Super Freak
Blackthorne was thinking out of the box. Children that can think outside of the box (not necessarily anti-conformity, but creative bending of rules-lite) will win in the end. Follow and perish.
I didn't think I had to mention the part where first I asked him to hand over his cigarettes because most people who know me here know that I'm not a complete idiot and most others would assume that any professional teacher would obviously do this first.
Yeah, good idea, because assaulting a student is fine so long as it's retaliatory
I didn't steal his hat. He was more than welcome to collect it from the principal's office.
Right, so in your head confiscating property is a no-no, but when it comes to ritual humiliation of a 12-year old, go for it! All bets are off!
Gee, I wouldn't want to be even further down this kid's respect ladder. I'd much prefer I had the same degree of respect from him that had him blow cigarette smoke in my face in the first place.
Yeah, I figured from the outset your whole argument would come down to how some teacher back in the day shafted you in the most harmless way possible
..or maybe it wasn't back in the day. 1987... Mate are you still in school?
Blackthorne was thinking out of the box. Children that can think outside of the box (not necessarily anti-conformity, but creative bending of rules-lite) will win in the end. Follow and perish.
l agree. l take full responsibility for her taking my hat.unlike some members her l can admit when l am wrong and screw up. l am not perfect. like l said above when you were a hat almost 24/7 you don't even know its on. it's still up to her to keep confiscated objects safe. and it's not like she told me everyday to take it off. 98% of the time l remembered to take it off. if l borrowed her book and someone stole it from my house l guarantee she would of made me pay for it. so l thought it should go both ways. any way glad I'm not in school anymore.
What the hell? I'm not even going to read all of Blackthornone's post.
Nam can......have fun!
I just skimmed through it. There was a bunch of entitlement generation douchery. Looking forward to the future and reading about how the parole board turned them down again and how it's society's fault, but at least the rights allow them to have an iPad to type their woes and the rest of us can read and laugh.![]()
There was no entitlement mentioned. There was independent thought mentioned, and blazing one's own individual path, which means doing things oneself, which is the opposite of entitlement. Entitlement is about asking people to GIVE things to you. That isn't what I was talking about.
Never been to prison. I said it was the school system's fault, mainly. I don't own an IPAD or ANY sort of microwave wireless device, as all microwave devices cause cancer. Cell phones, Blackberries, all that poindexter head nonsense that is a very slippery slope to us all becoming the Borg.
In a casual sense, the term "entitlement" refers to a notion or belief that one (or oneself) is deserving of some particular reward or benefit—if given without deeper legal or principled cause, the term is often given with pejorative connotation (e.g. a "sense of entitlement").
Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person.
She sounded a bit mental. I had one I hated too and I KNOW she was off her nut.![]()
Though I suppose "Narcissistic" would be wholly more appropriate:
You should've payed more attention in school.![]()
Why does every post this guy writes have to be a book?![]()
The problem is that respect is not given-- it's something that has to be earned. Most schools do not allow the wearing of hats for two reasons A) a security measure as it can hide the face from security cameras and B) it's a respectful thing to do (removing your hat when you're inside). B is an older practice to be sure (just check out the next restaurant you're in oreven for that matter the amount of guys who keep their ball hats on while a national anthem is being played, oblivious to the disrespect they are showing), but in reality the no hats rule actually allows for those rebellious youths to be just that, rebels, with their hats on. Oh, look at me-- I'm a rebel because I'm wearing my hat. Allow teenagers to be rebels with the hats and it's not something worse of being rebels with graffiti or vandalism, etc.
But you said that you often forgot that you still had your hat on. That meant that you probably were often reminded to remove it... and your constant lack of respect brought it to the point where your hat was taken. You're lucky you had the chance to at least get your hat back-- the fact/blame that it was lost/stolen lies with you.
I started by saying that respect is not something immediately given, but rather it is earned-- I can tell you that I don't ask any student to remove their hat a second time. I merely have to look at them and they remove it on their own because they respect me and I respect them. It sounds like you were a wild rebel-- congratulations on that accomplishment. It's too bad that respect was forgotten.
1: The pop star Pink hated school, and did poorly in it, getting bad grades, and now, she has become more successful in 5 years than 10 teachers will be in their entire lifetimes. She was right. They were wrong. Not everyone has her talent, but the point is that she wanted to be a pop star and felt strongly enough that she could do it to be frustrated with the school system, and have a tough time of it.
I was saying that ALL people should be taught as individuals, not just me. I used myself as an example. All people are unique, and it is wrong to homogenize the curriculum in school to the degree that it is. I am not saying that ONE is deserving of some particular benefit. I am saying ALL are deserving of a particular benefit. That is not entitlement.
I said that a great many people suffer at the hands of the public school system and you act as if I was speaking ONLY of myself. ALL people deserve better education. That is what I was saying.
Your statement that I should have paid more attention in school with reference to the definition of narcissism is a non sequitor. If anything, the TEACHERS were narcissistic, because they are the ones who show "unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an "awkward" or "difficult" person." You should pay attention to what you read before you attempt to criticize it.
The rules are set forth to be conductive to learning. You expect special treatment because you look for loopholes in the system. I thought the comparison in your other post to Pink, was so laughable. Compare the percentage of dropouts and failures who become millionaires to the dropouts and failures who become deadbeats and work in ____ jobs for the rest of their lives. Unless you have some natural gift which advances you to the front of the pack, you'll wind up working a ____ job, living in a ____hole (or mom's), for the rest of your life and die all but forgotten.
You equate success with money and fame, correct? Well in the 5 years that your example pop star has had those I'll wager the impact I've made on individuals in my classroom, on the football field, and in the theatre has far outweighed her bank account. You say that you know what it means to be a teacher because you've observed?... To quote from Mr. Martin, "you know nothing Jon Snow."
The rules are set forth to be conductive to learning. You expect special treatment because you look for loopholes in the system. I thought the comparison in your other post to Pink, was so laughable. Compare the percentage of dropouts and failures who become millionaires to the dropouts and failures who become deadbeats and work in ____ jobs for the rest of their lives. Unless you have some natural gift which advances you to the front of the pack, you'll wind up working a ____ job, living in a ____hole (or mom's), for the rest of your life and die all but forgotten.