Super Freak
Anyone know if the same size acryllic case used for maul would work with palp?
soon.... he will be mine. he arrives today and yoda comes tomorrow (tuesday)
thanks..i figured if i was gonna get Palpatine i might as well get the Jedi master as well. i think next year i'm gonna try to get my hands on Darth Maul.
I'd highly suggest keeping a constant vigil for Maul bust deals, he's going to become harder and more expensive to acquire year after year I think. He's not Aliens or Predator bust grail level, but in the SW bust line he's become a grail piece.
Enjoy Palps and Yoda, two very nice pieces.
yeah i agree with you on the Maul prices... i remember not too long ago he could still be had for $900. i havent seen one on ebay in a while and it sold for $1400 i believe. after the Wolf bust arrives i have to hold my ground until i make my payment on the Cinemaquette Predator. once he's paid for i'll start saving for Maul... and thats to say there aren't any other busts on my order list. luckily, i'm completely streamlining my collection so i don't have but a couple other things on order. i am hoping for a Captain America LSB to be announced though.
he finally arrived... the box is kind of flimsy, and i hate to vacuum the room again to get all the styrofoam off the floor. but he is insane looking and kind of creepy. here's a couple pics i took with my phone. i need to get a decent photo editing software to clean this stuff up.
I can't believe I've been able to hold off on buying this bust. Thank god Adam sold out right before I asked him![]()
Palpatine is nothing without his hood.:emperor
Too true, but, it is nice to appreciate the quality SSC put into him, that's nothing WITH his hood.
Ya that detail is mindblowing!
Every flap of skin looks eriely real.:emperor
You'd swear you were at the makeup chair with McDiarmid.