Super Freak
You guys have all been Blackthorned 

if I was a soul and these two crackheads were my current otptions i'd say OH HELL NO and keep floating around the ether some more
I used to wonder why people were so dismissive of Blackthorne's posts...now I know. Wtf
Damn I wish this forum was like that movie where like 1 day a year we can just terminate a poster. Poster with the most votes gets canned.
You guys have all been Blackthorned![]()
Dude what kind of drug induced wiki**** do you read? So do souls just fly around the earth looking for that sperm that they desperately want? Do they fight to the death? If so we need to get that **** on video that would be HUGE in pay per view.
Believe me, there's nothing logical about this post.
I think you probably would then. If there are bad enough people like those two, doesn't it stand to reason that there might be other souls with a less discerning nature?if I was a soul and these two crackheads were my current otptions i'd say OH HELL NO and keep floating around the ether some more
I really wonder about this stuff. These two people are sociopaths who only seek amusement without any morality. I'm not clear on whether the woman sought this guy out on the internet specifically to find someone to rape her 4 month old for a sadistic rush or whether she already knew him and then found out.
Some people just shouldn't be parents, but I believe souls have free will, too, so the soul who was the baby picked that woman as her mother. Why in the world would any soul pick a mother like that? She had to know what kind of person she was before she was conceived. I doubt the woman went from saint to sinner since the conception.
Was the soul who was the daughter intending to reform the mother? Did she believe life was worth the extremely likely possibility of abuse, or instead did she like it and was into it? It's twisted stuff.
If you believe in free will, how could she not know what kind of soul that woman was when she was considering her to be her mother?
I really think there is all kinds of evil in this world.
By the way, I doubt this is the first time something like this has happened. I'll bet it has happened over 100,000 times in human history, but now there is the internet and the TV to broadcast it worldwide.
Funny thing is, some people who find this offensive find horror movies with cannibalism or chainsaws and machetes killing innocent people to be really fun.
You wonder what sort of seed was planted that grew these people into evil monsters.
The baby didn't rape and kill itself, so it wasn't her fault. The mother and her boyfriend did it. They are at fault. She did however make a very unwise choice of mother. Evil is still evil regardless of compliance or agreement or providing the opportunity. The soul who was baby was naive at the very best. Free will.
A baby doesn't make that decision. It cannot. The soul who would be the baby makes the decision to be whatever baby's body it is born into. Otherwise no one has free will. It's a matter of logic.
Who DID have control over that then??? You are suggesting things happen without cause? Think about it logically. SOMEONE had to have control.
The fact that one cannot remember picking its body does not change the fact that it is the most logical assessment as to how it came to be born.
As to WHY a soul would choose that mother, I have heard that there are a tremendous amount of souls who want a life on earth and there are very few bodies to go around, and so souls will pick bodies that have bad parents or bodies with genetic diseases because ANY lifespan is a better one than none at all. Seems reasonable to me.
As I said before, it is still the mother and the boyfriend's fault, since they are responsible for their own actions.
When Jodi Foster's character wore a short skirt and got drunk and flirty in the movie The Accused, it didn't excuse the men who raped her at the bar she was in.
Logically, who would have more control of where it goes than itself because it has free will?
I don't think they fight over sperm. There are many times in which women become pregnant and the fetus spontaneously aborts without the woman even knowing she was pregnant. From what I have been told, the soul of the incoming soul makes an agreement with the mother to be it's child.
My belief is that a lot of miscarriages are examples of the incoming soul changing it's mind about coming into that body.
As far as I know, souls cannot be killed.
As far as that goes, the soul of this baby is now free to find a good mother to be the offspring of. Only the body, the vehicle for the soul is killed.
Which is worse, being killed at 4 months because of this mother, or sticking around for years for this type of treatment?
I think that soul getting out of that body and away from that mother ASAP was likely for the best.
That woman wasn't /isn't going to change, and I think the treatment would only get worse.
Now hopefully that soul will go into a decent family.
It's perfectly logical. Babies don't have the power to fully exercise free will since they are helpless.
If your soul cannot choose what body it is born into, then there is no free will.
Once in a body, you are a certain race, sex, and are born into a certain part of the world, to certain parents. At that point, TRUE free will no longer exists. You can no longer have certain advantages that some families have, regardless of how hard you try. You will never have certain experiences that some other people have. Never. At least, it will never happen in the same way. That isn't free will. That is simply the ability to make decisions within the parameters of a very limited framework.
However, if a soul can pick whatever body it is born into, then any body it is born into, regardless of what it is, was a result of their free will and thus a soul has free will, even though once a baby they don't have any.
That is what I am saying about free will. Now, if you disagree with a soul being able to be born into a certain body or not by choice, then you must also agree that real free will cannot logically exist.
There is so much that is predetermined about one's life once one is in a certain body, that there is no actual free will at that point.
I imagine you have never much thought about it until now. My statement is rather unusual, but it is perfectly logical.
You probably just think that logic cannot be applied to this area of life. I think logic can be applied to everything.
I think you probably would then. If there are bad enough people like those two, doesn't it stand to reason that there might be other souls with a less discerning nature?
Some people don't have the sense not to go near a lion's den. Then they get mauled to death because a lion is a lion. The lion did the killing, because it's what lions do. What else could you expect from a lion? Knowing what these people are like, what else could you expect from these people? I think these people are so bad that something like this happening was practically a foregone conclusion. This woman should not have children.
Not at all. I picked a family with zero drug using ancestors and I was planned for months before I was conceived, when things happened just so. My mother was a virgin when she married my father and so was her mother, who was going to become a nun before she met my grandfather. None of the women were whores in my family. I come from excellent stock. My family has been in the U.S. since before the Revolutionary War, and we fought the British. My family has been here a long time. No illegal alien ancestors in my family.![]()
Must have been slim picking when your soul chose you.
Some people don't have the sense not to go near a lion's den. Then they get mauled to death because a lion is a lion. The lion did the killing, because it's what lions do. What else could you expect from a lion?
Cats like me so id tame that *****. Im on that wild Thornberry status
I can understand what ur saying about souls tho
Not at all. I picked a family with zero drug using ancestors and I was planned for months before I was conceived, when things happened just so. My mother was a virgin when she married my father and so was her mother, who was going to become a nun before she met my grandfather. None of the women were whores in my family. I come from excellent stock. My family has been in the U.S. since before the Revolutionary War, and we fought the British. My family has been here a long time. No illegal alien ancestors in my family.