Petition for Hot Toys to finish "their" Watchmen line.

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Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I want the whole line!

Especially a Nite Owl with a rubber suit and his devices would be great.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

night owl should be relatively easy for HT. I mean they have making rubber suits down a la all the Batman figs and figs with rubber bodies. Seems like an easier character for HT to produce
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I'm ok if Hot Toys doesn't make anymore Watchmen figures. At least we have one really good Comedian figure. I would love to see the other made but I think the window of opportunity is closed.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

WTF HotTyos where is my Rorschach?!?!!?!?!!?!!!?!!?!?!?!??


Totaly unfair :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I'm ok if Hot Toys doesn't make anymore Watchmen figures. At least we have one really good Comedian figure. I would love to see the other made but I think the window of opportunity is closed.

If they were only going to do two, I would have preferred Rorschach and Nite Owl. Those two go perfect together. As much as I love Silk Spectre, I wouldn't be quite so disappointed if I'd gotten at least those two.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I think the only reason they did Silk Spectre was so that fans of the film would buy, as well as female figure fans. Don't really think she sold the way they hoped.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I would love a HT Rorschach & Nite Owl, I only just purchased the Comedian because I've finally given up on HT bring any more characters out from this line, the Comedian is actually a really cool fig but I only collect 2 or 3 characters max to represent a film & I thought these 2 were the no brainers for HT to do. They for me would of been the perfect representation of the film, oh well
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I still cant believe hot toys didn't even make rorschach. I've been really tempted to pick up the comedian a few times but it just seems like it would be out of place just having him. Even just silk spectre. If hot toys finished the line, or at least made rorscach and nite owl then i'd buy these two as well.

Come on hot toys, make your self some more money. :lol
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I agree with this petition. Hot Toys is pulling a Sideshow here!
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I may be naive but I can't imagine they wouldn't make money off of at least a Rorschach. I keep thinking if they can make Platoon, The Expendables, a Nicholas Cage Ghost Rider and an Abigail Whistler they can do a Rorschach and make money off of it that would make the effort completely worthwhile.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I may be naive but I can't imagine they wouldn't make money off of at least a Rorschach. I keep thinking if they can make Platoon, The Expendables, a Nicholas Cage Ghost Rider and an Abigail Whistler they can do a Rorschach and make money off of it that would make the effort completely worthwhile.


Abigail Whistler and no Rorschach?!!?!

Thats just ____ed up!
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

It's beyond a dream at this point. I just don't see HT going back to finish this after so much time has passed and after the Comedian and Silk Spectre can be found at quite reasonable prices outside of eBay. I would have thought with the video game out before the film and Nite Owl II and Rorschach being the lead characters, Rorschach minimally being the poster child of the film that they would have led with those but I guess that's why they don't pay me the big bucks.

Rorschach customs are a plenty, some mindbloggingly good but if someone could come out with a Nite Owl II custom they'd be printing their own money. I've seen people on The RPF do the costume full size and look damn close to the film look but have yet to see it in 1/6
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

What's difficult about the whole thing is I think if they had done Rorschach they probably would have sold twice as many as Silk Spectre and the Comedian. There is a lot of people I think who would have just wanted that figure. If they had started with him and might have tempted people to get an additional character as well, especially Nite Owl II. It is too bad there doesn't seem to be a way to convince them to at least give a Rorschach a chance. I would think it would perform better than the other two did, even if it was released now.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

It's beyond a dream at this point. I just don't see HT going back to finish this after so much time has passed and after the Comedian and Silk Spectre can be found at quite reasonable prices outside of eBay. I would have thought with the video game out before the film and Nite Owl II and Rorschach being the lead characters, Rorschach minimally being the poster child of the film that they would have led with those but I guess that's why they don't pay me the big bucks.

Rorschach customs are a plenty, some mindbloggingly good but if someone could come out with a Nite Owl II custom they'd be printing their own money. I've seen people on The RPF do the costume full size and look damn close to the film look but have yet to see it in 1/6

Although they have gone back a bit before, remember Blade? Then Whistler?
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

And the massive space between guardian predator and the rest of the predator 2 line. And now scarecrow/demon batman from batman begins. Admittedly those are exclusives, but still, shows they're willing to revisit previous licenses. While im not getting my hopes up, it would be awesome if they'd make a couple more. If they just did rorschach and nite owl, i'd buy those two and pick up silk spectre and the comedian.
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

Ive said this before and Ill say it again... Im glad Hot Toys started off the line with Comedian he is the my favorit and the best of Watchmen in my book... Rorschach takes second place and always has doesnt mean Im not unhappy that Hot Toys didnt make him... I just picked up Silk Spectre II recently and would like a Rorschach and NightOwl II to go with them... Watchmen is one of my favorit books so much that I bought the Absolute edition...
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I can't understand why they didn't make Rorschach & Nite Owl. These two were what the fans wanted all along by what I can gather. I think the Comedian & Silk would of sold alot better if HT released R&N 1st but the Comedian does look a little lost by his self (I didn't like the way Silk turned but that's just me) a little like having Harvey without Batman & Joker. May be HT will listen to there fans
Re: Petition for Hot Toys to finish there Watchmen line.

I'd be in for Rorschach and Nite Owl...and would pick up Silk if they did.