
Tim Coleman .... character technical director
Chad E. Collier .... scanning and recording operator: Digital Domain
Brian Connor .... digital effects artist: ILM
Michael Conte .... sequence supervisor: ILM
Brenton Cottman .... digital matte artist: Digital Domain
Rocky Curby .... pre-visualization
Sean Curran .... animator: ILM
Beth D'Amato .... digital paint and roto supervisor
Yoshi DeHerrera .... 3D laser scanning
Sean Devereaux .... senior artist: ILM
Edgar Díaz .... roto/paint artist: Digital Domain
Frank D'Iorio .... digital compositor: ILM
Rob Dressel .... pre-visualization artist
Russell Earl .... associate visual effects supervisor
C. Michael Easton .... lead animator
Thomas Elder-Groebe .... visual effects coordinator
Jenn Epstein .... digital paint & rotoscope artist: Digital Domain
Scott Farrar .... visual effects supervisor: ILM
Joe Farrell .... senior lead digital compositor
Dan Feinstein .... digital compositor: ILM
Brian Flynn .... digital effects artist
Cameron Folds .... animator: ILM
Antonio Freire .... production accountant
James Gaczkowski .... visual effects
John Gibson .... technical director
Maurizio Giglioli .... character setup
Maurizio Giglioli .... technical director
David Gottlieb .... digital artist
Monty Granito .... previs animator: Proof, Inc.
Jean-Denis Haas .... animator: ILM
Shari Hanson .... visual effects producer
Peter Herlein .... digital artist: Digital Domain
Brad Herman .... digital artist: Digital Domain
Brent Heyning .... model maker
Elizabeth Hitt .... senior digital coordinator
Robert Hoffmeister .... sequence supervisor
Allen Holbrook .... animator
Jae Cheol Hong .... creature technical director: ILM
Holly Gregory Horter .... digital artist
Melissa Huerta .... digital artist: Digital Domain
Steven Hur .... technical assistant
Atsushi Ikarashi .... digital effects artist
Michelle Jacobs .... digital producer
Alex Jaeger .... visual effects art director
Cyrus Jam .... digital artist: ILM
Joshua H. Johnson .... digital paint/roto supervisor: Digital Domain
Scott Jones .... character technical director: ILM
Richard Kidd .... visual effects supervisor
Makoto Koyama .... character animator: ILM
Donna Lanasa .... digital artist: ILM
Donna Lanasa .... technical director: ILM
Errol Lanier .... digital artist
Laurent Lavigne .... pre-visualization
Noll Linsangan .... digital compositor: ILM
Luke Longin .... layout artist
Michael Maloney .... digital compositor
Tom Martinek .... sequence supervisor
Marcel Martinez .... digital compositor
Ryan Martin .... technical assistant: ILM
Wolfgang Maschin .... digital compositor
Will McCoy .... digital compositor: ILM
Nathan McGuinness .... senior visual effects supervisor: Asylum
Daniel Mejia .... digital artist
Michael Melchiorre .... digital compositor
Tory Mercer .... digital compositor
Carlos Monzon .... digital compositor
Christopher Moore .... flame artist: Asylum
Lauren Morimoto .... digital paint and rotoscope artist
Marc Morissette .... lead digital compositor: Digital Domain
David Manos Morris .... digital effects artist
Katie Morris .... digital paint and roto artist
Brad Moylan .... digital compositor: ILM
Timothy Naylor .... creature supervisor
Thai-My Nguyen .... animator: ILM
Ken Nielsen .... digital effects artist
Ben O'Brien .... sabre artist
Rick O'Connor .... lead animator: ILM
Carina Ohlund .... lighter: ILM
Carina Ohlund .... lighting and compositing: ILM
John Paul Olmstead .... research & development engineer
Brian Paik .... creature technical director: ILM
Josh Paller .... technical assistant
Paul George Palop .... lighting technical director: Digital Domain
Dan Patterson .... digital character artist: Digital Domain
Eric Petey .... character animator
Jason Porter .... digital compositor
Bruce Powell .... digital artist
David Prescott .... visual effects supervisor: Digital Domain
Youngil Pyo .... digital artist
Kevin Quaid .... animator
Nordin Rahhali .... senior technical director: Digital Domain
Clint G. Reagan .... previsualization artist/animator
Thomas Reppen .... digital artist
Spencer Reynolds .... motion capture operator
Megan Rible .... technical assistant: ILM
Grover Richardson .... digital artist: ILM
Dennis Rogers .... first assistant cameraman: ILM
Randall J. Rosa .... previsualization animator
Mike Sanders .... digital supervisor
Steve Sauers .... creature technical director
Diana Sear .... lighting lead: Digital Domain
Jason Selfe .... senior composito (lead compositor)
Stan Seo .... digital artist
Anthony Shafer .... lead digital artist
John Sigurdson .... technical director
Jason Smith .... creature supervisor
Marc Smith .... 3D laser scanning
Kristin Solid .... animator
Dereck Sonnenburg .... digital compositor
Stefan Sonnenfeld .... digital intermediate colorist
Nicholas Sorenson .... digital compositor
Frank Spiziri .... visual effects coordinator: Asylum
Bill Spradlin .... lighting technical director
Joe Woodward Stevenson .... layout artist
John Stewart .... digital compositor: Asylum
Sam Stewart .... digital paint and rotoscope artist: ILM
Joseph Suen .... digital model development: ILM
Doug Sutton .... sequence supervisor: ILM
Åsa Svedberg .... lighter: Digital Domain
Kristen Swanson .... dustbuster
Andy Tamandl .... animator: Digital Domain
Henri Tan .... creature technical director: ILM
Johan Thorngren .... digital artist: ILM
Meghan Thornton .... digital artist
Jimmy Tom .... digital intermediate colorist
Greg Towner .... animator: ILM
Delio Tramontozzi .... animator
Stefano Trivelli .... compositor: ILM
Alex Tropiec Jr. .... Inferno artist: ILM
Pat Tubach .... compositing supervisor: ILM
Todd Vaziri .... sequence supervisor: ILM
Leo Vezzali .... digital compositor
Eric Voegels .... creature technical director: ILM
Scott Vosbury .... digital artist: Digital Domain
Pablo Wang .... digital compositor
John L. Weckworth .... digital compositor
David Weitzberg .... digital artist: ILM
Jeff White .... digital production supervisor
Ryan Wiederkehr .... visual effects coordinator
Shannon Wiggins .... digital artist: ILM
Chris 'Willie' Williams .... previsualization artist
Ronnie E. Williams Jr. .... digital compositor
Carrie Wolberg .... technical assistant: ILM
Nick Woo .... digital artist
Keiji Yamaguchi .... technical animator
Steve Yamamoto .... pre-visualization supervisor
Roland Yepez .... character animator: ILM
Barry Berman .... digital effects artist (uncredited)
Michael Cordova .... compositor (uncredited)
Amanda Hampton .... pipeline engineer (uncredited)
Jaimie Lee Jota .... senior digital coordinator: Digital Domain (uncredited)
Mayumi Shimokawa .... digital matte painter: Digital Domain (uncredited)
Karen N. Sickles .... recruiter: Digital Domain (uncredited)
H. Barclay Aaris .... special effects buyer
David J. Barker .... special effects
Chris Brewster .... motion capture model
Paul Churchill .... effects artist: ILM
Joe Digaetano .... pyrotechnics foreman
John Fraizer .... special effects director
John Frazier .... special effects supervisor
Steve Galich .... special effects foreman
Joe Giles .... special effects technician: KNB EFX Group
Brian Goehring .... special effects technician: KNB EFX Group
Ken Gorrell .... special effects crew
J. Bryan Holloway .... sculptor
Chris Jones .... special effects technician
Ben Nichols .... special effects technician
Gregory Nicotero .... animatronics supervisor/puppeteer
Jeff Ogg .... propshop foreman
James D. Schwalm .... special effects director
Richard Stutsman .... special effects
Wayne Toth .... special effects supervisor: animatronic effects
Russell Tyrrell .... special effects technician
Jenny Wallace .... special effects assistant coordinator: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Andy Weder .... propshop supervisor
Michael Bomagat .... animator
Patrick Perez .... animator
Jay Rennie .... animator