Super Freak
I disagree with what the dude is saying and even how he is saying it, but your remark makes you sound like an.
Doesn't change the fact that it's 100% truth.

I disagree with what the dude is saying and even how he is saying it, but your remark makes you sound like an.
So basically you are a middle aged man that washes and polishes cars for a living? Boy, you really stuck it to the man. All that lack of hard work in school sure paid off.
So basically you are a middle aged man that washes and polishes cars for a living? Boy, you really stuck it to the man. All that lack of hard work in school sure paid off.
So what job did you want?
I garuntee you that no matter what it was, school would have helped you get there.
So what job did you want?
I garuntee you that no matter what it was, school would have helped you get there.
This thread is um.....
I tried to catch up on it but there was so many bull____ posts and strange rationales that I just skimmed it and gave up.
Here is my point on what was absorbed.
1. Confiscations. Here is the deal. I'm paid to teach, not to be the end all monitor of all things I feel are inappropriate. The school has policies enacted mainly for two reasons. 1: They become a distraction within the classroom, mainly not to the kid who has whatever they aren't supposed to but the kid in the back of the room who doesn't want to learn in the first place and is looking for a catalyst to misbehave. 2: The school does not want to take responsibility for said items because in our society things run differently in a school than they do in real life. If a kid goes to the mall and loses or has their phone stolen they are SOL. If a kid goes to school and loses or has their phone stolen suddenly the school is responsible for replacing it. It's a rationale that only occurs in the K-12 system because in college they don't give a ____. So the school doesn't allow them even on campus so they cut the problem before it begins. job has a policy "X" isn't allowed on campus from iPods to Hats to "I love ****ies" bracelets for those reasons above. So I have to follow policy. Just like any other job even in the private sector, a policy is to be followed. If the school says take it and I ask for it. If the kid has "X", I simply ask for it. I have a policy in my class. If I ask for it and you give it to me then you get it from me at the end of class, if you forget to get it then I immediately send it to the office (it's their policy). If you make a stink then you go straight to the office (it's their policy) but also with a referral for defiance because you wanted to be an ass and rebel. Done and done. The interactions take approximately 2 minutes in my class and that is 2 minutes too long since 29 other kids' educations are being put on hold to deal with one knucklehead. We have Campus Resource Aids (security) and if a kid won't leave, one call and they come and take the kid and my lesson continues.
2. The Pink defense. For every one rapper, singer, actor, athlete who skipped school and became famous and rich there are hundreds who are having the worst life because they struggle day in and day out. If everyone was talented and gifted then none of us would be. Their roads to success are littered with the hopes and dreams of those who just didn't cut it and now had no out. I tell my students that repeatedly. I also tell them that if they become famous now they are a double threat by being smart and talented. Scholar Athletes or Scholar Musicians if you will and I tell them to remember me in their speeches for their awards.
One thing I find interesting is that all the banter and the seemingly offtopic discussion actually shows how complex this issue is from thoughts of the public consciousness, even internationally, to the fact that people have different "solutions" even though some aren't even part of the educational structure to the point that what people feel is an acceptable action by a teacher differs greatly.
If people can't agree in one thread about what a teacher should be responsible for or even public school systems multiply the 15 posters by 4 and you have one school, multiply again by an average of 10 schools (if not many more) and you have a district and that isn't even adding the thoughts and feelings of parents.
The system needs a severe overhaul but the reason why it hasn't occurred is because those in power are products of the status quo who are successful so they don't believe a full reboot is needed. Those who do have no power and everyone else falls in between. There are too many cooks in the educational kitchen with no one wanting to simply state this is what is going to happen and some of the wild postings in here about the school system just further proves that everyone thinks they know what they are talking about, no one really does (teachers included) because we only see the ground floor of the issue and many of us do not see the amazing amount of self-imposed layers on a school district and system and there is virtually no guidance from the government who quickly criticizes but doesn't assist in the matter.
I am one teacher who can tell you what I've seen, what I think but I'm 1 in a school of 50 teachers. In a district of 2000. No matter how much I think change is needed not for me but for our children going through this system and how loud I scream at any possible chance there needs to be a full on movement. Numbers of districts, numbers of teachers who say "What is best for our kids?" not what is best for me. I am a public school teacher, I am there to serve one clientele: The Kids. I don't give a ____ what other teachers, parents, administrators or even the general public wants or needs. I care about what my kids need. If teachers would just be that way, we'd have a step in the right direction.
(Holy ____ that was long)
Indeed. I agree with that.
The point is that he is saying that school does not create an environment that helps you achieve your dreams in life and for that reason he deliberatly shunned putting in any kind of effort.
Not only does he list several examples of friends who could not have achieved thier goals without school, but he has a job that is very much engrained in the "system" he has spent the thread protesting against.
Maybe hes not a failute by other people's standards, but by his own he is. His meathod of "living outside the system" did not give him the freedom to blaze his own trail, it did just the opposite. Boxing him into a job in which it is impossible for him to have any real influence on the world. And his lack of academic success makes it even more impossible for him to have the options to control his life, and possibly break out of his role.
Case in point: Like it or not we are all in the system. The only way you can escape it is by getting to the top.
But Mike would've taken away your discman.![]()
I do not believe that I have a job that is "ingrained" in the system.
As far as my school performance was concerned, I payed attention to those things that I knew would be useful to me in my life, and paid none to the rest. I resented the school system forcing me to remember things that weren't useful to me even over the sort term. I say short term because a lot of people don't even remember the stuff they allegedly "learned" in school over the long term.
Because I was only concerned with getting real benefit from school, I didn't care about irrelevant info, or about grades, because grades are for other people. Grades are for what other people think about your education. I don't care what they think, and I don't care about any job that requires high grades.
It is my life to live, and I should have the right to determine what I want to pay attention to without undue hassle from the school system. Everyone should have that right. My life is none of their business. My life is my life, and not theirs, and I know myself better than they ever will. I am the one who will benefit or suffer according to my performance in school, and so it should be my prerogative as to whether to participate or not. If I want to draw pictures when others are doing math, let me. If I needed math later on and missed out because I drew pictures, shame on me. If I am not disrupting the class, I should be able to do what I want because it is my life. The school system presumes to own children's lives and I object to that. Make a safe environment for children to be in, and offer teaching, and help, but don't force compliance with the "lessons". If I am late to school, I shouldn't have to go to detention. It's my life.
You don't escape the system by getting to the top. You are always beholden to someone. Taxes at least.
if he said that. the reson the US is in dept isn't because of people who dropped out of school.. it's because of the crooks and criminals who run the country who can do what ever they want. they fire people so they can give millions in bonuses to a hand full of other people. just because you pass high school doesnt mean you are smart. people who run the country are all collage graduates and they are the biggest idiots on the planet.
I also suggest he looks up "part of the reason" so he doesn't get confused on what I wrote.Post is oxymoronic. You can't belittle people and call them the "biggest idiots on the planet" and not have a basic understanding of proper capitalization, spelling and grammar.![]()
Post is oxymoronic. You can't belittle people and call them the "biggest idiots on the planet" and not have a basic understanding of proper capitalization, spelling and grammar.![]()
Post is oxymoronic. You can't belittle people and call them the "biggest idiots on the planet" and not have a basic understanding of proper capitalization, spelling and grammar.![]()