Painting isn't my business, so I'm not exposed to fumes and thus I don't need to wear a respirator. I merely maintain the condition of the cars finish to preserve the condition of the car. Some of the cars I do are hardly driven at all. I did a guy's car that sat in the garage the whole time under a cover and yet he still wanted it washed once a week.
The body of the car, that is the part of the car I work on, does not pollute the air. If the car has an engine that pollutes and the owner drives it enough, the exhaust from the engine pollutes the air.
The car could be electric.
A lot of people believe that detailing is just about prettying up a car, and that is false. It is about maintaining it's condition. Sometimes I will POLISH a car, and that is just about prettying it up, in addition to making it smoother and thus easier to clean, and so polishing is mainly about prettying, but most people seem to be under the delusion that every car company makes a quality enough product that they don't need to keep it waxed in order to protect it. The clear coat looks shiny for a few years with no protection, but then after a few years of exposure to the sun, the sunlight has destroyed the clear to the point at which it becomes cloudy looking, and later, it flakes off in big patches. This is because since the paint is clear, the entire thickness of the paint is exposed to the light at once, and thus, the damage is done all throughout the entire thickness of the paint. Then these people act surprised when there are these cloudy spots and flaked off clear coat patches, with these big dull patches and wonder how it happened. Had they kept it waxed, it would have prevented that. So now they have to either drive around looking like Lil Abner or get their car repainted.