Pacific Rim: Uprising - March 23, 2018

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I think it looks fun also...

PR is one of those films that looks great on the big screen, is a visual treat...

Transformers? I can never seem to tell what the hell is going on with all the closeup blur shots.

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Real Kaiju monsters > metal ones

Not TLJ?!?!

You just literally described every single action anime ever made....

Well yeah :lol A lot of video games too.

Trailer looks amazing and looks a lot better than what they did with power rangers ( this is what power rangers should have been like)

Looks like it will be an amazing time in theaters. Visually looks like is going to be insane.
This already looks better with the day fights than the first movie.

The fact that people are comparing this to transformers is so ridiculous and asinine

Hey, Jye you see this?! Crows called you asinine! You gonna take that?! Joo guys should fight!

If the jaegers in this combine like Voltron/Megazord, hopefully they don't cop out like the Power Rangers movie and hide the merge in a dust cloud.
Well yeah :lol A lot of video games too.

Hey, Jye you see this?! Crows called you asinine! You gonna take that?! Joo guys should fight!

If the jaegers in this combine like Voltron/Megazord, hopefully they don't cop out like the Power Rangers movie and hide the merge in a dust cloud.

it wasnt even a jab at jye but more at the youtube comments and some of the hate this is getting
jye is not hating or trashing this movie like others are.
Trailer looks amazing and looks a lot better than what they did with power rangers ( this is what power rangers should have been like)

Looks like it will be an amazing time in theaters. Visually looks like is going to be insane.
This already looks better with the day fights than the first movie.

The fact that people are comparing this to transformers is so ridiculous and asinine

AGREE On all fronts. I always wished POwer Rangers would have been more like Pacific Rim. The mechs and monsters are just awesome. It does have some sounds and visual similarities. But this seems pretty different to me. I just think the people who hate on this are racist :monkey3
Obviously giant robots fighting other giant creatures does have its similarities to transformers,
But this seems so much clear. You can actually see the fights. You can see what the robots are doing.
Plus the human element of these movies is nowhere near as terrible and cringey as transformers. The humans in the first movie were cool.
Theres no terrible humor, no ridiculous dialogue.

Comparing this to transformers is like comparing interview with the vampire to twilight :lol
Maybe I would've liked it if it wasn't a sequel, wasn't US made and if mechs and monsters actually looked interesting.
I guess they listened to all the criticism about all the fights at night in the rain. Good that they've taken stuff on board. Bodes well.
What I meant with the Transformers comparison is with the speed and agility these so called behemoths are moving at now.

They’re not giant mechs they’re ninja turtles lol

To my eyes they’re just tall ninjas in armor fighting monsters I guess more Ultraman/Jet Jaguar than mechs.
The problem with transformers is not even the robot scenes ( those cam be fun)
But just the horrible human scenes. I think thats what bothers me about the comparisons some people have about them.
They need to stop with that terrible song.

If they play that during the movie I'll walk out.
I love the first one, this looks very Meh to me. It seems to be a lot more Michael Bay, with less of the charming design elements... But here's to hoping it's half decent. The dialogue is very cringey so far.
The problem with transformers is not even the robot scenes ( those cam be fun)
But just the horrible human scenes. I think thats what bothers me about the comparisons some people have about them.

The human scenes always suck in every kaiju movie.
I wish they would make an AVP film without humans ruining everything. LOL!