Playstation 3 Thread

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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a must. COD4 is a good time if you don't already have it for 360. Download Stardust HD from the PSN store. Other than that, there isn't much that I can recommend...
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a must. COD4 is a good time if you don't already have it for 360. Download Stardust HD from the PSN store. Other than that, there isn't much that I can recommend...

That's the one drawback as to why I haven't already got a PS3, no real "great" games out there for me. Once MGS4 and RE5 comes out, then I'll have some real games to play on it.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a must. COD4 is a good time if you don't already have it for 360. Download Stardust HD from the PSN store. Other than that, there isn't much that I can recommend...
Heavenly Sword is awesome, as is Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ratchet & Clank: FTOD is really fun and Resistance is also a very solid game.
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NPD: January game sales slip 6 percent, Wii and PS3 neck-and-neck

Overall decline overshadows complex combination of rising software and falling hardware sales during shorter reporting period; Sony's console passes Xbox 360 for first time to nearly tie Nintendo's machine in sales.

Category / Total / Change
Video Games: $1.18 billion -6%
Video Games Hardware: $378 million -25%
Video Games Software: $550 million +11%
Video Game Accessories: $191 million -4%
Total Sales Per Week: $295 million +18%

Hardware Sales (in units sold)
Wii: 274,000
PlayStation 3: 269,000
Nintendo DS: 251,000
PlayStation Portable: 230,000
Xbox 360: 230,000
The death of HD-DVD will push the PS3 ahead of Wii, methinks. Now all the PS3 needs is games... :monkey3

I doubt it I think the fact that price of the Wii and this is the first game system ever to be popular in so many different age groups will keep it going strong. Plus a large % of people are not going to be buying Blu-Ray players since a large % don't have HDTVs,so the fact that its a Blu-Ray player will be a marginal help not a huge help to its sales.
With the switch to digital next year i bet a lot of people that would not have gotten a new TV will say what the heck and grab one this year since HDTV's are not THAT expensive anymore.
I believe the PS3 line up to have the strongest titles in 2008. It will gain much steam and close the gap between it and the Wii and 360.

2008 is the year that he PS3 will start to really hold it's own and then some. Damn I can't wait for the slew of titles hitting!!!
If you guys are still considering getting a PS3, this is the place to get one.

My friend bought one (60 GB), even though it was used. However, it looked as if it was brand new, never touched. The site has had nothing but praise too(can provide links for reference if needed).
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