What a piece of crap makes the first one look like an oscar winner.
The plot was embarrassing.
DO NOT GO SEE THIS just for the battles it’s not worth it.

Remember when you would give films like the latest Transfomers films a pass and I wouldn't

I found this film to be just fine.
Having said that my expectations could not have gotten any lower. My wife guilted me into going because she was taking a bunch of kids.. I was going to skip this all together.
I am also not a huge fan of the original. I thought it took itself a tad too seriously and thought that because it was so serious the Charlie Day and Ron Perlmen parts seemed out of place and I love me some Charlie Day... Actually I watched this film this weekend and found the Pearlmen and Day parts to be my fav parts character wise.
This new film seemed to have less jokes but at the same time did not take itself too seriously. They also did not seem to try and make this film Uber Cool like the trailers had me believing.
Don't get me wrong its not great but in some ways I liked it as much as the original.
I thought this had the better climax as Part 1 had the awful underwater fight scene.
Only part I really hated where the Kaiju infected Drones... Thought that was just stupid and would have preferred some real Kaiju action. This scene almost took me out of the movie all together.
Oh and the way the three monsters were turned into one. Thought that was dumb also.
If you are a huge fan the original I would avoid this as it has none of the feel or look of that one. Its not as well made by a long shot.
I thought the cast was fine and John Boyega was better and more interesting in this then the SW films..
I have read lots of complaints about Scott Eastwood's acting.. Personally I cant help but like him because he looks so much like his dad. I thought Charlie Day's part was wasted. I was also shocked that I did not hate all the kids.. But again there was a lack of goofy jokes that films like Transformers and ID4 have in it that helped me not hate it.
My wife thought it was fine and my 12 year old who thought he was going to hate it thought it was much better then the clips and trailers had him believe. He really wished there where more Monsters and I have to agree with him there. The rest of the kids (3 of them) enjoyed it as well.
Anyways I may have to count my blessing and never watch this again as I am sure I there is no way I will enjoy it as much as I just did