Each film brings something unique to the table I find, whether that's enough to impact rankings or not is all in the eyes of the viewer.
Ranking them as films, not by personal preference, I'd rank them:
1. Curse
2. Dead Man's Chest
3. Dead Men Tell No Tales
4. At World's End
5. On Stranger Tides
That's factoring in every facet of a movie, story, acting, cinematography, score, etc.
For me, the only thing that keeps me coming back to OST is the amount of Jack Sparrow in it, being what I love most about the franchise, I can't pass up a healthy dose of the Captain.
The plot of At World's end gets too complex and there's something almost B-Movie about the whole Calypso sub-plot, at least how it's handled, and that just detracts from a lot of good elements in them.
Dead Men Tell No Tales has a lot of the elements that made Curse and DMC so good, but I feel like the overuse of CGI an under use of Salazaar compared to Davy Jones or Barbossa, puts it a little lower than the other two.
Ranking them as films, not by personal preference, I'd rank them:
1. Curse
2. Dead Man's Chest
3. Dead Men Tell No Tales
4. At World's End
5. On Stranger Tides
That's factoring in every facet of a movie, story, acting, cinematography, score, etc.
For me, the only thing that keeps me coming back to OST is the amount of Jack Sparrow in it, being what I love most about the franchise, I can't pass up a healthy dose of the Captain.
The plot of At World's end gets too complex and there's something almost B-Movie about the whole Calypso sub-plot, at least how it's handled, and that just detracts from a lot of good elements in them.
Dead Men Tell No Tales has a lot of the elements that made Curse and DMC so good, but I feel like the overuse of CGI an under use of Salazaar compared to Davy Jones or Barbossa, puts it a little lower than the other two.