looks amazing YJ, but damn! hot toys needs to fix that hat!
The POTC fellas on this thread are as obsessed with the small details on Jack Sparrow as the fellas in the Big Chap Alien thread are about Alien, only much kinder and much less hostile
Personally speaking? with the Cannibal smiling head on a Goemon Slim TT with the outfit from the first Jack, great looking coat and all I could not be happier... could it be better? yeah of course HT is getting better all the time? Does it NEED to be improved? well at least IMO nope!
Is it me or he looks fat on the 1rst picutre ?
Is it me or he looks fat on the 1rst picutre ?
I expected as much, maybe a few new trinkets, but I assume this is taking place pretty soon after POTC 3 so not much should change.
Ok Hot Toys, you've got enough reference, get started on the Sparrow DX
I can almost guarantee we will see another standard MMS Jack before we see a DX for the new movie. HT knows that people buy Jack.