Plans for wrapping up your MCU HT collecting? What's else do you want?

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I came into the 1/6th collecting society perhaps a little late (shy of about 2-3 years), and I told the wife I would only collect one figure (war machine MK1).

Turns out that went VERY sideways . . . . . by a long shot lol... I managed to collect :

War machine mk1 plastic
War machine mk2 AOU
War machine mk3 CW
War machine mk1 Diecast
Iron man PP mk46
Iron man PP mk43 (sold)
Ultron Mark 1
Captain America CW
Iron man MK 6 diecast pre-order....

Don't know what and if HT will create, from Infinity Wars, but that'll probably be the end for me......

unless they make a movie of Venom and Carnage and HT builds those two....... :pray:
I came into the 1/6th collecting society perhaps a little late (shy of about 2-3 years), and I told the wife I would only collect one figure (war machine MK1).

Turns out that went VERY sideways . . . . . by a long shot lol...


I told my wife (and myself) I just wanted Rami Spider man to represent Marvel movies, so that was my first Marvel movie character.... But then I got X3 Wolverine to represent the X-man movies... Then I wanted JUST a Cap FA to represent the MCU 'Avengers'... Then I just wanted the big three avengers of Cap Iron Man and Thor.... Then I decided to make it the big 4 and get Avengers Hulk... Then I upgraded my Cap to AOU because I liked the costume better and it would look better with my other Avengers.... Then I got a Black Widow figure, but of course then I also had to get a Hawkeye... Then why not Scarlet Witch and Vision, and of course War Machine too (and I got 2 War Machines I jumped on the Mk2 but liked the Mk3 better when it came out)... And then of course I had to get Dr Strange because it's such a well done figure and so unique, and then Daredevil because I love the comics and the show and want something to represent Marvel TV and then... and then... and then...

...and so, like most of us, it just snowballs :lol

But, I really am about done with Marvel with probably just a few more in the next year or so (not that I'm done collecting other stuff). AND, I can honestly see myself paring down my collection in the future to just a few favorites. But I do think it's funny that most of us start out with "just one", and then we think it would be cool to pose two together, and then... and then... and then... :rotfl
Now that Hulkbuster is on the way, there are only a few must-haves left:

- Captain Marvel
- Wasp
- Hela (if she gets made)

I already have an armored Thanos and I'm not too eager to get his kiddies...yet.
Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet
Black Panther
Iron Man
I will be getting Road Worn Thor soon and I'll get Gladiator Hulk and Spiderman HC next year. Still haven't pulled the trigger on a Iron Man yet. Only a matter of time for Thanos with IG. I passed on the CW Panther and will probably get the solo Panther. I'll most likely be done at that point unless there is some rather interesting costume I cannot pass up.
On the MCU side of things I really just want Quake. Of course there is always the possibility that I'll fall in love with an upcoming character, but my MCU desires are rather small.

It falls in a weird place, but I do think I might want a Black Cat from Silver & Black if it gets made.
Still waiting for a version of Cap I’ll love, so there’s that.

Mark I DC will bring me full circle. If there’s one for me to quit on, it’d be that one.
Well at first I was going to get all of them from AoU. So I picked up Cap, IM 43, BW, Hawkeye, Thor and NA Scarlet Witch. Then Civil War came out, so I picked up the Battling Cap version and then BW because I wanted an all black suit and the sculpt was the best. Since then I've stalled a bit because of the cost and just the sheer amount of figures being released for other movies and shows that I also wanted.

I still want a Bucky and Falcon. Not too fussed about Ant-Man, I just display the miniature version that came with BW. I wouldn't mind a Hulk eventually, just not sure what version to get.

I still need a Gamora, Drax and Yondu for my GotG collection too. I did want to get all of them from Volume 2, but I've had second thoughts. I just don't have the space to keep duplicating figures.

I think once IW is done that will be the end of my MCU collecting.

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Ill collect any Hot Toys Spiderman they produce.

Wants down the road?

Black Panther
Another Blade
Gladiator Thor.

With the exception of a potential Wasp, I believe my MCU collecting days are behind me after that. No interest in anything from IW. I'm actually planning on unloading some of my MCU stuff and whittling down my Marvel collection, rather than acquiring more.
Still have a lot on pre-order but the first that haven't been announced yet that I'll probably order:

- Black Panther (solo movie version)
- Mantis
- Nebula
- IW Hulk
- IW Thanos

(I'll wait and see what they'll do with Hawkeye in IW before deciding. The Civil War one looked great. + I still need a Civil War Black Widow... :/)
I probably mostly finish off after the Thor: Ragnorak line, since Thor , Hulk and Loki are different enough from Avengers versions. Plus the Hela and Valkyrie figures look great as well. Still on the fence about Hulkbuster

I have buying been these figures since the first IM movie and dont need all the Infinity War versions