1/6 Pangaea 1/6 Greek General collectable figure All New pictures!

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no feet inside the boot.

Looks great!
I wish the paint apps on the sculpt were as good as the ones on their Maximus.

Question: does the figure have feet or are they just pegs? I'm thinking of using other boots...
Have you guys ever had those purchases where you still doubt your choices? Should I keep this, etc.

To me, not this guy. Oh my Lord. He is insane. The helmet color put it off a little, but he is probably one of those purchases I've had that I'm immediately happy with. So much fun to pose. Maybe the spear is a little too heavy to be put under dynamic poses without extra support, but the diecast makes it feel so much more premium. The tailoring is well done, very easy to be futzed with. I pushed all the articulation and stuff to the max, and so far, only the left ankle peg broke. It can handle a variety of poses with ease. Joints are tight, shield handle could be improved at least tailored to be tighter for the hands given, and probably an instruction manual for the shield or something.

The helmet, it might be too bright and too big, but when put under proper lighting, he looks amazing. It doesn't seem so big when it's darker, and how some of the gold from the weapon and shield shine off of the darker parts really help make everything look premium.

Looking forward to future Pangaea releases. Definitely gonna get Maximus and Hector if they put him out.


Congrats man :) as good as he is out the box, once you darken the helmet, it will take him up a notch or two and will scream Achilles.

Cool pose by the way :)
There's a few close-ups in this thread.
From what I've seen, the sculpt itself is pretty good, but the paint apps are a bit uninspired.
Nice! I do love it. More than I expected to. I tried putting the helmet closer to the face, but the helmet definitely looks bigger when closer to the face. So putting it further away kinda helps.

Also, I can't wait to paint the helmet a darker color. And about the armor being the wrong color, its actually accurate to the boat scene. Very golden, but no helmet is seen I think. Then when they reach the beach, his armor is darker. And his armor color changes every battle.

So I'll just paint the helmet to be a little darker, kinda like the armor and pauldron (not sure what it's called though).
Odd, it seems I was charged by Sideshow for R2, not by Timewalker for the Greek General...
Oh, well, once the package arrives, I'll know.
Got this back yesterday, after being sent away for a custom repaint by the talented Jazzinc

For info on what exactly has been done, I gladly refer you to Jazzinc for all the ins and outs!

My crappy phonepics really don't do Jazzinc's work any justice, but I couldn't let this go by unnoticed, this thing is a work of art!

Thanks for everything Jazzinc!

Indeed, great work!
I hope to have mine fixed as well, once it gets here.

To those who already have had their figure modded, how hard/easy is it to take off the armour?
Looks sweet Leenart, very nice. I didn't know Jazz worked on commision though, asked him a couple times in the past and he always said it was too costly.
Looks sweet Leenart, very nice. I didn't know Jazz worked on commision though, asked him a couple times in the past and he always said it was too costly.


I believe he only works on things he can set his mind to, or has any interest in.
And he was willing to give this a shot! And it is a hefty price but well worth it, when looking at the end result.