Super Freak
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- Feb 22, 2010
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I laughed so dang hard my sides hurt now!
The reaction towards his brother had me laughing

I laughed so dang hard my sides hurt now!
The first guy and the third guy made the mistake of putting their fingers inside the trigger guard when drawing their weapons, and accidentally put pressure on the triggers as they lifted them out of the holsters. You can do that with a single action revolver with the hammer already down, but if you try it with a double action weapon, one with the hammer cocked, or an automatic with a round in the chamber, you are asking for trouble. Neither one of those guys seems very intelligent, based upon their speech.
The DEA agent forgot one of the most basic rules of handling a firearm, which is to always handle it as if it were loaded and ready to fire. I suppose we can be thankful he only shot himself in the foot, and no one else there. You could see and hear the unrest in the audience when he continued his speech after he shot himself. If he actually got his hands on that carbine, I'm sure at least half of the audience would have made for the door.
The dad of this girl was stupid in how he handled this. If he wanted the computer to be gone, he should have just sold the computer, and gotten some money for it, instead of throwing money away by destroying it. It would have gotten his point across just as well, the computer would be gone, and he would have saved himself some ammo, too, and not had to clean his gun after. *******.
Incidentally, the child has no self control, and it seems the parent doesn't, either. It seems the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, after all.
Just noticed he was a smoker lecturing his daughter about common sense when people have known cigarettes cause cancer since 1964. Way to go on that good example of common sense he has set for her all these years.
Also, he doesn't have the right to destroy her property to make his point. She could sue him for the cost of her computer. Now that he made a video of it and admitted he was destroying her computer, she has the ammo.
If this guy will use his .45 to destroy his daughter's computer because of things she said with it, what else is he capable of? A man who lacks self control and owns a .45. Hmm...
If he had been there to raise her when she was growing up and given her proper guidance she would never have turned out like this. He has himself to blame for how she turned out. Interesting that she has a mother and a stepmother, too. Apparently his judgment in women and his people skills have been lacking. So he tells his daughter what to do by giving orders and expecting her to follow them. Something tells me he hasn't been around enough when she was growing up to create an emotional bond compelling enough to make her WANT to do as he asks. His daughter's behavior is proof of his failure as a father. She is her father's daughter.
To the first bold print "ARE YOU ____ING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I'm going through the exact same thing with my 14yr old daughter right now, and her stuff is ALL bought and paid for by my paychecks as I'm sure it is in this situation.
To the second bold print "ARE YOU ____ING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" from this video you get that he's a complete failure as a parent and that because he's on at least his second wife (which pretty much 80% of the population is) that he's a ____ty waste of skin parent and that everything is his fault. OMFG IF you're ever fortunate enough to raise a teenage daughter with no problems then you deserve the badge for best parent ever buddy, but to put no blame on the child is stupidy on your part as we've raised one daughter already with no problems and now the latest is giving us hell. So we must've been great parents to the first one and now are horrible parents to the second one, oh wait, we're still married so there goes half your arguement there. So please tell me what we're doing wrong, cause no one seems to be able to tell us.![]()
To the first, if he paid for it, and gave it to her as a gift to keep, then it is dishonorable for him to take it away, because it makes him not a man of his word. If he gave it to her to USE, or borrow, then he can take it away and sell it, without losing face. In any case, it is dumb to destroy it when you can sell it. Furthermore, what does taking away the computer have to do with he using it to rant on facebook? She can always find another computer to use, be it a friend's or at the public library. Sure, it will make it less convenient for her to rant, but it will be more counterproductive to her school performance, which the parent ostensibly cares about. Maybe he doesn't.
He said that he upgraded it for her for school, and you would think he wants her to do well in school, and yet he destroys it. Nonsense.
As to the second, this guy carries himself with a chip on his shoulder and is not very compassionate. If someone who comes across like him asks you to do things on a regular basis, you would get tired of it. On the other hand, if someone who came across like Mr. Rogers asked you to do something on a regular basis, you would WANT to do it.
Ive seen people who have raised children exceptionally well and the reason is that they are close with their children.
This man has the personality of a male _____, and no one likes doing things for a _____. People DO like doing things for nice, considerate people. Sure, he might buy her things and do physical things for her, but his personality is anything but sweet. Nice caring parents who are poor get more obedience and respect from their children than parents who are bossy and aggressive and insensitive, rough around the edges and rich enough to buy them whatever they want.
That's just the way it is.
As far as 80% being on their second wife, it's because 80% aren't capable of picking the right mate for themselves. They don't know themselves well enough, they base the attraction on superficial things in common instead of on their deeper natures. They might think, their deeper natures, isn't that a bit ridiculous or out there? Well, these same people who say that are the ones who get divorced.
People are who they are and they don't change much deep down in their entire lives. For this reason, to have a good relationship, you must be with someone who has your same values even when they are stressed, ect, and lose self control. Needing self control means controlling your personality to be what it is not, just to be with the other person, because you find them interesting or stimulating. That is a mistake. You must be with someone you can live with and like it first and foremost, more important than spark.
Spark at the ignorance of really getting along leads to fizzling out and getting divorced. People can be on their best behavior when courting, because they fear being alone, and would rather be with someone so they are not alone than make being only with the right person their first priority, BEFORE they have children with them.
In this man's case , he strikes me as someone who has not spent much time with his children to guide them. Maybe he works too much. If you aren't around enough with your children, even if it is to work and make sacrifices, ect, you will not create a solid bond with your children, depending upon their personality, they will react to this non involvement on the parent's part in their own way. It's human nature. Human nature isn't going to change because you have to work. It isn't going to change if both parents have to work, either.
The fact is that for all of human history up until a c few hundred years ago, parents were totally responsible for raising their children, and the fact that they were the main influence was instrumental in this. It is why children used to be more obedient and respectful.
Parents used to teach their children, then public school was invented.
Having one parent work and one at home was the norm, and now most parents work. Parents used to be the main influence on their children, and then it was reduced by radio, and more by TV, where children could see people who were far more glamorous and successful than their parents on a regular basis. It makes it increasingly difficult to be the number one influence in your child's life. You need to spend more time with them and influence them more than TV and the internet and their ability to use their cell phones at the drop of a hat to be influenced by other people when you are not looking.
Human nature isn't going to change and it isn't going to be more resilient to compensate for technology. It is what it is, and always will be.
It is true that MOST parents don't spend enough time influencing their children in a positive way nowadays. Maybe not enough time? Too bad. They won't turn out right if you don't, because that's human nature.
There are some personality types who cause less trouble than others when given less guidance, because they are less creative, less dynamic, and less innovative.
Some people like to forge their own path, which is great, so long as they are positively influenced enough to innovate in a positive direction. Less ambitious people, less creative children who have less to say, are less impactful obviously aren't going to rock the boat, because they don't rock it much at all, even in a positive way, because they aren't innovators.
Some people confuse the stupid child with being the nice obedient child. They just might be too dumb to question everything, OR, have no desire to make a statement of any magnitude, and would rather be more conformist.
The most talented people tend to be the most volatile.
The least talented people are the most content to be told what to do, because they lack the ability to have really original ideas.
More talent- more originality-more own thoughts-more do what they want- more independence, less interest in doing what others want done- less obedience-more volatile.
Example- the singer, Pink. Tremendous creativity and talent, and thus she wants to do what she wanted to do, and didn't care for school, for example. Seeing the parents in the interview, it was clear that these people did not much discussion with her, other than do this or do that.
These people need to channel their energy in a positive way, in a way they like and that others at least don't object to.
How often to parents talk to their children to ask how THEY relate to a situation, and ask what they think, and have a real dialogue, as if they actually care about their children's thoughts and feelings. My sense is most parents don't, even fewer do it often.
It is easy to get a dumber person to obey you, but a smarter person must be convinced, charmed or inspired.
You show me a person who does things without question, and I'll show you the least creative, imaginative, or intelligent.
Ill bet your difficult child is bright, and creative, and does what she wants to do. I'll bet she is giving you hell because you don't know how to deal with her, you never have, because you don't understand her.
If you actually understood her, you could deal with her.
I bet she knows you don't understand her, too.
Does she have positive ways to focus her energies in a way she enjoys?
Do you talk to her about things and actually care about her opinions?
If you don't care about her opinions, she won't care about yours.
If I'm not mistaken, I saw a picture of her in your family portrait. I recall two daughters. One mid to late teens, auburn brownish hair who is just a bit heavy, and another one who is blonde/light brown,about 12 or so, maybe 13 and is a little slim.
So what is the problem? Perhaps you can tell me about an issue.
You must be psychic to know so much about this guy. And you must also be the best parent ever. I bow down to your superior wisdom. I also look forward to your new parenting book to tell me the right way to raise my child. Kudos to you sir.![]()
You must be psychic to know so much about this guy.
You must be psychic to know so much about this guy. And you must also be the best parent ever. I bow down to your superior wisdom. I also look forward to your new parenting book to tell me the right way to raise my child. Kudos to you sir.![]()
Just another reason I don't want any kids.....![]()
The reaction towards his brother had me laughing![]()
Did anyone actually read all that?![]()
Their comments, facial expressions and back & forth with each other had going!![]()
Did anyone actually read all that?![]()